EU to spend one billion euros on quantum tech to compete with USA and China; France’s Macron wants European military spending to go to European firms; ‘Europe Must Rebel’
Quantum Computer (Pixabay)
A reader sent me a link to the following article in Italian that I had machine-translated into English (with the original Italian shown below the English):
Europe: one billion euros for the quantum computer
Over the next ten years, Europe will invest one billion euros on quantum technologies; … with the participation of Swiss, German and French universities and companies, of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) …
The news comes directly from Vienna, where in these days the “Quantum Flagship” initiative was launched, launched by the European Commission on the proposal of the Italian physicist Tommaso Calarco and the CNR. The investment is part of a larger framework that will see investments for six billion euros in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by 2020, as announced in the Quantum Manifesto , a document that identifies the investment and research priorities in the sector. …
Perhaps the most ambitious project is to build a quantum computer that can quickly process calculations that would require a time equivalent to the age of the universe for a supercomputer. The stakes are immeasurable: as Il Sole 24 Ore points out , “the promise of quantum computing and of a cybersecurity based on quantum mechanics could represent that change of paradigm to bring the disparity between us and the Sino-Californian companies a little closer”.
Europa: un miliardo di euro per il computer quantistico
Nel corso dei prossimi dieci anni, l’Europa investirà un miliardo di euro sulle tecnologie quantistiche … con la partecipazione di Università e aziende svizzere, tedesche e francesi, dell’Agenzia spaziale italiana (Asi) …
La notizia arriva direttamente da Vienna, dove in questi giorni si è tenuta l’iniziativa “Quantum Flagship”, lanciata dalla commissione europea su proposta del fisico italiano Tommaso Calarco e del Cnr. L’investimento fa parte di un quadro più ampio che vedrà investimenti per sei miliardi di euro in Information and Comunication Technologies (Ict) entro il 2020, come annunciato nel Quantum manifesto, documento che individua le priorità di investimento e ricerca nel settore. …
Il progetto più ambizioso forse è costruire un computer quantistico in grado di elaborare rapidamente calcoli che a un supercomputer richiederebbero un tempo pari a quello dell’età dell’universo. La posta in gioco è incommensurabile: come evidenzia Il Sole 24 Ore, “la promessa del quantum computing e di una cybersicurezza basata sulla meccanica quantistica potrebbe rappresentare quel cambio di paradigma da avvicinare un poco la disparità tra noi e le aziende cino-californiane”.
So, the Europeans plan to spend one billion on quantum technology research and around six billion on information and communication technologies to essentially change the paradigm that China and the USA (California) are the leaders.
As long-term readers of this page are aware, I have written for years that technology would be part of the reason that the European beast power would be able to rise up.
The European Union has been investing in technology essentially for the purpose of growing Europe’s influence, improving its economy, and also for military purposes.
Actually, the reason the Europeans decided to fund the Galileo project (essentially a European GPS system that is more accurate than what the USA has) was for military purposes.
Last December, Europe announced it would be providing funds for military technology related to its PESCO defense initiative (see PESCO moving forward with technology)–an initiative intended to give the Europeans a military that can function independently of the USA (see also, PESCO: The making of a European Defence Union).
Europe will use technology. And Europe will use some of it in ways that will lead to the end of the USA (e.g. Daniel 11:39; see also USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses).–this ultimately will be a factor in what could be called World War Three (see also World War III: Steps in Progress).
The Bible shows, that for a time, Europe will dominate the world (cf. Revelation chapters 17 and 18).
European leaders want to do that militarily and without reliance on the USA.
Notice something from France’s President Macron:
Bratislava (AFP) – French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday criticised Belgium’s decision to buy US-made F-35 fighter jets instead of European planes, …
“Europe won’t be strong unless it is truly sovereign and knows how to protect itself,” he said, citing a need to develop “a genuine European defence capacity”.
“I will do everything possible to promote European offers in future contracts,” Macron added.
Critics said the choice of Lockheed would leave Belgium dependent on maintenance and operational systems firmly in US control, while also assailing a blow to Europe’s efforts to unify its defence capacities. 10/26/18
Europe is not only concerned about competing with the USA, it is concerned that decisions and announcements from US President Trump are putting Europe at risk.
For example, notice the following from Finian Cunningham:
America’s Nuclear Death Wish – Europe Must Rebel
The Trump administration’s declared scrapping of a crucial arms control treaty is putting the world on notice of a nuclear war, sooner or later. …
With Trump intending to rip up the INF Treaty, as his predecessor GW Bush had done with the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in 2002, Europe is now facing the disastrous prospect of American missiles being reinstalled across its territory as they were in the 1980s. However, a big distinction between then and now is that after years of expansion by NATO, European territory is at an even sharper interface with Russia’s heartland. …
Moscow vowed … that it will respond “militarily” if Washington goes ahead with scrapping the INF Treaty. Russia can be expected to counter by deploying shorter-range missiles that will put NATO-allied Europe in the firing line.
Surely, the European states must be asking themselves what kind of ally they supposedly have in the US. What kind of ally puts its supposed friends in the firing line, under the name of “protecting them”, while it remains at relatively safer distance?
The European Union has reacted to Trump’s announced withdrawal from the INF Treaty with horror. The EU is calling on the US to adhere to the treaty and to negotiate with Russia over purported complaints. French President Emmanuel Macron telephoned Trump, appealing that the treaty has been a vital element of Europe’s peace for the past 30 years. …
For a start, the EU states should tell Trump that any plan to re-install medium-range nuclear weapons on their soil is impermissible. …
American arrogance is fomenting a European rebellion against its death-wish criminal leaders.
The Bible shows that Europe will rebel against the USA–but worse than Finian Cunningham probably believes is possible (cf. Daniel 11:39, Lamentations 1:1-2).
The Bible specifically shows that Europe will reorganize and give power to a dictator called the Beast (Revelation 17:12-13), also known a the King of the North (Daniel 11:40).
The Bible teaches that Europe will have a great army–which is something that Donald Trump is unknowingly pushing Europe to develop:
25 “He shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the South with a great army. (Daniel 11:25)
The “He” is identified as the final prophesied European King of the North in Daniel 11:40 (watch also Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?).
Donald Trump, by pressuring the EU to spend more on defense, is pushing Europe to fulfill its prophesied destiny in the end of this age.
UPDATE 1225 PST. Notice the following:
November 6, 2018
French President Emmanuel Macron called for the creation of a “true European army,” issuing a sharp critique of trans-Atlantic security ties days before U.S. President Trump is due to visit France.
Europe’s security ties with the U.S., which have been a bedrock of the continent’s stability for decades, have come under strain as Mr. Trump has demanded more military spending from European members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and questioned the alliance’s benefits for the U.S. Such tensions have led Mr. Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to publicly question whether the continent can still rely on the U.S. to come to Europe’s defense.
Mr. Macron went a step further by grouping the U.S. among foreign powers he considers a potential threat to the continent. “We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America,” Mr. Macron said on French radio. …
Europe is the “main victim,” Mr. Macron said, of Mr. Trump’s decision to withdraw from the landmark 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. That accord prohibits the use of intermediate- and shorter-range rockets, as well as testing, producing or fielding new ground-based missiles.
“We will not protect the Europeans unless we decide to have a true European army,” Mr. Macron said. …
Britain’s planned exit from the bloc has also freed up Brussels to increase its defense ambitions. London had repeatedly blocked EU plans to bolster its military cooperation.
Emmanuel Macron has called for the creation of a “true European army” to allow the EU defend itself from threats ranging from Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin.
The French president has pushed for closer EU defence union since coming to power last year but has been so far met with limited success amid foot-dragging by other member states.
“We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America,” Mr Macron told France’s Europe 1 radio in an interview.
So, yet another call from France’s Macron and this time for a specific European army.
As I have written for the past couple of years, Donald Trump and Brexit would be factors.
The Bible shows that Europe will be a warring power (Daniel 11:39-44). It also shows that the success of the European Beast, King of the North, power will cause the world to marvel as well as defeat the strongest military power:
3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:3-4)
39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain. (Daniel 11:39)
The Beast of Revelation 13 and the “he” of Daniel 11:39 is a European leader, also called the King of the North. Notice that the strongest military power–which currently is the USA–will be taken over.
The world will marvel because no one seemed to think that the Europeans could beat the USA. As regular readers of this page are aware, I have been writing for over a decade that technology would be a factor in the Europeans being able to accomplish this. The EU decision to spend billions on information technologies, including quantum computing, will likely be factors in the rise of Europe’s military prowess.
While Europe has been relying on the USA for defense, many do not like that nor trust the USA. The time will come when Europe concludes it not only does not need the USA, but that it would prefer to destroy it!
The Europeans are mad at the USA for many reasons (including its President Trump), the UK for the Brexit vote, and will decide that places like Canada are too connected to them to remain.
The USA and its Anglo-Saxon descended allies will be defeated (Daniel 8:24-25).
The Bible teaches that this will come to pass (Daniel 11:39; see also USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses).
We continue to see Europe take steps as well as to advocate for future steps that will lead to the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.
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Forbes’ Brexit Monster is the Beast of Revelation Various ones have been properly convinced that there is a plan for a European superstate. Forbes’ writer Tom Worstall wrote that the Brexit vote was about the United Kingdom “not joining the monster of the European Union to come.” The Bible tells of a Beast monster that will arise in the end times in Europe. Dr. Thiel cites news reports, as well as the Old and New Testaments, to show that the monster many fear will arise in Europe, despite the vote by the British to exit the European Union. This is a video.
Post Brexit Prophecy On June 23, 2016, the voters of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) chose to leave the European Union. Now with this BRitish EXIT (Brexit) vote, what is prophesied to happen to the UK? Will the UK do well or be taken over and made slaves? Dr. Thiel explains from biblical prophecies what is ahead for the UK, Europe, and even the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. This is a video.
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USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. A related sermon is titled: Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2018, 2019, or 2020? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2018 o 2019? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon videos: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives and Can the Great Tribulation begin before 2020? A shorter video is: Can the Great Tribulation begin in 2018?
The Times of the Gentiles Has there been more than one time of the Gentiles? Are we in it now or in the time of Anglo-America? What will the final time of the Gentiles be like? A related sermon is available and is titled: The Times of the Gentiles.
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
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British are the Covenant People What do ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ mean in Hebrew? Are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons people of the covenant? Does the British royal family connect to the throne of David? What does the Bible teach? What does history show us? Is there any DNA evidence related to British-Israelism? When did Christianity make it to the British Isles? Could Jeremiah have made it to the British Isles? What type of Christians made it to the British Isles? Did the last King of England believe in British Israelism?
Donald Trump in Prophecy Prophecy, Donald Trump? Are there prophecies that Donald Trump may fulfill? Are there any prophecies that he has already helped fulfill? Is a Donald Trump presidency proving to be apocalyptic? Two related videos are available: Donald: ‘Trump of God’ or Apocalyptic? and Donald Trump’s Prophetic Presidency.
Trump Presidency Magic 8 Ball or Bible Prophecy? BBC reported that one might as well use a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’ to try to predict what will happen in the remaining time of Donald Trump’s presidency. What is a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’? Dr. Thiel not only explains that, but also briefly goes over 10 biblically-based warnings he wrote would happen if Donald Trump were elected that have already began to come to pass. He also goes over something he wrote back in 2008 that the Trump presidency is also helping lead to fulfillment. Should you trust Bible prophecy or not? Dr. Thiel says that Bible prophecy can be trusted, despite the view of skeptics and others that either overlook or despise the Bible. This is a video.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse This 188 page book is for people truly interested in prophecies related to Donald Trump and the United States, including learning about several that have already been fulfilled and those that will be fulfilled in the future. The physical book can be purchased at Amazon for $12.99 from the following link: Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition This electronic version of the 188 page print edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition.
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