Concerns about what Snowden has not released; European threatens freezing aspects of USA surveillance
Edward Snowden (Laura Poitras /Praxis Films)
There are fears in the UK and USA that Edward Snowden has more damaging materials he some day may release:
WASHINGTON – British and U.S. intelligence officials say they are worried about a “doomsday” cache of highly classified, heavily encrypted material they believe former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has stored on a data cloud.
The cache contains documents generated by the NSA and other agencies and includes names of U.S. and allied intelligence personnel, said seven current and former U.S. officials and other sources briefed on the matter.
The data is protected with sophisticated encryption, and multiple passwords are needed to open it, said two of the sources, who like the others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.
The passwords are in the possession of at least three different people and are valid for only a brief time window each day, they said. The identities of persons who might have the passwords are unknown.
Spokespeople for both NSA and the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment.
One source described the cache of still unpublished material as Snowden’s “insurance policy” against arrest or physical harm.
U.S. officials and other sources said only a small proportion of the classified material Snowden downloaded during stints as a contract systems administrator for NSA has been made public. Some Obama Administration officials have said privately that Snowden downloaded enough material to fuel two more years of news stories.
“The worst is yet to come,” said one former U.S. official who follows the investigation closely.
What he has released already has embarrassed the USA, resulted in the USA caving in to European demands for less surveillance on them, and more sharing of USA espionage tactics and information with the Europeans. This will ultimately hurt the USA and UK more than their leaders realize.
As far as Europe goes, also notice the following:
European Union justice and rights commissioner Viviane Reding is negotiating with the US on the fallout from the NSA scandal.
The EU executive is threatening to freeze crucial data-sharing arrangements with the US because of the Edward Snowden revelations about the mass surveillance of the National Security Agency.
The US will have to adjust their surveillance activities to comply with EU law and enable legal redress in the US courts for Europeans whose rights may have been infringed, said Viviane Reding, the EU’s justice and rights commissioner who is negotiating with the US on the fallout from the NSA scandal.
European businesses need to compete on a level playing field with US rivals, Reding told the Guardian.
EU justice commissioner Viviane Reding said she wanted Washington to follow through on its promise to give all EU citizens the right to sue in the United States if their data is misused. “I have … made clear that Europe expects to see the necessary legislative change in the US sooner rather than later, and in any case before summer 2014,” she said.
Throughout Europe, there are outcries. The USA will end up providing Europe with too much information–and some of it will hurt the USA later. Europe will be able to spy more than it would have otherwise, plus have more access to USA intelligence. This will be very bad for the USA and will lead to its elimination, as well as its Anglo-allies like the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Despite claims of transparency from the Obama Administration (the US President put out an official memo: “Transparency and Open Government My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government…”), much involving the USA’s government (and others) happens secretly, and includes surveillance. Many in the world are outraged. And apparently more revelations of what the USA and UK have secretly been doing is expected to be released in the future.
God’s people are to pray for protection from ‘secret plots’:
2 Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked,
From the rebellion of the workers of iniquity,
3 Who sharpen their tongue like a sword,
And bend their bows to shoot their arrows — bitter words,
4 That they may shoot in secret at the blameless;
Suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear. (Psalms 64:2-4)
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