Europe’s Galileo going ahead, despite Brexit concerns
Despite delays and technical problems, Europe’s Galileo navigational system is moving ahead:
Brexit puts Galileo programme at risk
June 27, 2016
‘Galileo’ is the European Space Agency’s (ESA) major project to deliver improved GPS signalling to cars, boats, aircraft, hikers, etc. More than 75 per cent of Britain’s space-related funding goes to the 22-nation ESA which is NOT part of European Union.
Indeed, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) has been a major recipient of ESA contract to build the small satellites which make up the GPS system. SSTL has supplied 22 of the GPS craft to date, and are competing with others for the next batch of orders, and that procurement is proceeding normally with a date of July 19th when bids have to be made.
Meanwhile, Britain (in its pre-Brexit mode) has repeatedly said it wanted to boost its share of space-related commerce from today’s 6.5 per cent to nearer 10 per cent. …
The overall question now is to what extent these projects and plans will be affected by the UK’s ‘Brexit’ vote, and in particular what damage might be done to jobs and future commitments from ESA, or the EU, to current and future work.
June 30, 2016
A new dispenser for a modified Ariane 5 rocket, capable of carrier four satellites into middle Earth orbit, has passed an extended test campaign and approved for launch, removing a final hurdle for accelerating development of the Galileo constellation.
June 29, 2016
What does a UK exit from the EU mean for EU space programmes and Galileo in particular?
First: UK involvement in the European Space Agency (ESA) should be unaffected by the exit of the UK from the European Union as this is a separate institution. However, one could argue that non-membership of the EU might diminish its voice and could require a higher financial contribution.
Bids for the next Galileo satellite purchase contracts are due to be submitted in mid-July, and the European Commission has indicated that it will consider them purely on commercial terms. This is good news for the OHB System and Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) consortium. And also for the Commission. If I were a betting man, I’d still wager the house on the incumbent consortium winning the contract to provide the remaining satellites required to provide a sustainable, 24/7 operational constellation for 1st generation Galileo. There would, in my opinion, be an unwarranted technical risk in doing anything else.
However, for the next generation it is open season of course.
Jewel in the Crown at Risk. But the real worry must be the Public Regulated Service (PRS). This is the unique feature of Galileo that is of great interest to civil and military authorities in Europe and beyond, due to its more robust encrypted signal and its potential anti-jamming and spoofing characteristics. Currently PRS will only available to EU Member States. In fact access to a PRS workshop at the European Space Solutions event (see below) was strictly “EU citizens only.” However, other countries, including the US and Norway, have indicated that they would love to be able to use it as well. No final decision on this has yet been made.
Many may be unfamiliar with Galileo. Basically, it is intended by Europe to one-up the USA’s GPS system.
Additionally, Galileo is intended to improve Europe’s economy and allow Europe to take steps independent of the USA in the event of conflict:
Galileo is intended to be an EU civilian GNSS that allows all users access to it. … A primary motivation for the Galileo project was the EU concern that the US could deny others access to GPS during political disagreements. Since Galileo was designed to provide the highest possible precision (greater than GPS) to anyone, the US was concerned that an enemy could use Galileo signals in military strikes against the US and its allies (some weapons like missiles use GNSS systems for guidance). …
An anonymous EU official claimed that the US officials implied that they might consider shooting down Galileo satellites in the event of a major conflict in which Galileo was used in attacks against American forces. (Galileo (satellite navigation). Wikipedia, viewed 08/23/14)
As far as it being civilian, Wikipedia and various others have left out certain details. Galileo is intended for military use, was originally funded for military use back in 2008 (see EU Approves Galileo For Military Use), and is intended to be able to have nuclear weapons applications:
Euro GPS Galileo gets ready for nuclear missile use…
France has never been pleased with the idea that its fully independent nuclear deterrent needs US help to make accurate counter-force type strikes.
Thus some people do tend to suggest that for most users Galileo is pretty much a nice-to-have, strictly optional thing. Only for the French military (or other non-US-aligned EU forces) is it truly desirable. The German CEO of one of the firms building it rashly said as much to US diplomats a while ago.
So we can see that encrypted Galileo is mainly about French nuclear missiles (or other EU military kit)
Galileo clearly has military applications.
Europe’s Galileo satellite system initially had US critics as there were “early objections from the Americans who thought a rival system to GPS might be used to attack its armed forces” (Amos J. EU awards Galileo satellite-navigation contracts. BBC, Jan 7, 2010. So when Galileo was first proposed, American leaders opposed it as they felt it could be used militarily against the USA.
Notice also a letter from the then U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz in which he was part of a campaign against Europe developing Galileo:
But this opposition was reversed by the Obama Administration. This is one of many dangerous steps it has taken (watch also 10 Steps Obama Has Taken Leading to the Rise of the Beast)–and a step relatively few are aware of.
Europe’s Galileo satellite program continues to advance, despite various delays. Europe declared years ago that Galileo was needed for military purposes and that is why it received funding at a critical stage of its development. Galileo is Europe’s answer to the USA’s Global Positioning System (GPS). It is expected to end up being more accurate and is intended to cover more area of the planet (though it would not surprise me that area coverage could be reduced for budgetary concerns). Galileo represents a new era in the sense that it is a major EU project that improves on what the USA has and shows that the Europeans have the potential to become a modern military power (though Galileo is only one of the needed pieces).
Despite early opposition, the USA decided to link to Europe’s Galileo project in 2010.
This, as I reported at the time (see USA GPS and EU Galileo linking was expected), was dangerous, and remains so. But I expected it, and so warned about it in a book I wrote in 2009. Notice that page 85 of that book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect states the following:
In 2013, the Europeans are planning on having their own global positioning system (GPS), called Galileo, available for military applications. This will allow the Europeans to track the world and attack others without relying on the U.S.A.’s GPS. This will be the first time in the 21st century that Europeans will be able to have that type of independent military capability.
Furthermore, according to a 2009 report from the U.S. government, the U.S. Air Force may have to start relying on the European Galileo system (at least to a degree) beginning in 2013, as the U.S. GPS capabilities are expected to deteriorate by then (other problems are also appearing in the newer U.S. satellites). Because the Europeans will be able to control Galileo, they will also likely be capable of derailing certain sophisticated U.S. military applications. This will give the Europeans a unique defensive (as well as offensive) capability that no others on the planet will have.
When I wrote that in May of 2009, the U.S. Air Force denied that there was such a problem. Yet, in late July 2010, the USA did announce it would rely on Galileo for part of its military defense (see USA GPS and EU Galileo linking was expected). Galileo was partially operational in 2013 and is getting more operational as it moves forward.
It will be only in a few years where the USA will not have the lead in this type of technology. And while some believe that the USA will overcome this, the reality is that the Europeans may decide to take advantage of their lead once they have it.
The power in Europe is starting to rise up. And yes, ultimately, I believe that Galileo (or similar technology) will be used as part of an attack on American (USA and possibly Canadian) forces (and probably also the UK), as well as to help prevent counter-strikes.
Europe is moving forward with its space plans and few in the USA seem to realize that when it gets enough power, the USA will lose all of its.
Linking up with Galileo (which the USA has publicly stated that it will do; see USA GPS and EU Galileo linking was expected) specifically puts the USA at major risk of not being able to launch an effective counter-strike if the EU attacks the USA. Do Americans not remember that the wars in Kuwait and Iraq were waged first by the USA having vastly superior air/space systems? And now the USA’s financial mess is leading the USA to rely on other nations for part of this capability. The world is changing and the USA is losing its vast military supremacy. Top powers that lose their military supremacy have historically been taken over by others. Yes, this satellite matter is that serious.
Galileo, and the partial apparent USA dependence upon it, gives the Europeans a unique type of military power. This is something all should be concerned about. The USA is NOT as ‘independent’ as many wish to believe and celebrate.
While some will correctly point out that the USA has a massive military advantage over Europe, the USA’s overconfidence, combined with its excessive sharing of military technology with Europe is also putting it at risk.
I would add that the USA is sharing a lot of technology that will end up enabling the Europeans to defeat the land of the “strongest fortresses” (Daniel 11:39). The USA is not only planning on allowing the Europeans to control certain military aspects of its satellite communications via Galileo, the USA is also giving the Europeans technologies that can result in massively effective (from a military perspective) weaponry that could very well be used against the USA and some of its Anglo-Saxon allies.
Furthermore, is should be mentioned that possibly as a result of appeasement because of espionage matters, the USA appointed a German general to be in charge of the US Army in Europe. Most in the USA and Canada have no idea that the Europeans are moving up so much or that they even wanted to.
While some in the UK see the intentions of Europe to become a superstate, hence the Brexit, they do not realize that voting to leave the European Union will NOT protect them from what will arise in Europe.
The Galileo project is absolute proof that Europe wants to function independently of the USA and wants to be ahead of it technologically. Steps for this continue to take place.
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Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Amazon 2nd Kindle edition This electronic version of the 200 page print edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Amazon 2nd Kindle edition.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
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