German Finance Minister Calls for EU to Have More Power
Berlin Reichstag
Some in Germany celebrated its reunification today:
Reuters – 12 November 2011
BERLIN (Reuters) – Euro zone states must do more at a European level and pass some of their responsibilities for budget setting and fiscal policy to European institutions to find a way out of the debt crisis, Germany’s Finance Minister was quoted on Saturday as saying.
The Bible, in Revelation 17, is clear that the Europeans will reorganize in the future and given more of their power to a central authority:
12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. (Revelation 17:12-13)
More and more we are hearing calls that are consistent with that prophecy. Steps towards this happening are continuing as we in the Living Church of God have long taught–and there will be bumps in the road and problems (major civil unrest, or worse, may occur).
The Bible is also clear that the final European Beast power will not actually be highly unified as it will basically be a combination of strong and weak, or as the Bible more literally states, iron and clay:
41 Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. (Daniel 2:41-43)
According to Bible prophecy, a European power, despite its fragility, is destined to temporarily be the most dominant force in the world, ultimately conquer the Anglo-descended nations (Daniel 11:39), and later come to its end (Daniel 11:45).
We in the Living Church of God have long taught that Germany (Assyria in end time prophecy) would be the driving force in the end-time European Beast power as well as having a future role in God’s kingdom. Germany has been the main economic engine behind the EU (the Netherlands is also a major, but sometimes overlooked, major economic power there as well).
We believe that over time, Germany will get more and more powerful and that a stronger union would form in Europe. More leaders in Europe are starting to advocate a stronger European union publicly.
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