CNN: Russian forces claim to take control over Lysychansk, Ukraine’s last holdout in Luhansk region
#Russia‘s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says #Moscow‘s forces have taken control of the last major Ukrainian-held city in #Ukraine‘s #Luhansk province.
— The Hindu (@the_hindu) July 3, 2022
Russia has claimed it has pushed Ukraine out of Luhansk. CNN reported:
Russian forces claim to take control over Lysychansk, Ukraine’s last holdout in Luhansk region
July 3, 2022
Russia is claiming to have taken control of Lysychansk, the last city in the Luhansk region in eastern Ukraine that was still under Ukrainian control.
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin that the military had taken over Lysychansk and a number of nearby settlements on Sunday, according to the country’s Ministry of Defense. Luhansk is one of the two regions that form Donbas, the eastern part of Ukraine where the conflict between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists started in 2014. The area has became the key centerpiece of Putin’s military ambition in Ukraine … The fall of Lysychansk would shift Russia closer to achieving the goal of taking over Donbas. However, the Ukrainian military insisted earlier on Sunday that it was still in control of the city — although it admitted the Russian forces were closing in.
Yes, Ukraine is losing territory. This is not unexpected.
Two days BEFORE the start of Russia’s “Special Military Operation” into Ukraine, I posted the following here:
In the Fall of 2013, I wrote that Russia would end up with some territory that Ukraine claimed. That was confirmed on March 18, 2014, when Vladimir Putin signed a treaty to make Crimea part of Russia (
Why did I write that back in 2013?
Because of my understanding of biblical prophecies while also watching some of what was happening in Ukraine.
Back in 2013 there were protests against the democratically elected and pro-Russian government in Ukraine. Instead of backing Ukraine’s elected president, the USA backed a coup. Because of prophecies related to the “kings of the Medes” in the Book of Jeremiah, I concluded that at least some territory controlled by Ukraine would end up supporting Russia and wrote about that.
When Ukraine’s coup government took over in early 2014, one of the first things it did was to pass a bill (that ended up not being signed into law) to make Russian a second-class language in Ukraine. That incensed those in Crimea and various ones in the eastern portion of Ukraine. Many in Donbas and Crimea speak Russian as their native language.
So in 2014, Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and become part of Russia. Russia later accepted the territory, which it had long wanted. Crimea has been a fairly poor region that felt neglected and discriminated against by the western portion of Ukraine. Many in Donbas also have felt neglected (or worse) by western Ukraine and have long wanted to be closer to Russia.
Many of those in Crimea (other than the Tartars) and Donbas believed that they would be better off with Russia who wanted them than Kiev who claims to want to keep them, but apparently had not shown them enough signs that it would truly be able to help them.
The USA would not accept the vote by the Crimeans primarily because it seems to want to stop Russia from expanding. The USA pushed for international sanctions with Europe, many of which still remain, in an effort to hope Russia would release Crimea to Ukraine.
The USA’s position seemed to be based mainly on politics as opposed to its professed belief in democracy.
Even though the USA and many in Europe have wanted Russia to leave Crimea, on March 18, 2019, I posted:
It remains my view that Crimea and at least parts of eastern Ukraine will ultimately align with Russia.
International sanctions will not stop biblical prophecies from being fulfilled. (Thiel B. ‘Putin in Crimea as Russia Marks Five Years Since Annexation’ the ‘Kings of the Medes’ will arise. COGwriter, March 18, 2019)
And the events of the past couple of days confirmed my view that sanctions would not stop Russia from having territories align with it. The sanctions recently announced by the USA and the Europeans look to be announced as political punishment, as opposed to being announced by those who seriously believe that they will get Russia to cede the Donbas back to Ukrainian control (it would probably take a pro-Russian government in Keiv for Russia to do that).
Perhaps it should also be mentioned that on the Sabbath of February 5, I did a sermonette where I mentioned that lands associated with Ukraine would be confederate with Russia:
The situation between Russia and Ukraine has again heated up, although it has been tense since the Euromaiden protests and Russia’s annexation of Crimea. There was later a separation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the Russian Orthodox Church. Is war prophesied for Russia and Ukraine? Are prophecies in the Bible associated with the ‘kings of the Medes’ and a power from the “north country” related to any in Russia and Ukraine? Is a confederation of powers from the north, east, and central Asia prophesied to destroy the coming end time European Babylon? Will the destruction be reminiscent of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? How is the King of the North and who will destroy him? Do those in Russia and Ukraine have a hope of salvation? Will Russia and powers of the east be involved in the gathering in Armageddon as prophesied in Revelation 16? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues.
Here is a link to our video: Russia, Ukraine, Babylonian Europe, and Prophecy.
Bible prophecy, as well as ancient origins of various peoples, are normally ignored by the major media. …
Biblical prophecies can be trusted.
I expect that Donetsk and Luhansk will either be annexed by Russia and/or join its Eurasian Economic Union. (Thiel B. ‘What to Know About the Donetsk and Luhansk Regions’. COGwriter, February 22, 2022)
World events continue to align with properly understood biblical prophecies.
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