EU’s billion euro gift to Vatican; Vatican using RFIDs related to Malachy prophecies?
Vatican City (photo by Joyce Thiel)
The European Union gave the Vatican a rather large “gift”:
The Vatican has received a generous early Christmas present from European Union chiefs with the announcement that illegal tax exemption from 2006 to 2011, which saved the Catholic Church billions of euros, will not have to be paid back.
Europe’s Competition Commissioner, Joaquin Almunia, said two years ago that the Vatican’s exemption from Italian property tax, or ICI, payments, on thousands of buildings, including 4,714 hospitals and clinics, breached EU competition law. He suggested that the Church would have to cough up the missing payments.
But now the European Commission has said that the Italian government had demonstrated that clawing back the missed payments “would be absolutely impossible” given how hard it would be to decide which properties in that period were being used exclusively for commercial purposes.
The Bible talks about various arrangements that the “city of seven-hills” will have with the final European power (Revelation 17-18).
The Vatican itself has been taking a few additional security steps. FWIW, my wife and I have visited Vatican City many times since the late 1980s and can attest that security is annoyingly tight now.
The announcement that thousands of Vatican clergy and employees will be issued an identification card with an RFID tracking device comes as no surprise following the Vatileaks scandal. Even the Pope needs to be concerned about confidentiality and security. However, His Holiness seems to be following the Prophecy of the Popes and bringing us one step closer to Armageddon.
Sound far fetched? The fact that the last 111 popes were all named in a 900-year-old prophecy is thought provoking enough. But the idea that Pope Benedict XVI may be the Last Pope before the Apocalypse, he’s issuing tracking devices to the masses, and he’s one of the most politically influential men in the world should make you sit up and take notice. Because according to the Prophecy of the Popes, the next pope will be the last, and he’ll usher in the Antichrist.
The “Prophecy of the Popes” is based upon a vision that the Catholic saint and bishop Malachy claimed to have in 12th century. It is a bit odd that the report about the RFIDs mentioned it.
While some have distanced themselves from the Malachy prophecies, various Catholics believe in it, and if it is correct, the next pope would be the last one. And according to various Catholic and other writings, possibly the final Antichrist. The next pope will be one to watch.
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