Canada Votes to Change Government Power
Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada
Canada is changing:
The news from Canada that Monday’s national election brought Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper “his coveted majority government,” means the country’s political landscape has just undergone “a dramatic and unpredicted realignment,” CBC News reports.
As Toronto’s Globe and Mail puts it, the election “decimated the Bloc Québécois and humbled the Liberals. For the first time in history, the New Democratic Party will form the Official Opposition after an extraordinary breakthrough that propelled the party to more than 100 seats.”
How might Stephen Harper help fulfill Bible prophecy? But here are some key points to consider:
- We are getting close to the end of God’s 6.000 years for humans to rule themselves their way in Satan’s world.
- Canada will experience the great tribulation (Matthew 24:21, the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).
- Because of the timing of him being in office, Stephen Harper’s very presence (as well as his planned and unplanned actions) should be enough to enable the fulfillment of various end-time prophecies.
- Getting the majority government he wanted, means that he will have more influence than he has had so far in office.
Despite having natural resources and many overseas international trading partners, because of its geographic location, its economic history, and what is recorded in biblical prophecy, Canada is tied in with the United States of America.
To a great degree, Canada is expected to share the fate of the USA, which ultimately will not be good.
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