Brussels to act ‘within days’ if US sanctions hurt EU trade with Russia – internal memo
The European Commission is concerned about Russian sanctions from the US:
Brussels to act ‘within days’ if US sanctions hurt EU trade with Russia – internal memo
24 July 2017
The EU should act “within days” if new sanctions the US plans to impose on Russia prove to be damaging to Europe’s trade ties with Moscow, an internal memo seen by the media says. Retaliatory measures may include limiting US jurisdiction over EU companies.An internal memo seen by the Financial Times and Politico has emerged amid mounting opposition to a US bill seeking to hit Russia with a new round of sanctions. The bill, if signed into law, will also give US lawmakers the power to veto any attempt by the president to lift the sanctions.
The document reportedly said European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker was particularly concerned the sanctions would neglect the interests of European companies. Juncker said Brussels “should stand ready to act within days” if sanctions on Russia are “adopted without EU concerns being taken into account,” according to the Financial Times.
The EU memo also warns that “the measures could impact a potentially large number of European companies doing legitimate business under EU measures with Russian entities in the railways, financial, shipping or mining sectors, among others.”
Restrictions against Russia come as part of the Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act, targeting not only Tehran, but also North Korea. Initially passed by the Senate last month, the measures seek to impose new economic measures on major sectors of the Russian economy.
24 July 2017
The letter specifically noted the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that runs from Russia to Germany could be affected by the sanctions that “would in reality be much wider,” the newspaper reported.
Juncker also feared that the draft law would lead to less international cooperation on handling Moscow’s occupation of Crimea, Ukraine, following its annexation in 2014.
“The measures risk breaking the transatlantic and G7 unity,” the letter dated July 19 said.
The commission, which aims to have a response come “within days” if the U.S. law passes, would seek a public declaration by Trump that no European companies would be targeted, the newspaper reported.
The group would also rely on a European Union regulation, the “Blocking Statute,” that claims the E.U. is not beholden to enforce U.S. overseas laws.
It would also see if the World Trade Organization could possibly have a retaliatory response to the sanctions, Politico reports.
The draft bill that largely targets the Kremlin’s financial, energy, and mining sectors will go to the House of Representatives for a vote on Tuesday.
July 24, 2017
The EU memo also warns that “the measures could impact a potentially large number of European companies doing legitimate business under EU measures with Russian entities in the railways, financial, shipping or mining sectors, among others.”
The freshly leaked memo suggests that the EU is seeking “a public declaration” from the Trump administration that it will not apply the new sanctions in a way that targets European interests, as cited by Politico. Other options on the table include triggering the ‘Blocking Statute,’ an EU regulation that limits the enforcement of extraterritorial US laws in Europe. A number of “WTO-compliant retaliatory measures” are also being considered, according to the memo. …
Germany, Russia’s main European trading partner, called the bill “a peculiar move,” also promising a swift response to it.
So, we see that the European Commission does not want to disrupt trade with Russia, that it has a “Blocking Statute,” and that it may retaliate against the USA on this.
While the mainstream media in the USA keeps focused on alleged collusion and other matters related to Russia and Donald Trump’s election, the Europeans are focused on their economic interests.
The Bible teaches that a power will rise up in Europe (Revelation 13:1-10). Not only will this be a militarily successful power (Revelation 13:1-4; Daniel 11:39-43), it will be a major trading and economic power (Revelation 13:16-18 and Revelation 18).
Europe feels that it can deal with Russia and does not want the USA to interfere.
Actually, back in January 2015, German Chancellor Merkel proposed discussing a European Union/Eurasian trade zone (see Merkel’s European-Eurasian Trade Zone Proposal). Germany often dominates the European Union, whereas Russia does dominate the Eurasian Union.
The Eurasian Union is essentially Vladimir Putin’s plan to somewhat reconstitute the old Soviet Union–though he also hopes to involve China and India. While the Eurasian Union has been off to a somewhat rocky start as the Ruble has had issues, it is looking to expand and various nations have indicated interest in becoming part of it.
As regular readers of this page are aware, I have been writing for years that there will end up being cooperation between the Europeans and the Russians. In my view, Bible prophecy makes this clear. Notice, for example, that the Bible identifies the ancient ancestors of the Russians as traders in the future:
Javan, Tubal, and Meshech were your traders. They bartered human lives and vessels of bronze for your merchandise. Those from the house of Togarmah traded for your wares with horses, steeds, and mules (Ezekiel 27:13-14).
Today, Russia is a major trader of commodities such as oil and gold. It also exports copper, which is the major component of bronze. More on the origins of the Russians can be found in the article: Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future.
Consider also that the Bible says that all trading nations will have become wealthy trading with Babylon (the restored European Empire–not Asia):
3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury (Revelation 18:3).
Thus, Russia is prophesied to attain wealth from the coming restored European Empire, but it will not then be the most powerful block of nations in the world.
The Europeans and Russians have been openly discussing ideas, for years, to cut the United States out.
Germany’s Adolf Hitler and the then Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin made a deal together which helped pave the way for World War II. The time will come when the Europeans and states in North Africa and the Middle East make a deal paving the way for World War III (WWIII) such as is described in Psalm 83. It is also likely that the Russians and others in Asia will also make some type of deal with the Europeans related to WWIII.
Of course, right now the situation between Russia and the European Union looks bleak because of Ukraine. Yet, what many do not realize is how badly both the European Union and Russia want to topple the hegemony of the United States.
There will be conflicts over Ukraine. But this will ultimately settle for a time. There will be cooperation between the Russians and the Europeans. Both want to reduce USA economic and military influence. Both are working on it.
The end of the United States is coming according to biblical prophecy (e.g. Daniel 11:39; USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses). And later, so will the cooperation between the Europeans and Russians end, also according to biblical prophecy (e.g. Jeremiah 50:41-43).
But this week, the USA may take further steps to upset them both.
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