Chinese Naval Presence in Seychelles; US Drone Crashes in Seychelles; Indian Concerns
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The Indian ocean located Seychelles is in the news today for two different military reasons:
Chinese military base in Indian Ocean?Times of India – Dec 13, 2011China on Monday said the Indian Ocean island of Seychelles has invited its navy “to resupply and recuperate” other ships during escort missions there, even as media reports from Beijing suggested that China was establishing its first overseas military base there…Officials said the invitation was part of Chinese effort to get refueling support…Reports said the Chinese consider the Seychelles base crucial, as China is about to launch its first aircraft carrier undergoing final trials…
Seychelles, which hosts an American drone base, has a strategic position between Asia and Africa The base could be of vital importance for China as it is about to launch its first aircraft carrier
U.S. Drone Crashes in Seychelles Amid Dispute With Iran
Published December 13, 2011
A U.S. drone has crashed in the island nation of Seychelles, an incident that comes just over a week after a U.S. drone went down in Iran.
The U.S. Air Force confirmed that the unarmed MQ-9 drone crash-landed at the Seychelles International Airport Tuesday morning.
There was a two-hour documentary about China on a cable station a few nights ago. Basically, it seemed to conclude that the Chinese have better political system to deal with long-term issues than the type of democracy that the USA has. The conclusions of the participants seemed to be that China is serious about becoming a major player in the world and unless the USA can figure out massive technological advances in the future, China would surpass it in many areas.
The reality is that much of what China itself appears to be doing is consistent with what the late Deng Xiaoping once expressed,
China must hide brightness and nourish obscurity . . . to bide our time and build up our capabilities (Source: Times Online).
China as been increasing its influence, and the Bible indicates it will have an important role in the end time–though not nearly the way the leadership of China now seems to want. One of the things that most Westerners do not realize is that China has a system that prevents those from agrarian areas from having the same rights as those in urban areas. Even people who move from agrarian regions to the cities, still are registered as agrarian and do not get the same rights or even education for their children. This disparity, combined with severe pollution, corruption, and a host of other problems, will affect China more than most realize.
As for the Seychelles, it is interesting that they seem to be hedging their bets. They have a US military presence and now want to allow a Chinese naval presence. And while having both will not be permanent, ultimately the Seychelles may decide that it needs to ally closer with China, and potentially Europe.
Some in India are concerned about the offer from the Seychelles:
India and China, the new Great GameBBC – Dec 12, 2011“Beware India!” shouts the headline in one Indian paper.
“China to open first military base in Indian Ocean.”
Nothing to worry about, says the defence ministry in Beijing. The base – in the Seychelles – is just for supplying passing Chinese navy ships.
But seen from Delhi, it is another move in what a former Indian defence minister has called China’s policy of “strategic encirclement”.
Yes, many in India are concerned about China and its growth, as well as this latest likely naval presence in the Seychelles. But ultimately, I suspect that Bible prophecy shows that India will cooperate with China as one of the Kings of the East (Revelation 16:12) that will supply a massive army (Revelation 9:13-20).
Although most will apparently come by land, potentially, if portions of the 200 million man army from the East that the Book of Revelation prophecies (Revelation 9:13-20) will head to the Middle East via ship, some may stop and refuel at the Seychelles. And unless the Seychelles later teams up very closely with Europe, the likely agreement with China could facilitate the transport of the 200 million man army or at least facilitate logistical supplies for that army.
Some articles of possibly related interest may include:
Islands and Bible Prophecy What’s ahead for islands? What does the Bible prophesy about them?
India, Its Biblical Past and Future: Any Witness? The Bible discusses the origins of those of Indian heritage and discusses some of the witness to them (including those in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka).
China, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 1: Genesis and Chinese Characters This article provides information showing that the Chinese peoples must have known about various accounts in the Book of Genesis up until their dispersion after the Tower of Babel.
China, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 2: The Sabbath and Some of God’s Witness in China When did Christianity first come to China? And is there early evidence that they observed the seventh day sabbath?
Asia in Prophecy What is Ahead for China? Is it a “King of the East”? What will happen to nearly all the Chinese, Russians, and others of Asia? China in prophecy, where?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, British, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? Are any European? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first?
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