British Supreme Court rules that Parliament must approve Brexit, but that Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland have no say
The United Kingdom’s Supreme Court ruled against the position of Prime Minister Theresa May:
UK Supreme Court: Parliament Must Approve Exit from EU
January 24, 2017
The UK Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Theresa May must get parliament’s approval before she begins Britain’s formal exit from the European Union.
The UK’s highest judicial body dismissed the government’s argument that May could simply use executive powers known as “royal prerogative” to invoke Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty and begin two years of divorce talks.
However, the court rejected arguments that the UK’s devolved assemblies in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales should give their assent before Article 50 is invoked.
“The referendum is of great political significance, but the Act of Parliament which established it did not say what should happen as a result,” said David Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court which ruled by 8-3 against the government.
“So any change in the law to give effect to the referendum must be made in the only way permitted by the UK constitution, namely by an Act of Parliament.”
May has repeatedly said she would trigger Article 50 before the end of March but she will now have to seek the consent of lawmakers first, potentially meaning her plans could be amended or delayed, although the main opposition Labor Party has said it would not slow her timetable.
Last week May set out her stall for negotiations, promising a clean break with the world’s largest trading block as part of a 12-point plan to focus on global free trade deals, setting out a course for a so-called “hard Brexit”.
24 January 2017Parliament must vote on whether the government can start the Brexit process, the Supreme Court has ruled.
The judgement means Theresa May cannot begin talks with the EU until MPs and peers give their backing – although this is expected to happen in time for the government’s 31 March deadline.
But the court ruled the Scottish Parliament and Welsh and Northern Ireland assemblies did not need a say.
Brexit Secretary David Davis promised a parliamentary bill “within days”…
Outlining plans to bring in a “straightforward” parliamentary bill on Article 50, Mr Davis told MPs he was “determined” Brexit would go ahead as voted for in last June’s EU membership referendum.
He added: “It’s not about whether the UK should leave the European Union. That decision has already been made by people in the United Kingdom.” …
“There can be no turning back,” he said. “The point of no return was passed on 23 June last year.”
Outside the Supreme Court, Attorney General Jeremy Wright said the government was “disappointed” but would “comply” and do “all that is necessary” to implement the court’s judgement.
A Downing Street spokesman said: “The British people voted to leave the EU, and the government will deliver on their verdict – triggering Article 50, as planned, by the end of March. Today’s ruling does nothing to change that.”
Since the Brexit vote, the European Union has publicly pushed the idea of a “European army,” which the UK has historically been opposed to, as well as increased integration, which the UK has historically been opposed to, plus distancing itself from the USA, which is has been the opposite position of the UK.
Add to this, the election of Donald Trump as USA President–and a person who backed the leave side of Brexit and has stated he wants to make a major trade deal with the UK–you then see more reasons why the UK Parliament, which has tended to be opposed to Brexit, voting to support it. But there still will be debate. Yet, since Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland do not have to give approval, this will make Brexit approval earlier.
No matter what happens, the UK has offended the Europeans and the Europeans do not seem to be in a mood to again offer the UK ‘special status,’ but stranger things have happened.
Presuming that the UK Parliament supports the triggering of Article 50 to leave the European Union, this will mean that there will be more backing for the leave side and this may be perceived as strengthening the hand of the UK when it negotiates its exit from the EU.
Last week, Prime Minister Theresa May indicated that the UK would take a harder/stronger position on those negotiations (see ‘UK’s May signals clean break with EU: No partial membership’).
For years I have written that the UK and USA would be likely to develop closer trading ties. In view of the executive order yesterday to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal (see Donald Trump signs executive orders: any good, any prophetic?), to Donald Trump’s earlier statements regarding the UK and Brexit, this looks like it is getting closer to happening.
And speaking of Donald Trump, a reader sent me the following today:
Donald Trump awarded Scottish coat of arms after four year battle
Jan 17, 2012
DONALD TRUMP has finally been awarded a Scottish coat of arms after a four year battle to earn the insignia.
Mr Trump – who chose the Menie Estate, Aberdeenshire, to build his championship links course – is known for proudly speaking of scottish roots, often referring to his Lewis-born mother. In 2008, the business tycoon fell foul of ancient heraldic laws when he used the unofficial emblem to promote his controversial highlands golf course.
The billionaire was warned by the Court of the Lord Lyon – Scotland’s heraldic authority – that a law dating back to 1672 would disallow him to use the unregistered logo.
“The Lion Rampant makes reference to Scotland and the stars to America.
“Three chevronels are used to denote the sky, sand dunes and sea- the essential components of the site- and the double-sided eagle represents the dual nature and nationality of Trump’s heritage.
“The eagle clutches golf balls making reference to the great name of golf, and the moto “Numquam Concedere’ is Latin for Never Give Up – Trump’s philosophy.”
Let’s note that Trump is not entirely Scottish.
So, Donald Trump has spent a lot of time trying to get some personal connection to the UK.
Since the USA and UK will essentially be defeated together (Daniel 8:24-25; Daniel 11:39; Jeremiah 30:7), it makes sense that they would increase ties between them before that happens.
Presuming the UK Parliament approves Brexit, the UK will look more towards the USA than it did while in the EU.
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