Egypt’s New President Declares Koran is the Constitution
The former head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s official website and now Egypt’s President, Dr. Morsi, made an interesting declaration:
‘The Koran Is Our Constitution’: Egyptian President Promises to Ignore Egyptian Constitution For The Sake of Sharia In Chilling Speech
…the man who is now President of Egypt says…
“No, the Koran is our Constitution…The Koran was and will continue to be our constitution…The Prophet Muhammed is out leader…Jihad is our path.”
Dr. Morsi may have said this, because “Egypt’s constitution is up for revision and the new constitution should settle the country’s power configuration” ( Or simply because he is sending a message to the military rulers that he is not overly concerned about how they may try to affect Egypt’s future constitution.
Jihad, roughly meaning “holy war,” is what the Muslim Brotherhood leader believes is the direction for his and other Islamic nations.
Have no doubts about it–an Islamic power is rising up in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East. And even though the Islamists may have one or more set backs, the final King of the South (Daniel 11:40) will rise up and what is happening now will help lead to that.
Watch (Mark 13:37).
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