BBC: What is the Great Reset – and how did it get hijacked by conspiracy theories? “Reality is scoffed at, and illusion is usually king.”
The BBC posted the following:
What is the Great Reset – and how did it get hijacked by conspiracy theories?
24 June 2021
A vague set of proposals from an influential organisation has been transformed by online conspiracy theorists into a powerful viral rallying cry. What is the truth behind the “Great Reset”?
Believers spin dark tales about an authoritarian socialist world government run by powerful capitalists and politicians – a secret cabal that is broadcasting its plan around the world.
Despite all the contradictions in the last sentence, thousands online have latched on to this latest reimagining of an old conspiracy theory – updated for the age of Covid.
Where did it begin?
Like many popular conspiracy theories, this one starts with a grain of fact.
In June 2020, the Prince of Wales and the head of the annual Davos summit launched an initiative calling for the pandemic to be seen as a chance for what they called a Great Reset of the global economy. …
The other founder of the initiative is Prof Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which organises an annual summit in a Swiss ski resort for some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people.
He explained the idea behind the Great Reset in an article accompanying the launch:
“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.”
There’s a Great Reset podcast and even a 280-page book. But the plan is light on specific detail.
Prof Schwab does speak about a “wealth tax” and ending fossil fuel subsidies. But the scope is huge – covering technology, climate change, the future of work, international security and other themes – and it’s difficult see precisely what the Great Reset might mean in practice.
This lack of clarity, combined with the plan being launched by an influential organisation, provided fertile ground for conspiracy theories to grow. …
Among the most popular posts are baseless statements that the Great Reset is a strategic part of a grand conspiracy by the global elite, who somehow planned and managed the Covid-19 pandemic.
In this narrative, lockdown restrictions were introduced not to curb the spread of the virus, but to deliberately bring about economic collapse and a socialist world government, albeit run for the benefit of powerful capitalists.
So despite the fact that the front cover of Klaus Schwab’s book ties using COVID as a reason for some type of a great reset, it is called some type of a wild conspiracy theory.
LifeSite News (LSN) reported the following earlier this year:
Alberta premier: Great reset ‘not a conspiracy theory,’ has ‘no place’ in our province
Updated February 6, 2021
While Alberta Conservative premier Jason Kenney is adamant that “cold, hard numbers” of COVID-19 cases requiring hospitalization justify his province’s state-of-emergency restrictions, he has also acknowledged that the “Great Reset” cannot be written off as a “conspiracy theory,” stating clearly that such an agenda will not be influencing the province’s policies. …
Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, wrote a book titled COVID-19: The Great Reset in which he argues that the coronavirus provides an opportunity to “reset today’s world” so as to “fix the deep-rooted ills of our societies and economies.”
“The pandemic gives us this chance: it ‘represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world,’” Schwab wrote in the 2020 book, quoting one of his own talks. Schwab’s World Economic Forum is known for hosting annual summits in Davos, Switzerland, convening global elites who make plans for how to order the world.
Kenney, in a December 6 Facebook live post, pointed out that Schwab’s “great reset” idea is not a conspiracy theory, adding that Schwab had even sent him a copy of the book.
“He sent me a copy. I guess he sent one to probably every government leader around the world,” he said. “And Klaus Schwab’s thesis in his book is that we — governments and societies, the world — should seize the opportunity of the public health and economic crisis to reimagine the world and radically change policies.”
Kenney said he would describe Schwab’s “great reset” plan as a “grab bag of left-wing ideas for less freedom and more government, for more government intervention, for policies that would, I think, create massive poverty, particularly [regarding] energy policies that he is advocating.”
While it is true that, physically speaking from an economic perspective political leaders should be focusing on better economic growth than implementing some parts of Klaus Schwab’s “great reset,” the reality is that many major political leaders and international organizations want to go in the direction that Klaus Schwab has been advocating (e.g.Great Reset: European conspiracy or a convergence of humanism or both?).
Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò believed the ‘great reset’ was a totalitarian reality and not just a conspiracy. Here is a letter from him to then US President Donald Trump:
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Solemnity of Christ the King
Mr. President,
Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23).
As I said when I wrote my letter to you in June, this historical moment sees the forces of Evil aligned in a battle without quarter against the forces of Good; forces of Evil that appear powerful and organized as they oppose the children of Light, who are disoriented and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual leaders.
Daily we sense the attacks multiplying of those who want to destroy the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of country, freedom of education and business. We see heads of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny.
A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.
The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.
Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021. For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic. You are well aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations on individual liberties, artfully provoking a world-wide economic crisis. In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world whose existence and very memory they want to completely cancel. But this world, Mr. President, includes people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions, and ideals: people and values that do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines, because they are endowed with a soul and a heart, because they are tied together by a spiritual bond that draws its strength from above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, just as Lucifer did at the beginning of time with his “non serviam.”
Many people – as we well know – are annoyed by this reference to the clash between Good and Evil and the use of “apocalyptic” overtones, which according to them exasperates spirits and sharpens divisions. It is not surprising that the enemy is angered at being discovered just when he believes he has reached the citadel he seeks to conquer undisturbed. What is surprising, however, is that there is no one to sound the alarm. The reaction of the deep state to those who denounce its plan is broken and incoherent, but understandable. Just when the complicity of the mainstream media had succeeded in making the transition to the New World Order almost painless and unnoticed, all sorts of deceptions, scandals and crimes are coming to light.
Until a few months ago, it was easy to smear as “conspiracy theorists” those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, up until last February, would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open, to want to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world, even in picture-postcard Italy that many Americans consider to be a small enchanted country, with its ancient monuments, its churches, its charming cities, its characteristic villages. And while the politicians are barricaded inside their palaces promulgating decrees like Persian satraps, businesses are failing, shops are closing, and people are prevented from living, traveling, working, and praying. The disastrous psychological consequences of this operation are already being seen, beginning with the suicides of desperate entrepreneurs and of our children, segregated from friends and classmates, told to follow their classes while sitting at home alone in front of a computer.
In Sacred Scripture, Saint Paul speaks to us of “the one who opposes” the manifestation of the mystery of iniquity, the kathèkon (2 Thess 2:6-7). In the religious sphere, this obstacle to evil is the Church, and in particular the papacy; in the political sphere, it is those who impede the establishment of the New World Order.
As is now clear, the one who occupies the Chair of Peter has betrayed his role from the very beginning in order to defend and promote the globalist ideology, supporting the agenda of the deep church, who chose him from its ranks.
Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the nation – One Nation under God, fundamental liberties, and non-negotiable values that are denied and fought against today. It is you, dear President, who are “the one who opposes” the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness.
For this reason, it is necessary that all people of good will be persuaded of the epochal importance of the imminent election: not so much for the sake of this or that political program, but because of the general inspiration of your action that best embodies – in this particular historical context – that world, our world, which they want to cancel by means of the lockdown. Your adversary is also our adversary: it is the Enemy of the human race, He who is “a murderer from the beginning” (Jn 8:44).
Around you are gathered with faith and courage those who consider you the final garrison against the world dictatorship. The alternative is to vote for a person who is manipulated by the deep state, gravely compromised by scandals and corruption, who will do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the Church, Prime Minister Conte to Italy, President Macron to France, Prime Minster Sanchez to Spain, and so on. The blackmailable nature of Joe Biden – just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s “magic circle” – will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as international balances. It is obvious that those who manipulate him already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as the opportunity arises.
And yet, in the midst of this bleak picture, this apparently unstoppable advance of the “Invisible Enemy,” an element of hope emerges. The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has Satan on its side, He who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God of armies arrayed for battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31).
Mr. President, you are well aware that, in this crucial hour, the United States of America is considered the defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed. Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). To be an instrument of Divine Providence is a great responsibility, for which you will certainly receive all the graces of state that you need, since they are being fervently implored for you by the many people who support you with their prayers.
With this heavenly hope and the assurance of my prayer for you, for the First Lady, and for your collaborators, with all my heart I send you my blessing.
God bless the United States of America!
+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
Notice also the following views and opinions:
June 23, 2021
“Reality is scoffed at, and illusion is usually king.” – Dr. Stan Monteith
It appears, in the very near future, Americans are going to wake up to an America:
- Where money is nearly worthless due to intentionally-induced inflation;
- Where there are contrived shortages of gasoline, food, water and electricity;
- Where those who don’t comply with mandatory vaccination will have to be crated to re-education camps to save the rest of us;
- Where guns will be taken away to save the people from themselves.
- Where the masses must be placed on a guaranteed basic income and be thankful their government saved them from the consequences of a capitalist/racist society.
- Where a man-made mutated virus is racing through the population that cannot be controlled by vaccines. …
The globalist agenda
It is because of the seeming aggregate failure of the western world that an entity called the World Economic Forum steps in, saying now that humanity is brought to its knees by a mutated coronavirus and western capitalist economies have failed, this is the perfect time for a socialist/globalist reset. The family of nations has to eradicate borders, nations, guns, paper money, religion, elections, and a dark history of racism, along with population reduction, for a global reset, as if this collapse of modern civilization wasn’t being planned all along by the globalists themselves. What, you haven’t heard of this?
The objectors will be eliminated
It was the late Dr. Stan Monteith (1929-2014) who opened his Radio Liberty program by saying: “Hoping to convince you, that reality is usually scoffed at, and illusion is usually king….” In his book Brotherhood of Darkness, Dr. Monteith quoted futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) to say:
“About a quarter of the people will go along with the World Government; about half the people in the world will just sort of drift in and do whatever they’re told; but a quarter of the world will object to what’s going on and try to fight it – and they’re going to have to be killed. Then she says: “But that is not your job, my dear, that is ours, for we are the riders of the Pale Horse, Death.” …
Americans panic; do themselves in
The fear and anxiety induced by the COVID-19 virus resulted in a 500% increase in alcohol consumption and coffee and tea stimulants to deal with sleeplessness …
Anyway, yes, the pale horse of death will ride–THAT IS NO ILLUSION. And that will be followed by the rise of a totalitarian European Beast power.
As far as the ‘great reset’ goes, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put out the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
Is the end coming in 2021? Jesus’ disciples specifically asked Him how to know when this would happen (Matthew 24:3)–and He responded with details (Matthew 24:4-22). Sadly, many overlook what Jesus taught, but instead try to point to other things. Is it possible for the Great Tribulation to start in 2021 or before 2024? What about the so-called Big Reset and the so-called Great Reset. The World Economic Forum has posted, “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets out a 17 Global Goals (SDGs) to facilitate equal, sustainable and inclusive growth across the world, while promoting peace. … The platform seeks to form 4IR technology partnership … There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.” What are the main points of that according to Klaus Schwab? Will that happen in 2021? Did Glenn Beck warn against the Great Reset? What about property ownership changes? Will artificial intelligence and other 4IR technologies lead to the peaceful world that the United Nations is promoting for 2030 or instead to a totalitarian rule? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more as he points to the return of Jesus and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.
Here is a link to the video: 2021: The Great Tribulation or the Great Reset?
That being said, is a major reset prophesied to happen in the world after some type of crisis?
According to the 6th chapter of the Book of Revelation, numerous seals are to be opened.
The first four have to do with the rides of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, which parallel “sorrows” that Jesus said would happen (cf. Matthew 24:4-8).
1887 depiction of the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’
It may be that the first two seals have already been opened and those horsemen riding.
Related to that, the Continuing Church of God put out the following sermon on its ContinuingCOG channel:
1:15Revelation 6:1-8 shows the opening of four seals and discusses the rides of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Each of which appears to be associated with aspects of the “beginning of sorrows” that Jesus mentions in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. What do each of the horsemen represent? Did the old Worldwide Church of God teach that these rides were still in the future in the late 21st century? Could any have began in the 21st century? Does the rider of the white horse represent Jesus or false religion? Are there ties to the interfaith and ecumenical movements? What might the bow the horseman has represent? Could this be a tie to Satan the Devil? What about the Beast and False Prophet? Has the “beginning of sorrows” started? Could the first seal be opened? Could COVID-19 have anything to do with the second seal? Has “the peace” been taken from the earth? Could the rider of the red horse have begun with an opening of the second seal? What about riots, looting wars, and rumors of war? Are food inflation, food shortages, and famines associated with the opening of the third seal and rider of the black horse of famine? Could human actions such as evolution teachings, genetically-modified crops, and viral research be factors in the rides of the four horsemen? Is more than death related to pestilences associated with the rider of the pale horse, the fourth seal? Why might this be a factor in 666? Will most people fail to recognize the rides of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse until it is too late to take action? What about the fifth seal and the start of the Great Tribulation? Are there problems with Roman and Eastern Orthodox prophecies concerning the end and the Great Monarch? What about prophecies related to Noah, the King of the North, Armageddon, and Antichrist? Dr. Thiel covers these issues and also includes some speculation and analysis.
Here is a link to the sermon video: Sorrows and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
As it turns out, the opening of the fifth seal of Revelation 6 is associated with the start of the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22) which is when the Beast and Antichrist will reign for 3 1/2 years (cf. Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:5).
Vasnetsov’s 1884 impression of the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse
Anyway, for the fifth seal to be opened, the fourth one has to be opened first. Here is what Revelation 6 says about the fourth seal:
7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6:7-8, NKJV throughout)
The above is telling of a time of violence and death by pestilence.
This will be a major international crisis that will make steps related to COVID-19 pale in comparison–deaths will be MUCH MUCH higher.
This will set the stage for a real reset.
A bad, but clever, leader will arise:
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom,
When the transgressors have reached their fullness,
A king shall arise,
Having fierce features,
Who understands sinister schemes. (Daniel 8:23)
Yes, he will also understand what the WEF, UN, Vatican, Freemasons, and others have been promoting.
He will start off by having only a small backing:
23 And after the league is made with him he shall act deceitfully, for he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people. (cf. Daniel 11:23).
He will feign peace:
21 … he shall come in peaceably, and seize the kingdom by intrigue. (Daniel 11:21).
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many … (Daniel 8:25, KJV).
His false message of a human peaceful utopia will be just what many will want to hear.
The crises at the time, such as those associated with the ride of the fourth horse of the Apocalyspe, will motivate Europe to reorganize, and then give him power:
12 The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. (Revelation 17:12-13)
Yes, some politically-motivated people use a crisis to cause some type of reset.
Related to a crisis, COVID, and the rise of the Beast of Revelation, the Continuing Church of God put out the following sermon on its ContinuingCOG channel:
The 6th chapter of the Book of Revelation tells of the ride of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What do each represent? Is the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, part of the fourth horseman? Does the Bible point to around 2 billion people dying from hunger, war, and the beasts of the earth? Was the ancient Roman Empire impacted by pestilences? What about the black death, also known as the Bubonic plague? Are disease epidemics part of the beginning of sorrow and troubles that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24 and Mark 13? Does the pale green horseman represent Islam? Could genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or synthetic biology cause or contribute to coming pandemics? Is chemical and biological warfare (CBW) a real threat to humanity? What about a doomsday bug or antibiotic resistant superbugs? Is fear a contagion that will help people move away from democracy? Will scientists be able to stop what is coming? Is the good news that the Kingdom of God will? Could COVID-19 be setting the stage for the rise of the ‘prince,’ who will become the totalitarian Beast of the Sea (also known as 666 and the King of the North)? Is this leader similar to the Great Monarch of Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies? When is the Great Monarch supposed to arise according to the Eastern Orthodox? Why might Europe be less affected by the ride of the third horseman that the US, Canada, and the UK? Are governments taking steps now, consistent with the words of Adolf Hitler? What seal represents the start of the Great Tribulation? Which Christians did Jesus promise to protect from the coming “hour of trial”?
Here is a link to the sermon: Fourth Horseman, COVID, and the Rise of the Beast of Revelation.
While all that sounds bad, there is good news.
After the coming ‘Beast reset’ for 3 1/2 years, Jesus will eliminate the Beast power and establish the millennial Kingdom of God.
This will be a time of abundance and prosperity.
Christians are to seek first God’s kingdom (Matthew 6:33) and pray for the Kingdom of God to come (Matthew 6:10).
Yet, we also need to expect troubles and tribulation during this decade (Mark 13:8-20).
While the Premier of Alberta is opposed to implementing Klaus Schwab’s reset, the prophesied reality is that the world heading towards an anti-biblical reset.
UPDATE 02/07/21: We just put together the following related video:
Will there be a “Great Reset”?
The theme of the World Economic Forum’s 2021 meeting was the “great reset.” What is the great reset that Klaus Schwab wrote about in his June 2020 book, ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset’? World leaders such as Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Prince Charles, and Pope Francis have pushed for it. But leaders such as Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Vladimir Putin, and Jason Kenny have opposed it? Is it a conspiracy? Could the Freemasons, Vatican, and World Council of Churches be endorsing it? Is a great reset prophesied in the Bible? Should you support the humanitarian reset world leaders and academics are pushing? Could a major reset come after the start of the ride of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and the sorrows that Jesus spoke of? Is this related to the rise of the Beast and the Antichrist? Will a reset last 3 1/2 years, 42 months? What did Jesus say about the Kingdom of God? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video.
Here is a link to our video: Will there be a “Great Reset”?
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
Is a Great Reset Coming? Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has proposed a societal change that has been basically endorsed by the Vatican and many world leaders. Does the Bible prophesy a major reset? Here is a link to a related video: Will there be a “Great Reset”?
Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2028 or or 2031 or 20xx? There is also a video titled 6000 Years: When will God’s Kingdom Come? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
Might the U.S.A. Be Gone by 2028? Are there prophetic reasons to believe that the USA will not last two complete presidential terms? Yes. There is a tradition attributed to the Hebrew prophet Elijah that humanity had 6,000 years to live before being replaced by God’s Kingdom. There are scriptures, writings in the Talmud, early Christian teachings that support this. Also, even certain Hindu writings support it. Here is a link to a related video: Is the USA prophesied to be destroyed by 2028?
The Great Tribulation: What Happens First? What events have happened? What are some events that are now happening? And what events need to happen for the Great Tribulation to start? Here is a link to a related sermon video: Counting Down to the Great Tribulation.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2021, 2022, or 2023? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: 2021: The Great Tribulation or the Great Reset?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
European Technology and the Beast of Revelation Will the coming European Beast power would use and develop technology that will result in the taking over of the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies? Is this possible? What does the Bible teach? Here is a related YouTube video: Military Technology and the Beast of Revelation.
Must the Ten Kings of Revelation 17:12 Rule over Ten Currently Existing Nations? Some claim that these passages refer to a gathering of 10 currently existing nations together, while one group teaches that this is referring to 11 nations getting together. Is that what Revelation 17:12-13 refers to? The ramifications of misunderstanding this are enormous. A related sermon is titled Ten Kings of Revelation and the Great Tribulation.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to two related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For and The Future King of the North.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be: Are Chinese threats against Australia for real?
Will the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
British are the Covenant People What do ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ mean in Hebrew? Are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons people of the covenant? Does the British royal family connect to the throne of David? What does the Bible teach? What does history show us? Is there any DNA evidence related to British-Israelism? When did Christianity make it to the British Isles? Could Jeremiah have made it to the British Isles? What type of Christians made it to the British Isles? Did the last King of England believe in British Israelism?
Canada in Prophecy: What Does Bible Prophecy, Catholic Prophecy, and other Predictions Suggest About the Future of Canada? There are prophecies that suggest involvement with Canada. And many are not positive about its future. A sermon of related interest is also available: Canada in Prophecy.
Australia and New Zealand in Prophecy Do biblical prophecies help explain the wealth blessings for Australia and New Zealand? Might cursings from disobedience come in the 21st century? Here is a link to a related sermon: Australia and New Zealand: Origins and Prophecy.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. Here are links to three related sermons: The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
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