China Appalled By USA Debt Impasse, While German Blames China for Famine in Africa
The Chinese are tiring of US politics related to the debt:
Chinese ‘Appalled’ by U.S. Debt Impasse
Bloomberg – July 28, 2011Senior Chinese officials are “appalled” by the impasse among U.S. politicians on raising the nation’s debt ceiling to avoid a default, said Stephen Roach, non-executive chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia Ltd…
In another sign of concern within the nation that is the biggest foreign owner of Treasuries, the official China Securities Journal said today that the U.S. stand-off signals long-term dollar weakness that will push up commodity prices and pose inflation risks for the world. In Mumbai yesterday, a former central bank adviser, Yu Yongding, repeated his call for China to reduce its Treasury holdings, adding that a default would be “disastrous.”…
China, the owner of $1.16 trillion of Treasuries, is losing confidence in America’s government “and its dysfunctional economic stewardship,” the economist {Roach} said.
As I have written here many times, the increasing of debt/pledges by the USA will lead to a greater disaster for the USA than almost any imagine per Habakkuk 2.
While the Chinese are upset with the USA, at least one German leader is suggesting that Chinese investments have contributed to the famines in Africa:
Germany blames Chinese land buys for Africa droughtAFP – July 28, 2011Germany’s Africa policy coordinator on Thursday blamed China’s practice of buying up land in the Horn of Africa for contributing to the devastating drought ravaging the region.Guenter Nooke told the daily Frankfurter Rundschau it was clear that “this catastrophe is also man-made”.
“In the case of Ethiopia there is a suspicion that the large-scale land purchases by foreign companies, or states such as China which want to carry out industrial agriculture there, are very attractive for a small (African) elite,” he said.
Whether or not China has anything to do with them, famines and troubles, of course, are biblically expected:
7…And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:7-8).
8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
Despite all the bickering between nations, there is good news as ultimately, God’s kingdom will come and those issues will be gone (Revelation 7:16). But a terrible hour of trial is coming first (Revelation 3:10). And it will be worse for Anglo-descended countries, like the USA, than almost anyone seems to believe.
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