Francis wants Vatican’s constitution ripped up and re-written: a prelude to make way for ecumenism?
Vatican City (photo by Joyce Thiel)
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Pope’s cardinals to ‘rip up and rewrite’ Vatican constitution
A Roman Catholic cardinal said Sunday that a group of senior church figures handpicked by the Pope to shake up the Vatican’s murky and autocratic bureaucracy would “rip up and rewrite” the constitution which apportions power at the Holy See.
The eight cardinals, who were appointed by Pope Francis in April, have been briefed to revise the constitution, known as Pastor Bonus, drawn up in 1988 by Pope John Paul, in a bid to give greater voice to bishops around the world.
Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, the group’s leader, said that at tomorrow’s meeting they were planning to go much further than just changing “this and that”.
“No, that constitution is over,” he said in a television interview. “Now it is something different. We need to write something different,” he added.
The suggestion of drastic reforms to the Vatican’s constitution follows several reformist comments by the Pope.
The last time I am aware of significant changes to the Vatican’s so-called “apostolic constitution” was about four years ago when it was amended to allow Anglican priests who joined with Rome to remain married.
The changes that seem to be proposed include local vs. Vatican control matters. I suspect that part of how this will be handled will be to make the Vatican more appealing to the Eastern Orthodox and some Protestants. A report I saw from The Telegraph indicated that the cardinals were to begin meeting today to work on this.
This is dangerous and will not end will for those who will ultimately support the ecumenical power (cf. Revelation 17 & 18).
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