CPAC, Rand Paul, and the Future of the USA
Rand Paul, Official Senate Photo
CPAC and Rand Paul are in the news:
March 9, 2014
National Harbor, Maryland (CNN) — It would be a mistake to read too much into the speeches, breakout sessions and late-night parties that took place at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.
And yet: The confluence of big name Republican speakers — many of them potential White House contenders — makes the three-day event impossible to ignore…
This is Rand’s house: Rand Paul’s blowout win in the presidential straw poll Saturday — he won more than a third of the vote, easily besting second-place finisher Ted Cruz — cemented his place as the King of CPAC.Paul’s address here on Friday, unapologetically heavy with libertarian sentiment, was far and away the best-received speech of the weekend. The room was packed and Paul, wearing jeans, was interrupted repeatedly by standing ovations. After his appearance, he joined his wife, Kelley, across the street from the convention center at a packed restaurant for an open bar happy hour with fired-up supporters.
Does his showing mean that Paul will be the GOP nominee in 2016? No. But it does affirm what reporters here had been saying all week: that CPAC is now, without question, his turf.
The face of CPAC has become younger in recent years — it feels a little like spring break for College Republicans — and more libertarian in the process. Paul also won the straw poll in 2013, and his father, Ron Paul, won in 2010 and 2011. The younger Paul was aided in his win this year by Young Americans for Liberty, which boasted that it recruited almost 500 activists to come to the event and cast ballots. Almost half of the straw poll vote came from 18- to 25-year-olds.
Paul’s showing this weekend will only add to the perception that he’s a top-tier Republican presidential contender who should be taken much more seriously than his father if he runs (and no one thinks he isn’t running).
On the news last night, I saw an amusing rendition of Dr. Seuss‘ Green Eggs and Ham by Sarah Palin, given at CPAC, that was amusing and basically aimed against Barack Obama and his policies (and in particular Obamacare). Here is a news report about it:
Republican star Sarah Palin closed out the Conservative Political Action Conference today, taking on both President Obama and the GOP establishment in her speech to the conservative crowd.
Palin took aim at the president’s foreign policy strategy, specifically how he has dealt with Russian President Vladimir Putin…
Palin noted that Cruz read “Green Eggs and Ham” during his 21-hour filibuster, and she provided her own rendition of the children’s classic, crediting “the Internet” for some of the lines.
“I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like his healthcare scam,” Palin said. “I do not like these dirty crooks or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress stills. I do not like their crony deals. I do not like the spying man. I do not like ‘Oh yes we can.’ I do not like this spending spree. We’re smart we know there’s nothing free. I do not like reporters’ smug replies when I complain about their lies. I do not like this kind of hope. And we won’t take it, nope, nope, nope. Hat tip the Internet.”
Sarah Palin, interestingly, warned in 2008 that if Barack Obama was elected that Russia could invade Ukraine. Here is what she said:
After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.
Ii should be noted that I am not saying, nor implying, that I believe that a John McCain presidency (he ran against Barack Obama in 2008 with Sarah Palin as his Vice-presidential running mate) would not have caused various international problems. Nor do I blame Barack Obama personally for the most of what is happening with Ukraine, Russia, and Crimea. As far as the future of Ukraine and Russia go, you may wish to read Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future and/or watch Ukraine in Prophecy?
Although I do not vote nor will I endorse any candidate, I will add that from only the perspective of being a small business owner, Rand Paul has the only remote chance of doing some of what is needed for small businesses, specifically regulatory relief. Regulatory relief, which is what people like Rand Paul have claimed that they would try to do, could be helpful if actually implemented (though much of that is doubtful).
However, various aspects of ‘libertarianism’ are against biblical morality. And those aspects of libertarianism have tended to be endorsed by Rand Paul, and his father Ron Paul. They will not end in liberty, but destruction (Romans 1:18-32).
Yesterday, I reported the results of a poll of millennials (those aged 18-33). Their moral views are more in line with libertarianism, though not necessarily their economic views (see Millennials: Less religious, left-leaning, and in more debt). Some of these people will tend to support a libertarian message, especially if they decide the libertarian economic message can change their personal situations. But overall, at this moment, more people seem to support the positions of Hillary Clinton (a Democrat who was not part of CPAC) than Rand Paul or others at CPAC.
I am expecting to see an increased acceptance of marijuana legalization, homosexual marriage, public pornography, etc. This will likely happen no matter which party gets control of the White House in 2017. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are what the USA needs–it needs the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
In my view, no matter who gets elected as the next USA president, without national repentance (which is almost impossible), the USA will continue down the slope of turning further away from biblical standards of morality and will (most of the time) end up increasing its debt. It will also make international mistakes, some of which will prove costlier than most in the USA can imagine.
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Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
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