Japan May Go Nuclear
Hiroshima After the Atomic Bomb Was Detonated
While the USA hopes that China will reign in North Korea, apparently some in Japan have another idea:
Japan girds its own defense amid rising tensions in AsiaUSA Today – Dec 10, 2010TOKYO — Japan’s usual quiet approach to tensions with its neighbors is giving way to more military exercises, critical statements and discussions of what was once unthinkable: development of a nuclear arsenal.In recent weeks, Japan has issued blunt positions against North Korea and China over the North’s attacking of a South Korean island and China’s refusal to rein in its Korean ally.
This month, Japan refused to renounce its claim to islands to its south whose waters are rich in minerals and that China says is its property. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2010-12-10-korea10_ST_N.htm
The Bible warns of a time when the “kings of the sunrise” (Revelation 16:12; literal translation) will put together a massive army that will head towards Armageddon and Jerusalem.
Japan, which is a highly technologically developed nation, apparently is deciding that it needs to arm itself further. It is likely to be one the end time “kings of the sunrise” along with China, and probably Korea.
Even though Japan seems to now want to develop nuclear and other weapons to deal with threats in Asia, it will later apparently decide (according to Bible prophecy) that its biggest foe will be much further west.
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