Egypt’s military-backed government orders arrest of Muslim Brotherhood leaders
Muslim Brotherhood
In a move that will make certain supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood appear to be martyrs, Egypt’s military-backed government decided to arrest leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood:
July 10, 2013
Egypt’s top prosecutor has ordered the arrest of Muslim Brotherhood leaders, even as the country’s interim prime minister prepares to reach out to the group to form a transitional government.
A prosecutor’s office statement says arrest warrants have been issued for the Brotherhood’s supreme guide, Mohammed Badie, as well as for one of his deputies, and eight others. The statement said they are suspected of inciting violence that left more than 50 people dead earlier this week outside the Republican Guard headquarters.A Muslim Brotherhood spokesman, Gehad El-Haddad, via Twitter called it “the same old police-state tactics,” adding he is being charged with treason.Separately, a foreign ministry spokesman said President Mohamed Morsi is being detained for his own safety and is being treated with dignity. He also said no charges have been filed against him…The Muslim Brotherhood and other Morsi supporters have repeatedly rejected calls to join talks and transition Egypt back to a democratically-elected government.On Wednesday, Brotherhood spokesman Ahmed Aref said despite the new arrest warrants for senior leaders, they will not back off their demands.“The issue is not about these icons [of the Muslim Brotherhood, who were ordered arrested]. Those who died in cold blood are much more important to us than the icons,” he said. “Every Egyptian that is being arrested right now or those who were killed are more important to us than the political icons. However, we are present in the squares, we are present in the Egyptian provinces. If they [Brotherhood leaders] wanted to flee, they would have travelled abroad before all these events of 30 June and when it became apparent that there would be a military coup.”Despite the start of Ramadan, some Morsi supporters remain camped out in Rabaa al-Adawiya square in Cairo, demanding his return.One protester, Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed, says they will not leave.”We are going to continue our sit-in throughout Ramadan, we will pray here and eat here until Morsi is released and returns to his position and we carry him once again on our shoulders,” he said.Both the White House and the U.S. State Department have urged all aides to take part in a peaceful return to democracy. White House spokesman Jay Carney said Tuesday that Washington was “cautiously encouraged” by the interim government’s road map but also urged all sides to refrain from violence.London-based Amnesty International says evidence it gathered suggests security forces used “excessive force” against protesters during Monday’s clashes which left 51 people dead. The group said protesters may have used violence, but that the military’s response was “disproportionate.” 10, 2013CAIRO — Egypt’s new military-led government took further steps on Wednesday to cripple the Muslim Brotherhood in the week since the country’s Islamist president was deposed and detained, issuing formal arrest warrants for the group’s top spiritual leader and at least nine other senior figures accused of inciting deadly protests…Soldiers and police officers killed at least 51 people and wounded hundreds early Monday near the headquarters, most of them unarmed demonstrators who had been demanding the release and reinstatement of Mr. Morsi, the first freely elected president in Egypt. The military said armed protesters instigated the violence, the deadliest since the 2011 Egyptian revolution, which overthrew Mr. Morsi’s autocratic predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.
The Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates have called Mr. Morsi’s ouster a military coup that has reinvigorated the security apparatus of the Mubarak era. They have rejected as lies the military’s claims that it wants to return quickly to full civilian control and create an inclusive government.
So, the group that killed at least 51 people is arresting people in the other group and blaming them for inciting the violence.
Anyway, the Muslim Brotherhood is a Sunni Muslim group (countries such as Iran and Iraq are mainly Shi’ite Muslims). A few weeks ago, Egypt’s President Morsi called for Egyptian fighters to begin a war against three Shi’ite ruled nations, including Syria (see Egypt’s Morsi taking ‘King of the South’ steps, but…). This did not set well with the military in Egypt and it decided that it wanted to see certain changes from President Morsi or it would support the unelected opposition. When the changes the military wanted did not quickly materialize, after mob protests, it removed President Morsi from office and declared the Chief Justice of its Supreme Court, Adly Mansour, as interim president (Adly Mansour installed as Egypt’s interim president).
So, the Muslim Brotherhood called for protests. Now, its leaders are being arrested for that.
Despite the changes in Egypt this week, there is still going to be a rise of a pan-national Arabic power (with likely support from Turkey and others) similar to what the Muslim Brotherhood wants. This is what the Bible prophesies (Daniel 11:40-434; Ezekiel 30:1-9).
The situation in Egypt will change as this will come to pass.
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