Japan’s Quake Affected Planet’s Axis and Orbit
Earth cracked by quake in Japan (Danny Choo)
The magnitude 8.9 earthquake that hit northern Japan Friday affected the planet:
Quake shifted island, sped up Earth’s rotation
Sun Mar. 13 2011…
Early data from Japan suggests the earthquake moved the island about 2.4 metres, according to Kenneth Hudnut of the U.S. Geological Survey…
Late Friday, scientists at NASA revealed the quake shaved more than a microsecond from the day. The quake, which lasted about two minutes, sped up the earth’s rotation by about 1.6 microseconds. (One microsecond is one-millionth of a second.)…
Meanwhile, a report from Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology suggested Friday’s quake shifted the Earth on its axis by an estimated 10 centimetres.
The quake was the fifth-largest recorded in the world since 1900. http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110312/earthquake-shifted-island-110312/20110313/?hub=CalgaryHome
If any of these changes will affect weather patterns and/or food production in any significant way is not clear.
What is clear is that those in Japan have been severely shaken, as have some Western journalists:
Japan counts death toll after biblical scenes of destructionGuardian, UK – March 12, 2011As entire communities remained cut off, one exhausted emergency worker said: “We witnessed biblical scenes. Huge container ships were tossed around like matchsticks. There was nothing anyone could do.”
Thousands flee nuclear fallout
New Zealand Herald – March 13, 2011
Japan’s worst recorded earthquake, a 10m tsunami, and the rumbling, shaking threat of a nuclear meltdown combined with an almost Biblical authority. The end times, it seemed, had come.
‘It looks like the end of the world’: quake devastates Japan
The National, UAE – March 11, 2011
In scenes described by a television commentator as “looking like the end of the world“, waves of up to 10 metres slammed into Japan’s north-east, sweeping away buildings, ships and cars as though they were bathtub toys.
Thousands feared dead in tsunami.
The Sun, UK – March 13, 2011Japanese volcano eruptsSapa-AFP – March 13, 2011A volcano in southwestern Japan erupted Sunday after nearly two weeks of relative silence, sending ash and rocks up to four kilometres (two and a half miles) into the air, a local official says.It was not immediately clear if the eruption was a direct result of the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake that rocked northern areas Friday, unleashing a fierce tsunami and sparking fears that more than 10,000 may have been killed. http://www.timeslive.co.za/world/article965229.ece/Japanese-volcano-eruptsJapanese survivors worry about dwindling supplies, foodWashington Post – March 13, 2011Along hundreds of miles of Japan’s northeast coastline, entire towns are swamped and concern is increasing among survivors and aid workers about dwindling supplies.Two days after a massive earthquake and the resulting tsunami turned a strip of Japan into wreckage, the hardest-hit areas still don’t have enough of what they need, according to those in shelters. There’s not enough food, not enough water and no heat. And there are not enough resources to quickly reach – or even contact – the tens of thousands who remain missing. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/03/13/AR2011031300977.html?hpid=topnewsWhat’s up with all the disasters?
Toronto Sun – March 12, 2011What on Earth is going on? Are those Doomsday wackos right?
Tsunami pounds Japan. Quake pummels New Zealand. Floods drown Australia. Haiti in ruins. Chile, China rocked. Pakistan under water. An Icelandic volcano halts air travel. Catastrophes kill nearly 300,000 people in 2010.
The 8.8 Chile quake shifts the earth’s axis three inches. Perhaps you noticed, a day is now 1.26 millionths of a second shorter.
From Arkansas to Italy, over a few days in January, thousands of birds fall dead from the sky. They call it Aflockalypse. Millions of fish go belly up…
What a mess 2011 is shaping up to be.
But the images from Japan are especially gobsmacking, like something out of Battle: Los Angeles, the new alien invasion flick. But more unsettling, more apocalyptic, more real…
Dec. 21, 2012 is a popular bet, according to those who believe that when it comes to planetary demise, what’s Mayan is yours. http://www.torontosun.com/news/columnists/mike_strobel/2011/03/12/17593401.html
Since biblical terms are being used, perhaps more Japanese will consider reading the Bible themselves.
Jesus, of course, warned about a time with such issues:
8 … And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be…troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
We may be at this prophetic point as all the earthquakes and other problems that have happened in the past year or so could be considered as “troubles”.
Perhaps the earthquake can serve as a wake-up call to the Japanese and others that the world can change very quickly and that the time to repent is now:
30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. (Acts 17:30-31)
There are troubles and repentance is needed.
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Japan, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 1: Any Witness? Where did the Japanese people come from? Have they had any witness?
Japan, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 2: Prophecy Japan in prophecy. What is prophesied for Japan? Will God save the Japanese?
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2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect This is a link related to a book by Bob Thiel (COGwriter). This link also has YouTube videos. This book documents and explains hundreds of prophecies. And since it was published, world events have aligned with at least 14 predictions in the book and many more will to come to pass.
2012 y el surgimiento de la secta secreta 2012 libro del Dr. Thiel en Español.
2012 und das Auftreten der geheimen Sekte (German Edition) 2012 Buch von Dr. Thiel in deutscher Sprache.
2012 e o Surgimento da Seita Secreta (Portuguese Edition) 2012 livro do Dr. Thiel em Português. Este livro documenta e explica centenas de profecias. E desde que foi publicado pela primeira vez, pelo menos 14 já começaram a acontecer.
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