Dengue fever rate doubles in Peru, quadruples in Brazil–possibly related to mosquitoes genetically-modified to prevent dengue?
(Chart from US CDC)
Time reports that Peru is facing increased dengue fever:
Peru Declares Health Emergency in Most Provinces as Dengue Cases Soar
February 27, 2024
LIMA, Peru — Peru declared a health emergency in most of its provinces on Monday due to a growing number of dengue cases that are occurring at a time of higher than usual temperatures caused by the El Nino weather pattern.
According to the nation’s health ministry, the number of dengue cases registered during the first seven weeks of this year is twice as high as during the same period in 2023 – with more than 31,000 cases recorded.
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has the following related to dengue fever:
- Mild symptoms of dengue can be confused with other illnesses that cause fever, aches and pains, or a rash.
The most common symptom of dengue is fever with any of the following:
- Nausea, vomiting
- Rash
- Aches and pains (eye pain, typically behind the eyes, muscle, joint, or bone pain)
- Any warning sign
Symptoms of dengue typically last 2–7 days. Most people will recover after about a week.
- There is no specific medicine to treat dengue. …
Severe dengue
- About 1 in 20 people who get sick with dengue will develop severe dengue.
- Severe dengue can result in shock, internal bleeding, and even death.
- If you have had dengue in the past, you are more likely to develop severe dengue.
- Infants and pregnant women are at higher risk for developing severe dengue.
Symptoms of severe dengue
Warning signs of severe dengue
Watch for signs and symptoms of severe dengue. Warning signs usually begin in the 24–48 hours after your fever has gone away.
Immediately go to a local clinic or emergency room if you or a family member has any of the following symptoms.
- Belly pain, tenderness
- Vomiting (at least 3 times in 24 hours)
- Bleeding from the nose or gums
- Vomiting blood, or blood in the stool
- Feeling tired, restless, or irritable accessed 02/27/24
Now, notice something related to Brazil:
Deadly Virus Spreading in Brazil after Bill Gates’ ‘Gene-Edited Mosquitos’ Released
February 26, 2024
Cases of dengue fever have soared 400% this year.
According to Brazil’s health ministry, over 364,000 cases of dengue infection have been reported in the first five weeks of 2024 alone.
The figure is a staggering four times greater than the number of cases in the same period of 2023. …
The rapid spread of dengue has caused 40 confirmed deaths, the ministry said, and a further 265 are being investigated. …
Cases of dengue in Brasília since the start of the year have exceeded the total for the whole of 2023, with a rate of infection of 1,625 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, compared with the national average of just 170. …
The virus has been rapidly spreading since the Bill Gates-funded United Nations’ World Mosquito Program released millions of genetically modified mosquitos into the wild.
In 2023, the UN’s World Mosquito Program announced a plan to release billions of gene-edited mosquitos in Brazil over a 10-year period.
The move is supposedly part of a plan to eradicate dengue fever in the country.
“Brazilian health officials in five cities have been releasing clouds of lab-grown Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria, which prevents dengue virus transmission to humans,” Harvard Public Health reported in August 2023.
“The country will be the first to launch a nationwide program to release Wolbachia-modified mosquitoes, which are expected to protect up to 70 million people from dengue fever over the next 10 years.
“And it’s building a factory to scale up mosquito production: Beginning 2024, the factory will mass-produce five billion mosquitoes a year.”
Now a year after the mosquito initiative began, dengue cases have risen sharply rather than fallen.
There are risks with genetically-modified mosquitoes as I have warned here for years.
Whether or not genetically-modified mosquitoes caused the increase in dengue fever cases will be a topic of scientific debate. But obviously they did not cure the problem.
Whether any of the genetically-modified mosquitoes were intentionally also released in Peru is not clear–but as Peru shares a long jungle border with Brazil, it is reasonable to conclude that some genetically-modified mosquitoes crossed the border one way or the other (the other being in planes or autos, etc.).
That said, notice the following from last Summer:
July 4, 2023
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on June 26, 2023, that five cases of locally transmitted malaria had been identified – four in Florida and one in Texas – since May 2023. These are the first cases of locally acquired mosquito-borne malaria in the U.S. since 2003. …
There could be several factors driving the emergence of locally acquired malaria.
Related to the release of genetically-modified mosquitoes in Florida in 2021, I wrote:
While some genetically-altered mosquito projects may well assist with disease control, they pose many risks.
The scientific reality is that there is no way that items like genetically-modified mosquitoes can be so thoroughly tested in a lab to be released in the wild without any risk.
A laboratory environment simply cannot test every possible variable in the real world (that is also a reality when it comes to things like COVID-19 vaccines–particularly the mRNA ones).
The release of genetically-modified mosquitoes in Florida is a dangerous risk. (Thiel B. DM: Florida residents claim ‘pest control trial’ that will release up to a BILLION genetically engineered mosquitos in the Keys to reduce species carrying diseases is ‘TERRORISM’. COGwriter, April 27, 2021)
Could there be any connection to genetically-modified mosquitoes released in Florida and malaria now being in the USA?
Bill Gates tweeted the following back in 2015:
Mosquito sex is helping scientists fight malaria. Seriously:
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) March 12, 2015
Since then, he got involved with genetically-modified mosquitoes:
Questions Remain on Bill Gates & Genetically Altered Mosquitoes
July 3, 2023
According to the AP (A Bill Gates-tied mosquito project is not responsible for recent US malaria cases | AP News), the cases of malaria that have recently popped up in the United States were NOT related to Bill Gates, his funding of “mosquito research” related disease prevention (Gates-Funded World Mosquito Program Engages in Gain-of-Function Research – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics), or Oxitec’s (another Gates supported company) release of genetically modified mosquitoes for the past several years in Florida where the outbreaks occurred (see the previous two articles).
The AP has noted that the Gates Foundation does fund malaria work and GMO mosquitoes but states it’s funding for Oxitec’s genetically altered mosquitoes that are being released in Florida (where those mosquitoes are released) does not include any modifications related to malaria, and so they could not be the cause. …
For my part, I admit I cannot prove any relationship exists, but I completely understand why people would ask the question.
To claim that since the intent of the genetic-modification was not to increase susceptibility to malaria does not mean that could not have been the result. Humans simply do not know all the consequences, intended or otherwise, when they genetically-alter living things. While that does not mean that the Gates mosquitoes resulted in malaria in the USA– the fact is that it is in the USA now.
That said, the release of other genetically-modified mosquitoes had been tried years before in Brazil, but the results were not as the proponents hoped:
Deadly ‘super mosquitoes that are even tougher’ accidentally created by scientists after bungled experiment
Updated September 18, 2019
GENETICALLY modified mosquitoes that were designed by scientists to help populations decrease are actually thriving.
This is according to new research that claims the plan to create gene-hacked mosquitoes that have offspring which die immediately has spectacularly backfired and now scientists don’t know what will happen next.
The modified mosquitoes were released in Jacobina in Brazil and were supposed to mix with the local population and decrease numbers with their weak offspring genetics.
Although the wild population did plummet for a short while, 18 months later it was right back up again.
This is mostly concerning because scientists think the new ‘super mosquitoes’ have properties that might make them harder to kill.
Research about the pests has been published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports. …
Mosquitoes like the Aedes aegypti variety that was edited can carry dangerous diseases like yellow fever, Zika virus and Malaria.
This is why efforts are being made to reduce their numbers.
However, now traces of the genetically modified genes have been found in the natural population.
This means they are successfully interbreeding. …
The offspring of the gene-hacked mosquitoes and the natural ones are thought to be more robust but whether they pose a threat is unknown.
Researcher Jeffrey Powell told News Atlas: “It is the unanticipated outcome that is concerning.”
So, at least some scientists have been concerned about “the unanticipated outcome.” Having mosquitoes that are “more robust” makes them harder to kill and, thus tends to increase their longevity.
Well, I anticipated something just like this when I reported about the release of GMOs mosquitoes on July 28, 2018. Here are some of my posted warnings.
Mosquitoes can carry and spread many diseases.
But releasing genetically-modified ones into the wild presents unknown risks.
One assumption that scientists have tended to make with genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) is that if they do not see any dangers, then there are none. That is foolish, yet that continues to be the view of the pro-GMO crowd.
While there certainly are risks associated with contracting the Zika virus (see Zika is more dangerous than many thought; USA has its first Zika death), this ‘solution’ poses risks to various parts of the ecosystem as well as the possibility that some of the offspring produced will have greater longevity as opposed to greatly reduced longevity.
The vast quantity of mosquito offspring increases the possibility that there will be some that have the opposite traits that the GMO crowd is hoping to get. And if this occurs, this could cause much greater problems than the GMO ‘solution’ was supposed to fix. …
Genetically modified mosquitoes pose dangerous risks. (Thiel B. Genetically-modified mosquitoes have been released to ‘fight Zika’. COGwriter, July 28, 2018)
GMOs are very dangerous precisely because scientists CANNOT ANTICIPATE all the potentially negative outcomes. IT IS NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE FOR TO KNOW ALL THE RISKS, yet these experiments with genetically-modified mosquitoes in the wild continue.
And while I suspect that malaria will be brought under control for a while, and genetically-modified mosquitoes could play a role, the fact is that super-mosquitoes are a health-risk.
Mosquitoes, GMO or otherwise, have major potential to spread pestilences and cause pandemics.
Notice some of what Jesus warned would happen prior to the start of the Great Tribulation during the beginning of sorrows:
7…And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:7-8)
11 And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21:11)
(Perhaps it should be mentioned that contrary to the views of some Protestant prophecy preachers, the fourth horseman of the apocalypse is NOT Islam, but has to do with death and pestilence: see Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse).
Mosquitoes are pests, as far as humans are concerned, and can spread many diseases.
Bible prophecy shows that the situation with pestilence is expected to worsen:
7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6:7-8)
Mosquitoes, and the diseases associated with them, are consistent with the “beasts of earth” that Revelation 6 is discussing.
Genetically modified mosquitoes can be harder to kill than natural ones and pose dangerous, and seemingly prophesied, risks.
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse What is the pale horse of death and pestilences? What will it bring and when? Here is a link to a related sermon: Fourth Horseman, COVID, and the Rise of the Beast of Revelation. Here is a version of that sermon in Spanish: El Cuarto Caballo, El COVID y El Surgimiento de la Bestia del Apocalipsis. Some shorter related videos may include Amphibian Apocalypse: Threat to Humans? and Zombie Deer Disease is Here! Are the 10 Plagues on Egypt Coming? Here is a version of the article in Spanish: El cuarto jinete de Apocalipsis, el caballo pálido de muerte y pestilencia.
Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18? Does any church have the confirmed dream and prophetic signs of Acts 2:17-18? Should one? Here is a link in the Spanish language: ¿Tiene la CCOG confirmadas las señales de Hechos 2: 17-18?
Church of God Leaders on Prophets Have there been prophets throughout the church age? Are any supposed to be around in the last days? What have COG leaders stated or written about prophets? Here is a link to a related sermon: Church of God Leaders on Prophets.
GMOs and Bible Prophecy What are GMOs? Since they were not in the food supply until 1994, how could they possibly relate to Bible prophecy? Do GMOs put the USA and others at risk? Here are some related videos: GMO Risks and the Bible and GMOs, Lab meat, Hydrogenation: Safe or Dangerous?
Chimeras: Has Science Crossed the Line? What are chimeras? Has science crossed the line? Does the Bible give any clues? A video of related interest is Half human, half pig: What’s the difference? and Human-Monkey Embryos and Death.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse What do each of the four horseman of the Apocalypse represent? Have they began their ride? Did Jesus discuss the any of this? Might their rides coincide with the “beginning of sorrows? Do they start their ride prior to the Great Tribulation? Did Nostradamus or any other ‘private prophets’ write predictions that may mislead people so that they may not understand the truth of one or more of the four horseman? There is also a related YouTube video titled Sorrows and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Here is a link to a shorter video: These Signs of the 4 Horsemen Have Begun.
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