CBS profiles some Catholics considered to be papal candidates
Vatican City (photo by Joyce Thiel)
The cardinals of the Church of Rome are starting to gather together so that they can soon enter into a conclave to elect the next pope.
CBS profiled a variety of leaders that some have suggested could be the candidates to be the next pope.
Since I have mentioned a few in the past, thought I would report some of CBS’ comments and comment about them.
Here is one:
Archbishop Peter Erdo of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary
Twice-elected President of the European Bishops’ Conference, the cardinal from Budapest is considered to have widespread support from many European cardinals and is well-known to African cardinals, with whom he has instituted biannual conferences, in Europe and Africa. Erdo is also considered a leader in the ecumenical movement with Orthodox churches, a high priority for the Catholic Church. He has earned applause for his work with city missions in Budapest, where Catholic lay people visit homes to invite Hungarians back to the Church. At 60, his relative youth might work against him in the bid for Pope, but his unique position at the crossroads between Eastern and Western Europe, and his relations with the developing world, could make him an attractive candidate.
There are several interesting reasons that Péter Erdő is a candidate to be the next, and potentially last, pope. His name is one of them, though it is not absolutely required that the next pontiff have Peter in his name. Since the final power that is to rise in Europe will consider itself to be a revival of the Holy Roman Empire, his European origins are of interest. His ecumenical inclinations are consistent with a final pontiff who will be willing to negotiate with groups such as the Eastern Orthodox and various Protestant sects to bring them into unity with the final, modified, Church of Rome. His relative youth could make him an attractive candidate for the job.
Here is another:
Cardinal Peter Kodwao Appiah Turkson of Ghana
A much-talked about papabile, Cardinal Turkson, 64, is seen as one of Africas most charismatic church leaders. Currently the president of the Vatican office for Justice and Peace, he is also considered a Vatican insider. Turkson studied at a seminary in the United States. He has however caused controversy for his endorsement of a “world political authority” to regulate the economy as well as for showing a video at a Vatican conference last year about Muslim immigration in Europe, considered by some to be extremist.
There are several interesting reasons that Cardinal Turkson is a candidate to be the next, and potentially last, pope. His name is one of them, though it is not absolutely required that the next pontiff have Peter in his name. Since the Vatican has had growth in Africa, having an African could be considered helpful. The fact that he wants to more regulate the economy is consistent with end time prophecy (Revelation 13:16-17).
We will see who will be elected Pontifex Maximus relatively soon. According to certain interpretations of Catholic private prophecy, including the Malachy list, the next pope would be the last pope, as well as a compromising persecuting, antipope. According to biblical prophecy an ecumenical false persecuting religious leader is to rise up very soon (Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End?).
This warned about leader could very well be the one elected pontiff, possibly this month.
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