Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush?
Hillary Clinton (Kai Moerk 2012) Jeb Bush (Gage Skidmore 2013)
Some are wondering if the next US presidential election will be one involving another Clinton and another Bush:
WASHINGTON — Could it really happen? What are the odds? Will voters really want to sign up for either a second Clinton presidency or a third Bush White House? A quick glance at the latest public opinion polls suggests it is theoretically possible at the very least. Hillary Clinton is far and away the favorite for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. The sitting Vice President, Joe Biden, is not even close in the polls. The only question seems to be, will she run? It’s not likely we’ll know the answer to that question until late this year or early next.As for possible Republican contenders for 2016, there has been a lot of talk and speculation of late about former Florida governor Jeb Bush. Like Clinton, Bush says he will make a decision later this year. But unlike Clinton, his path to the Republican Party’s presidential nomination is far less clear.Bush has said he will only run for the presidency if he can do so “joyfully.” But you have to wonder how much joy could there be in running the gauntlet of Republican primaries and debates if the last few primary campaigns are any guide. Bush is a favorite of mainstream, establishment Republicans who worry that Tea Party conservatives have done serious damage to the Republican brand, especially in presidential election years when candidates need to appeal beyond the party base.
Pros and cons of a Bush candidacy
Jeb Bush would bring formidable political skills to a presidential run. As a former two-term governor of the swing state of Florida, Bush has experience in winning votes from beyond his own party and in the art of compromise once in office. He also has a track record of success in winning Hispanic votes probably unmatched by any other potential Republican contender not named Marco Rubio. Bush won 61 percent of the Hispanic vote when he was first elected governor in 1998 and suffered only a small drop off in his re-election victory in 2002.
On the other hand, the Republican Party has changed since he last ran for office 12 years ago. The rise of the Tea Party movement and the need for national candidates to be cautious about offending that group was on display in the Republican presidential primaries in 2012. Mitt Romney finally emerged victorious but only after fending off a number of challengers who seemed suspicious that he was a core conservative. Jeb Bush is already getting a taste of that following his recent comments about immigration reform that have sparked a conservative backlash within the party…
Beyond Bush’s potential problem with conservatives is another issue—the family name. The public approval ratings for his brother, former President George W. Bush, have only recently started to inch up. Some Republican strategists worry that ‘Bush fatigue’ remains a real issue for many voters and could hurt their chances in 2016.
Ready for Hillary
Hillary Clinton has been busy of late, giving paid speeches around the country and trying to duck the question of whether or not she’s running in 2016. During a recent appearance in San Francisco, Clinton said the hard question was not “Do you want to be president?” but rather “Why would want to do this?” and “What could you offer that could make a difference?”Despite her attempts to keep a low profile there are fresh signs that Clinton would be a formidable contender if she ran. A recent poll in Iowa by Suffolk University found her winning the support of 63 percent of self-described Iowa Caucus goers. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was a distant second with 12 percent followed by Vice President Joe Biden with 10 percent.
In addition, the independent political action committee known as Ready for Hillary announced it has raised $1.7 million in the first three months of this year, another sign that Democrats would seem to be in a giving mood if Clinton decided to take the White House plunge. Ready for Hillary is not officially sanctioned by the Clinton camp but has already raised a total of $5.75 million in hopes of luring her into the race…
So what are the odds of a Clinton-Bush matchup in 2016? Clinton would seem to have an easier path to her party’s nomination that Jeb Bush. But don’t forget that Clinton was the clear favorite to be the party’s standard-bearer in 2008, only to be upset by a rookie senator from Illinois who captured the heart and soul of the Democratic Party and then went on to win a convincing victory that November over Republican John McCain. http://www.voanews.com/content/bush-versus-clinton-in-2016/1890632.html
(CNN) — What do you call a politician who has close friends running three coordinating super PACs with a stated goal of laying the groundwork for that politician’s presidential campaign?
You might call her Hillary Clinton, candidate for president of the United States.
The lazy, cliche take on how the media are covering Hillary Clinton is that there’s too much of an early focus on someone who hasn’t declared her intentions.
While it’s true that the breathless “Will she or won’t she?” chatter is overkill, the flaw is in the substance.
The reality is Hillary Clinton is running a campaign for president right now, whether she’ll admit it or not, so she should be held to account by the media and voters the way any other candidate would. http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/10/opinion/miller-hillary-clinton-candidate/
If they officially run, will either a Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush presidency save the USA?
Consider the following prophecies:
12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.” (Isaiah 3:12)
16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err, And those who are led by them are destroyed. (Isaiah 9:16)
It is not likely that either of these potential candidates could win if they called for national repentance. It is also not likely that the USA would repent.
As USA debt is increasing and more and more public immorality is being accepted in the USA, the days of the USA being on top are numbered.
From a religious perspective, it should be noted that while Hillary Clinton has claimed to be some type of Methodist, though she supports abortion and homosexual marriage. Jeb Bush converted from Anglicanism to Catholicism back in 1995. Whether or not that helped him much with the Hispanic vote is unclear, but likely it did not hurt him.
Other Anglicans have become Catholic (Some Anglicans Starting to Accept Pope’s Offer of Unification and Beware: Protestants Going Towards Ecumenical Destruction!) and the ecumenical movement is going forward. Enough so that I would expect some version of support for it from Jeb Bush as well as Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama himself endorsed some version of it earlier this year (see Barack Obama makes an ecumenical appeal).
None of the likely candidates for the next presidency of the USA will save that nation.
By virtue of timing, whoever wins the next USA presidential election (Republican, Democrat, or other) will be apocalyptic. That individual will take steps that will contribute to the destruction of the USA and the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), otherwise known as the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21).
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