In Ukraine, Donetsk remains divided
Donetsk Rally (Andrew Butko)
Protesters in Donetsk are remaining defiant from calls by the interim government in Kiev to disperse, so another offer has been made:
April 11, 2014
DONETSK — Ukraine’s prime minister visited the restive eastern region of Donetsk on Friday, offering local leaders greater autonomy if pro-Russian protesters disarm and leave regional government headquarters, which they stormed on Sunday.
The protesters have demanded a referendum on the region’s future. Western countries accuse Russia of instigating the demonstrations, which have divided opinion in the city of Donetsk.
Pro-Russian protesters at the regional government headquarters have declared a “People’s Republic of Donetsk.” They see the new government in Kyiv as illegitimate and reject its authority…One man, who did not want to give his name, voiced his anger.
“The people of the Donetsk region, people of Ukraine, are sick of the power that has been imposed on them from the west of Ukraine,” he said.
Also Friday, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that Russia must withdraw tens of thousands of troops from the Ukrainian border and enter into sincere dialogue with the West.
Rasmussen saiid the alliance was not discussing military action over Ukraine, but added that it was taking steps to protect its partners effectively. NATO on Thursday released aerial photographs showing what it says are 40,000 Russian troops, along with tanks and aircraft massed near the Ukrainian border.
The protesters in Donetsk who took over buildings were supposed to have been cleared out by the interim government in Kieve by now, but that did not happen. It is likely that Kiev is worried that if it uses violence, Russia’s troops will use that as an excuse to takeover.
I received an email from a relatively long-time subscriber to our Bible News Prophecy magazine who expressed the view that many in Ukraine are concerned about what is going on as well as the weak economy in that nation.
Many in Ukraine are scared and frightened and need our prayers. While many seem to be placing their hope in the European Union, that will not turn out well according to many biblical prophecies (e.g. Revelation 18-19).
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