European Commission unveils some of its military plans


The European Commission made proposals moving towards a European army:

30 November 2016

The prospect of Brexit and Trump has spurred the EU into action on the military front …

The Commission proposal comes amid wider plans to create an EU “defence union” in response to Brexit and to the election of Donald Trump, a Nato-sceptic, in the US.

France, Germany, Italy and Spain have said the European public wanted the EU to play a larger role in the security arena in reaction to Britain’s decision to leave the bloc and to the migration crisis.

Earlier this month, EU states agreed to create a new military command HQ in the EU foreign service and joint rapid-reaction forces that could be sent into action in African or Middle Eastern states.

November 30, 2016

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union will … send a message to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump that Europe wants to pay for its own security.

Newsletter 2016/11/29 – Shock as Opportunity

BERLIN (Own report) – Thanks to Donald Trump’s electoral victory,
Berlin sees its opportunities for pushing for the creation of EU
military structures and possibly European nuclear armed forces
growing. Wolfgang Ischinger, the influential diplomat and Chairman of
the Munich Security Conference, is “hoping” that the “Trump shock” has
“dramatically increased” the willingness to militarize the European
Union. Last week, the European Parliament adopted a resolution that
includes setting up an EU Operational Headquarters, establishing a
“political leadership” for EU military operations, and raising the
military budgets of all member states to at least 2% of their GDP. EU
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Federica
Mogherini, continues to promote the idea of an “EU superpower.”
Leading politicians and commentators are beginning to pick up the
idea, previously launched by a number of experts, of the EU developing
its own nuclear military forces on the basis of French and British
nuclear weapons. However, for this, the French and British arsenals
would be insufficient, according to a suggestive article published in
one of Germany’s leading opinion-forming dailies.

But the Wall Street Journal seems to think Europe has a long way to go:

EU Sets Out Defense Proposals, a Long Way From a European Army

November 30, 2016

The European Commission unveiled a set of defense proposals Wednesday, behind which lies the ambition for the bloc to create its own version of the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

But, at least for now, the funds being considered are far too modest to create a research agency akin to DARPA or the Pentagon’s other labs which helped invent the internet and continue to develop American advances in robotics, drones and other military technologies. …

The new proposals come as the EU is making a push for strategic autonomy, building a more robust military capability across member states that could be exercised independent of the U.S. and in support of the bloc’s diplomatic initiatives.

The plan does not create shared military resources, a step that would look to some like the creation of a European Army. But it will encourage countries to work together to develop and buy new capabilities together, potentially at lower costs.

Whether  member states will be willing to support defense projects if they don’t have an economic benefit in their country remains an open question.

U.S. officials, most prominently President-Elect Donald Trump, has been pushing European countries to spend more.

I have warned for some time that the rise and/or election of Donald Trump would trigger the desire for a European army and additional European unity, as would the Brexit vote.

Thus, this should not come as surprise to regular reader of this page.  Notice two items I posted here before the Brexit vote:

The departure of the UK from the EU has been called a Brixit or Brexit, meaning a British exit. As far as the UK’s role in the future, as I have written many times before, the UK will not remain a major power in the final European configuration. … The Bible shows that a couple of reorganizations will take place in Europe in Revelation 17:12-13) and this will result in a type of strong leader that many in Europe seem to crave. (Thiel B. EU leaders keeping low profile on Brexit vote. COGwriter, June 6, 2016)

Does the European leadership think they need their own military, one that will ultimately not be dependent upon the USA?


Are they now trying to take steps to make this happen?


Will a vote in the UK for it to exit from the European Union stop this from happening?


The Bible prophesies that the final European King of the North Beast power will destroy the USA and its Anglo-Saxon descended allies, including Canada, and UK:

39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain (Daniel 11:39).

The ‘he’ is the final European King of the North Beast. And the strongest fortresses in the world belong to the USA and to a much lessor extent, its English-speaking allies (for a more detailed explanation of why the USA and its Anglo-allies are involved, as well as the dividing of their lands, please see Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel). Some would call this attack World War III (WWIII).

Daniel 11:24-25 seems to parallel this as it teaches that the King of the North has plans against the strongholds and succeeds against the prosperous:

24 He shall enter peaceably, even into the richest places of the province; and he shall do what his fathers have not done, nor his forefathers: he shall disperse among them the plunder, spoil, and riches; and he shall devise his plans against the strongholds, but only for a time.

25 “He shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the South with a great army. (Daniel 11:24-25)

Notice that the ‘he,’the European power, will first seem peaceful, but will have a great army! And the Europeans have a secret plan for the start of one! (Thiel B. EU’s post UK secret army plan. COGwriter, May 28, 2016)

Consider also something posted here one day BEFORE the US election:

If Donald Trump is elected, the Germans will see this as proof that they cannot rely on the USA for their defense, etc. Germany will push for a European army. Some in Europe actually want Donald Trump to win for this basic reason (see ‘Why Europe Secretly Roots For Donald Trump’?). (Thiel B. Germans opposed to Donald Trump, but not too optimistic about Hillary Clinton. COGwriter, November 7, 2016)

The Bible shows that Europe will have a great army (Daniel 11:25). Because of Brexit and Donald Trump, the European Commission has now taken more steps towards one.

Now, getting to two other points.

First of all, while Europe does not have the type of European army that the Bible has prophesied yet, it will get one.  And do not be surprised that it uses a lot of resources that are in NATO.

Secondly, what Donald Trump and most other Americans do not seem to realize is that when Europe pays more for its defense, it will not feel it needs to heed US international policies as before. Europe wants to be both independent and then ultimately, dominant.

The Bible shows that it will be a European King of the North Beast power that will one day defeat the USA (Daniel 11:39; see also USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses).

Notice also something from the late Herbert W. Armstrong published in 1978:

The Europeans are far more disturbed about their safety in relying on United States military power to protect them than Americans realize! The United States is not loved in Europe. European confidence in U.S. protection against their next door communist neighbor has been lessening and lessening. EUROPEANS WANT THEIR OWN UNITED MILITARY POWER! They know that a political union of Europe would produce a THIRD MAJOR WORLD POWER, as strong as either the United States or the U.S.S.R. — possibly stronger! They have made a real effort toward union in the Common Market. It has made them economically strong. United they could become stronger economically than the United States. (Armstrong HW. Where Are We Now In The Panorama Of Prophesied World Events? Good News, August 28, 1978)

Since the election of Donald Trump, the view in Europe to be on its own has increased.

Though many discount Europe, the Bible shows that the time will come when the USA will be no more (watch also the recent sermon: Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?).

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