Despite 525-4,500 deaths yesterday, Muslim Brotherhood calls for more protests in Egypt
Muslim Brotherhood
The Muslim Brotherhood continues to call for protests against Egypt’s military-backed government:
August 15, 2013
CBS News correspondent Charlie D’Agata reported on “CBS This Morning” Thursday from Cairo that supporters of ousted president Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood, called Wednesday’s violence no less than a massacre. On Thursday, they said their fight is not over, vowed to bring down what they called the “military coup” and said they remained committed to peaceful demonstrations.
The Brotherhood put the death toll at a staggering 2,600 and the injured at around 10,000 – figures that are extremely high in light of footage by regional and local TV networks, as well as The Associated Press.
In a fresh escalation, Morsi supporters on Thursday tried to storm the building housing the local government in Giza, Cairo’s twin city on the west bank of the Nile River. Police repelled the attack, arresting several protesters, according to state television. The building on the famed Pyramids Road, was evacuated.
August 15, 2013
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is calling on its supporters to march in Cairo Thursday, a day after a crackdown by security forces led to at least 525 deaths.
The Brotherhood says the planned march is in protest of those killed Wednesday when security forces stormed two protest camps in Cairo.
That violence set off clashes in other areas of Egypt, including in Alexandria and Suez. The health ministry said Thursday the fighting killed at least 525 people and wounded more than 3,700. The Muslim Brotherhood said more than 4,500 had been killed…
The interior minister in the military-backed interim government, Mohamed Ibrahim, defended the actions of security forces, saying they used minimum force against the camps and only fired tear gas. He blamed the Brotherhood for creating what he called a state of mayhem across the country by shooting at police, attacking government buildings and burning churches. Witnesses, however, reported security forces firing live ammunition.
Ibrahim says the interim government is heeding the call of the people to bring stability back to Egypt.
ElBaradei resigns
Pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei resigned his post as interim vice president following Wednesday’s violence. He said he is not prepared to be held responsible for even “a single drop of blood.”
At least 525 killed yesterday and thousands injured. The Muslim Brotherhood is showing that it is serious about standing up against the militarily installed government in Egypt.
In my post yesterday, I also reported that Mohamed ElBaradei resigned being interim vice president. Since Mohamed ElBaradei was somewhat popular with the West, this should be a sign that political ‘moderates’ are not that involved any more in the interim government and that it really is a military dictatorship. The USA has refused to call what happened in Egypt a military coup, but that is what it looks like to people who are not making comments based upon political expediency.
Egypt’s elected President Morsi, who the military arrested, had taken some steps to try to curb the influence of Egypt’s military. Now, with what has happened since his arrest by the military, this will turn more people against the military in Egypt. And this will also encourage the rise of a seemingly Islamic leader to again rise to power in Egypt.
The Muslim Brotherhood itself is a Sunni Muslim group. Most Arabs are Sunni Muslims (countries such as Iran and Iraq are mainly Shi’ite Muslims; Syria has a Shi’ite Muslim leader, though the majority of Syrians are Sunnis). A couple of months ago, Egypt’s President Morsi called for Egyptian fighters to begin a war against three Shi’ite ruled nations, including Syria (see Egypt’s Morsi taking ‘King of the South’ steps, but…). This did not set well with the military in Egypt and it decided that it wanted to see certain changes from President Morsi or it would support the unelected opposition. When the changes the military wanted did not quickly materialize, after mob protests, it removed President Morsi from office and declared the Chief Justice of its Supreme Court, Adly Mansour, as interim president (Adly Mansour installed as Egypt’s interim president).
So, the Muslim Brotherhood called for protests. Yesterday, the military decided to not tolerate certain protests and helped kill and/or injure thousands of people. And the Muslim Brotherhood keeps calling for protests.
Despite the show of force by the military in Egypt this week, there is still going to be a rise of a pan-national Arabic power (with likely support from Turkey and others) similar to what the Muslim Brotherhood wants. This is what the Bible prophesies (Daniel 11:40-434; Ezekiel 30:1-9).
The situation in Egypt will change as this will come to pass.
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