European army? EU chief Von der Leyen says bloc must ‘flex its muscles’ and ‘Brexit has strengthened our unity’
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen (Kuhlmann /MSC)
A read sent a link to the following from the UK press:
European army? EU chief Von der Leyen says bloc must ‘flex its muscles’
INCOMING EU chief Ursula von der Leyen, has set alarm bells ringing with a bullish speech in which she suggested the bloc was ready to ditch “soft power” and flex its “muscles” in a bid to “asset itself on the world”.
9 November 2019
European Commission President-elect Mrs von der Leyen stressed the EU’s strengths as a bastion of openness and democracy in a troubled world and said Brexit had forged a tighter group out of the remaining members of the bloc. She added: “We must go our own European way with confidence.
“Soft power alone won’t suffice today if we Europeans want to assert ourselves in the world.
“Europe must also learn the language of power.” …
She said: “We must be more strategic with a view to Europe’s external interests,” emphasising that this included EU enlargement policy. …
It was in the EU’s interests for countries in the West Balkans to have the prospect of accession to the bloc, she said. …
Born in Brussels, Ms von der Leyen, 61, is fluent English and French speaker, and worked closely with Paris to promote European defence projects.
Ursula von dey Leyen wants a larger, stronger, and more united Europe.
Notice also the following the German press:
The European Union needs to take a more active role in global politics if it wants to protect its interests, incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday.
“Europe must also learn the language of power,” von der Leyen said during a speech on European policy in Berlin.
“On the one hand, this means building our own muscles [in areas] where we’ve long been relying on others — for example in security policies,” the former German defense minister said. “That also means applying our existing power in a more targeted way in areas where European interests are concerned.”
In the future, she added, the EU’s partners should expect stronger positions from the bloc as the former strategy of exercising “soft power” is no longer enough in today’s world. …
The incoming Commission chief also remarked on Brexit in her wide-ranging speech, saying that although the process has been a “shock,” it has also brought the bloc closer together.
“As paradoxical as it sounds, the shock of Brexit has strengthened our unity,” she said.
The UK’s turbulent divorce from the bloc “has not only shown what it means to leave the EU but also how much each country stands to gain as part of the European Union,” von der Leyen said. 11/08/19
By not relying on others for security policies, Ursula von dey Leyen is saying that Europe should stop relying on the USA and become its own military power.
As far as Brexit goes, the UK had been the major force in the EU against a European army. With the UK working on leaving, it is no longer considered in the way. And the negotiations and delays in Brexit have been a factor promoting unity among many of the countries in the EU.
In July 2019, Ursula von dey Leyen was elected in a secret ballot to become the European Union Commission President.
In August 2011, Ursula vonder Leyen said: “My aim is a united states of Europe, run along the lines of the federal states of Switzerland, Germany or the USA.” (Spiegel interview)
She has long been a supporter of an independent EU army and more European integration.
Though she slightly backed off her US of Europe position after her election, she still wants an EU wide military and essentially a European superstate.
The idea of a “United States of Europe” is not new.
Notice the following from the late Pastor General of the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God from 1948 and 1982:
But back, now, to that most significant special meeting this morning. It was not an official United Nations meeting-it was not a secret meeting-it was a “Solemn Pontifical Mass,’’ staged by the Roman Catholic Church. …
It was the SERMON that shot forth that spark, impregnating the minds of world leaders in attendance. This amazing sermon was delivered by a foremost radio speaker of the Catholic Church, Bishop Duane G. Hunt of Salt Lake City … Without the guidance, supervision, authority of the Catholic Church, he told these men, they were laboring in vain …
This was the Roman Catholic bid to resurrect the so-called “HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE” ! And PROPHECY says they will succeed! … At the psychological time, the pope will step in … Thru this political movement, he will UNIFY … nations in Europe. It will be a “The UNITED STATES OF EUROPE,” but that probably will never become its official name. (Armstrong HW. Now It Can Be Told…The Plain Truth, December 1948, pp. 2,5).
Greetings, everybody. I just came back Monday night from a trip half way around the Earth and halfway back again. … I learned a number of things in Europe. …
I want to tell you a little more about it, and that is the coming of the United States of Europe. Now, brethren, you’ve heard me mention that time and again. And I think that perhaps we don’t realize what a pivotal thing that is in world history, and what it means to us especially. Well I can tell you now that the whole world is soon going to be ROCKED WITH ASTONISHMENT AND AMAZEMENT when they find that, possibly within a year now, there is a new super nation (a new super power, possibly greater than the Soviet Union or the United States) that has gone together in Europe: the prophesied resurrection of the so-called Medieval Holy Roman Empire — the United States of Europe. …
Now to see what this thing in Europe is going to trigger. I say it will trigger World War III. Well, let’s go on. Let me prove that now. Let me go on and show you a little bit more. The 13th chapter of Revelation … (Sermon Date: November 27, 1982)
In the 21st century, various European leaders have pushed for or pointed to a United States of Europe:
- October 2002, French politician Valery Giscard d’Estaing suggested that the name of the European Community should be changed to United States of Europe.
- September 2011, the European Parliament had a conference entitled “The United States of Europe – Towards a Transnational Society?”
- August 2011, Ursula vonder Leyen said: “My aim is a united states of Europe, run along the lines of the federal states of Switzerland, Germany or the USA.” (Spiegel interview)
- September 2011, ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of Germany called for a ‘United States of Europe’ (see Telegraph: Former German Chancellor Demands ‘United States of Europe’, Be Afraid)
- June 2012 many called for a ‘United States of Europe’ (see TW, Guido Westerwelle, HWA, and Alan Greenspan on Europe’s Future).
- January 2014, Vivane Reding, Vice President of the European Commission campaigned for the EU (European Union) to become a “United States of Europe” will be the “best weapon against the Euro-skeptics” (EU Commissioner calls for United States of Europe!).
- October 2016, France’s then Prime Minister Manuel Valls called for a militaristic United States of Europe (see ‘French Prime Minister Argues For United States Of Europe, With Its Own Military’).
- December 2017, German political leader Martin Schulz called for a United States of Europe by 2023 (see German call for a ‘United States of Europe’ in five years)–though a later source said 2025 (
While the precise name of United States of Europe is not necessary, these statements do show that the Church of God’s basic view has long been correct. The Continuing Church of God, of course, continues to warn about this emerging European Beast power.
The Continuing Church of God (CCOG) is pleased to announce the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
Ursula von der Leyen and the coming United States of Europe
In the Summer of 2019, German Defense Minister Urusla von der Leyen was elected through a secret ballot by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to be the European Union Commission President in late 2019. She has gone on record in favor of a strong European army independent of the USA as well as for calling for a more integrated Europe. Were these some of the reasons she was selected? Does she believe that Donald Trump and Brexit will help lead to an integrated and armed Europe? Like various other European leaders in the 21st century, Ursula von der Leyen has called for a ‘United States of Europe.’ Since 1948 the old Radio Church of God warned a ‘United States of Europe’ would be formed (though probably without that name). Is that going to happen? What does the Bible teach? Will Europe get its own ‘great army’? Will Europe reorganize under a dictator? Are Ursula von der Leyen’s actions likely to help lead to the rise of the European Beast? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
Here is a link to our video: Ursula von der Leyen and the coming United States of Europe.
Steps and calls for a larger, stronger, and more unified Europe are happening, consistent with biblical prophecies about the rise of the coming European Beast power (cf. Revelation 13:1-10).
While more steps still need to take place (e.g. Revelation 17:12-13), the groundwork for that is happening now.
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