BI: Bitcoin closes in on $40,000 as bulls flood in again and ECB boss Christine Lagarde labels cryptocurrencies a ‘funny business’
#Bitcoin ‘has conducted some funny business and some interesting and totally reprehensible money laundering activity,’ @ECB President Christine Lagarde said at the #ReutersNext conference
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 13, 2021
Business Insider (BI) reported the following:
January 14, 2021
- Bitcoin price rises 9% to cross $38,000 mark, putting $40,000 in sight
- ECB boss Christine Lagarde yesterday called for more regulation of the ‘funny business’
- Morgan Stanley analysts say Bitcoin focus ‘unsurprising’ given low bond yields
The Bitcoin price rose sharply once again on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, climbing past the $38,000 mark, as European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde labelled cryptocurrencies a “funny business”. …
Analysts at Morgan Stanley said in a note: “With the large decline in the dollar, deeply negative real yields and continued policy uncertainty, investors have been looking for alternatives to traditional cash holdings.”
Yes, the dollar will ultimately decline to be worth no more than the scrap/collector value of the cotton-paper it is printed on. Bitcoin itself is not even printed (see also Bitcoin up: Air in a bottle? Precursor to 666?).
Having said that, it should be pointed out that ECB stands for the European Central Bank. For eight years its current president, Christine Lagarde, was the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. Now, she has called for at least more regulation of Bitcoin:
Head of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde has called for global regulations on Bitcoin, labeling the cryptocurrency “reprehensible.” …
“When you look at the most recent developments upward, and now the recent downward trend … for those who have assumed that it might turn into a currency, terribly sorry but this is an asset and it is a highly speculative asset,” she said. …
“(Bitcoin) has conducted some funny business and some interesting and totally reprehensible money laundering activity,” said Lagarde.
The ECB head went on to call for Bitcoin to be regulated by financial authorities.
“There has to be regulation. This has to be applied and agreed upon […] at a global level because if there is an escape that escape will be used,” she said.
Globalists and technocrats have long begrudged Bitcoin because it is decentralized and therefore impossible to come under the control of centralized financial institutions. The cryptocurrency has also provided a refuge for dissidents who have been deplatformed by regular financial services and institutions over their politics.
Bitcoin recently soared to a record high above $41,000 dollars but has since fallen back to around $35,000 dollars.
Back in 2013, I posted the following:
There were some interesting comments about Bitcoin in the news from Ron Paul …
December 4, 2013
Imagine a world in which you can buy anything in secret. No banks. No fees. No worries inflation will make today’s money worth less tomorrow.
The digital currency Bitcoin promises all these things. And while it’s far from achieving any of them — its value is unstable and it’s rarely used — some have high hopes.
“There will be alternatives to the dollar, and this might be one of them,” said former U.S. congressman Ron Paul. If people start using bitcoins en masse, “it’ll go down in history as the destroyer of the dollar,” Paul added.
There is no way governments will intentionally allow a system that gets around all of their financial espionage. China is starting to publicly state that, and the government of USA has also began to try to figure out how to handle Bitcoin (Congress has held one or more hearings). That being said, since China wants to eliminate the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, despite is announcement today, it may continue to make some accommodations for Bitcoin and/or anything else that could reduce US dollar trade.
Related to financial controls, there are some who believe that Bitcoin will become fully regulated/taken over to the point that it will be associated with the ‘mark of the beast.’ Here is one such comment:
If I’m allowed to get Biblical…”Rich man or poor man, free or bond, will not be allowed to buy or sell unless he accepts the mark of the beast.”
Bitcoin is a very smooth end run to achieve that objective.
Here is another related item:
MARK OF THE BEAST WATCH! Canada to get world’s first Bitcoin ATM…
The ATMs will use palm scans to identify users and enforce the limit, which is also designed to prevent problems with anti-money-laundering laws.
The “mark of the beast” scripture is from the Book of Revelation which makes the following statements concerning the financial controls of the coming Beast power:
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:16-18)
The Bible is clear that the time is coming when the Beast power will have implemented some type of strong financial control. Thus, it is not likely that Ron Paul’s hope of being able to buy and sell privately with something like Bitcoin will last. The Beast power will not allow it, and it is likely that the USA government will take more steps to try to either stop it or at least secretly spy on it. (Thiel B. Bitcoin, China, NSA, & the Beast. COGwriter, December 5, 2013)
Yes, Europe, which will be the source of the Beast wants Bitcoin regulated.
The time of controlling buying and selling-666-is coming.
Some, have long wanted that.
Furthermore, Bitcoin aside, Europe has been in the process of putting together what may become the enforcer of controlling buying and selling. We put together the following video related to that:
The European Union is in the process of establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. This is a major, first-of-its-kind move, with the EU setting up a European-wide prosecutor’s office that will have power to investigate and charge people for financial crimes committed against the EU. It looks like this type of office may end up persecuting those that do not have the mark of the Beast when they “buy or sell” as that will later be considered a financial crime in Europe. What does 666 mean? How has that name be calculated? How can we be certain that this is a prophecy for Europe and not Islam? Is the appointment of this new office of significant prophetic importance? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more by pointing to scriptures, news items, and historical accounts.
Here is a link to the sermonette video: EU Setting Up 666 Enforcer?
Moves towards monitoring payments was number 13 of my list of 21 items to prophetically watch in 2021. Bitcoin is not exempt.
Those who think that they will be able to massively get around governmental financial surveillance in the future with Bitcoin or something like it, simply are not understanding biblical prophecy.
Totalitarian control of financial matters is coming–and if Bitcoin survives until then, it will NOT be private.
Do NOT place your confidence in Bitcoin, the US dollar, or gold, but “seek first the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33).
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