Der Spiegel: ‘A Danger to the World: It’s Time to Get Rid of Donald Trump’
A reader sent me a link to the following:
May 26, 2017
Der Spiegel is responding to the reports that Donald Trump said, in his private meetings that
“The Germans are evil, very evil.” *
“Look at the millions of cars they sell in the US. We will stop that.”
*or “bad, very bad.” “Die Deutschen sind böse, sehr böse” can be translated either way. Whatever it was that Trump said, he said it in English. Our sources are German. My guess would be that Trump said the Germans were “bad.” That would fit his vocabulary. …
part of the Der Spiegel article … said:
the EU side was horrified at the extent of the Americans’ lack of awareness of trade policy. Apparently, it was unclear to the guests that the EU countries concluded trade agreements only jointly. …
But what is most striking to me, is an article that was written last week, before Trump came to Europe, entitled, “It’s Time to Get Rid of Donald Trump.” [Or, “How will We be Rid of Trump?”] This is an editorial, filled with words like “laughingstock,” “danger,” “not fit,” “liar,” racist,” “cheat,” “joke of a man,” “immature boy.” And more where that came from.
Read the whole thing:… [English]… [German]
What was most striking to me was the central paragraph, which addresses “an American tragedy for which there are five theoretical solutions”: …
So, what is to be done?
Fifth: the international community wakes up and finds a way to circumvent the White House and free itself of its dependence on the U.S.Unlike the preceding four options, the fifth doesn’t directly solve the Trump problem, but it is nevertheless necessary – and possible.
The perspective from Europe sees America as an unstable, unreliable partner. They need to be thinking about going it alone.
Many in the European leadership are doing more than thinking about it. The English language title of Der Spiegel’s article is A Danger to the World: It’s Time to Get Rid of Donald Trump.
Some actually wanted Donald Trump elected as they hoped his statements and policies would get Europeans to distance themselves from the USA and forge a Europe to essentially lead the West.
Notice an article I posted here last September:
Why Europe Secretly Roots For Donald Trump
September 21, 2016
European Parliament President Martin Schulz warned recently that Trump “would be a problem not just for the EU but for the whole world.”
And yet, in some quarters at least, the Trump cloud carries with it at least a sliver of silver lining. No European politician will say so publicly, but to some on the Continent, Trump presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for emancipation from American influence.
To varying degrees, America-bashing has been a mainstay on both the Right and Left of European politics for decades. From GMOs to Guantanamo, from the drone war to the death penalty, European politicians have rarely had difficulty finding reasons to rail against the U.S.
In fact, the evils of U.S. influence is one of the few things that European politicians from nearly every slice of the political spectrum can agree upon. In Germany, for example, one is just as likely to see an “Ami Go Home” (Ami is German slang for American) poster at a rally for the Left party as at a gathering of the far-right Alternative for Germany.
Just as the EU served as a convenient whipping post for British politicians of all stripes in recent decades, culminating in the Brexit vote, the U.S. serves a similar purpose for many European politicians. Even those who profess a deep commitment to the transatlantic relationship often can’t resist using the U.S. as a rhetorical foil to deflect attention from their own vulnerabilities.
Just last week, Jean-Claude Juncker, hailing the Commission’s crackdown on Apple’s Irish tax penalty in his State of the Union speech, declared: “Europe is not the Wild West.” Anyone listening knew that “Wild West” means America. “We are not the United States of Europe,” Juncker added, to applause from the assembled MEPs. “We are much more diverse in Europe and stronger.”
Most Europeans at the center of Europe’s political spectrum genuinely fear the consequences of a Trump victory and a weakening of the Transatlantic relationship. But others smell an opportunity too good to be allowed to pass.
As long as moderate politicians like President Barack Obama or U.S. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton occupy the White House, anti-American politicians will find it difficult to turn their rhetoric into reality. A Trump presidency would force a rethink. …
The birth of an EU army: The U.S. has guaranteed Europe’s security for decades through NATO, effectively placing a giant security umbrella over most of the Continent. That reliance doesn’t sit well with everyone.
Though Europe doesn’t have anywhere near the military resources of the U.S. (American military spending accounts for about 75 percent of the NATO total), politicians in France and Germany are eager to get to work on a European defense force. The idea isn’t new and faces myriad hurdles, mainly the question of how to finance it on Europe’s shoestring budget.
Nevertheless, a Trump victory would give the initiative a major boost. As with the trade deal, Trump would likely be happy to let the Europeans fend for themselves. He has made no secret of his distaste for Europe’s reliance on the U.S. military. Conversely, few Europeans would welcome Trump as commander-in-chief. If he wins, proponents of a European army would finally have the compelling argument they’ve been looking for.
I have been saying since 2015 that Donald Trump’s rise would encourage the Europeans to arm. This is starting to happen.
Notice a report from CNBC related to the “evil” comment:
May 26, 2017
President Donald Trump has reportedly reignited tensions with his EU counterparts after calling the Germans “very bad” for their trade surplus with the U.S.
The president vowed to block German car exports to the U.S. during a meeting with top EU leaders on Thursday, according to German news magazine Der Spiegel.
“The Germans are bad, very bad,” Trump said, according to participants in the room who spoke to Der Spiegel.
“See the millions of cars they sell in the U.S., terrible. We will stop this.”The comments were said to have been made in a meeting with the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the European Council President Donald Tusk, who both showed support for Germany.
The reason I put this here is because Jean-Claude Juncker was mentioned. As a reminder, notice what he said when Donald Trump got elected last November:
Trump wins … Wake up call for Europe to further unite & take charge of its own destiny (Jean-Claude Juncker, Twitter account feed on 11/09/16)
10 November 2016
Europe should build its own army and not rely on security guarantees from Washington, the European Commission president said following the election of Donald Trump. At the same time, Jean-Claude Juncker called for the preservation of the transatlantic partnership. …
“We need more security in Europe, and I do not mean just the anti-terror fight,” Juncker said.
“Talking about security we need a different way of organizing a European defense … the French National Assembly in 1954 prevented the European community of defense.”
“We need it now. The idea that the Americans will eternally see to … European security is not true. Independent of the outcome of the US election, the Americans will not see to Europe’s security forever. We have to do it ourselves. And this is why we need a new approach to the European community of defense, including a European army,” Juncker said. …
The EU ministers are expected to meet in Brussels on Monday to discuss plans to strengthen the EU military cooperation and capabilities.
Europe wants a new world order with it on top.
Donald Trump is becoming a poster-child in Europe for it to rise up apart from the USA–though I do not believe it will fully until AFTER it eliminates the USA (cf. Daniel 11:39).
But the Bible does show, that for a time Europe will arise militarily (cf. Revelation 13:1-10; Daniel 11:39-43) and will dominate trade (cf. Revelation chapters 17 & 18)–but that will not last.
We continue to see steps moving in the direction of Europe deciding it needs to rise.
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