Israel, Iran, and the USA: Tensions All Over
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants the USA to become more involved in taking clearer action regarding Iran:
September 11, 2012
Israel is sounding increasingly agitated over what it views as American dithering with economic sanctions too weak to force Iran to end its suspected drive toward nuclear weapons.
In a clear message aimed at the White House, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday criticized what he said was the world’s failure to spell out what would provoke a U.S.-led military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. The comments came in response to U.S. refusals in recent days to set “red lines” for Tehran.
With his strong words, Netanyahu is taking a bold gamble. He clearly hopes to rattle the U.S. into doing more, for fear that Israel might otherwise soon attack Iran on its own. But he risks antagonizing President Barack Obama during a re-election campaign and straining relations with Israel’s closest and most important ally.
September 11, 2012
(Reuters) – The White House has rejected a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet President Barak Obama in the United States this month, an Israeli official said on Tuesday, after a row erupted between the allies over Iran’s nuclear programme…The website of Israel’s daily newspaper Haaretz called his words “an unprecedented verbal attack on the U.S. government”.
Iran makes no secret of its hostility to Israel, widely assumed to be the region’s only nuclear-armed power, but says its nuclear programme is purely peaceful.
“The world tells Israel, `Wait. There’s still time,’” Netanyahu said Tuesday, according to The Associated Press. “And I say: `Wait for what? Wait until when?’ Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.”
I still believe that the Israeli Prime Minister prefers to have an attack against Iran prior to the November 2012 US presidential election as he suspects that is the best way to pressure the USA to support his plans. He may be right about that.
Iran itself has been taking defensive steps as many concerned there that Israel intends to attack (see TW: Iran Preparing its Defenses).
Wars do not always go as planned, for either side (or their allies). Wars kill and destroy.
P.S. The following was also in the news late today:
‘Brotherhood turning Middle East into Islamist bloc’
This is of related interest as I do not believe that the Shi’ite Iranians will lead the final King of the South confederation (Daniel 11:40-43), but that a Sunni group like the Muslim Brotherhood will.
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