Joe Biden has COVID; Did DEI Almost Get Donald Trump Killed?

 Donald Trump                  Joe Biden
(Official White House Photos)


US President Joe Biden who has had numerous COVID shots and COVID boosters, and who also wrongly said people vaccinated for COVID did not transmit COVID, now has COVID himself:

July 17, 2024

President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday, disrupting a key campaign event meant to shore up support with Latino voters at a critical juncture in the election.

Biden, 81, was experiencing mild symptoms and has received his first dose of the antiviral drug Paxlovid, according to his doctor.

“I feel good,” Biden, who is fully vaccinated and boosted, told reporters Wednesday in Las Vegas, flashing a thumbs-up before boarding Air Force One to head to his Delaware residence. The president will self-isolate there in line with US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance. …

It’s unclear where and when the president contracted Covid-19. But the sudden diagnosis will place him behind closed doors at a time when Democratic lawmakers have been clamoring to see him out front. …

Just hours before the White House announced Biden’s Covid-19 diagnosis, California Rep. Adam Schiff, a Senate candidate and former House Intelligence chairman, became the most prominent elected Democrat to publicly call on the president to drop out of the race.

The party remains in flux about the path forward amid fears that, in light of his disastrous debate performance last month, Biden cannot defeat Trump and risks taking down Democrats in down-ballot races with him in November.

July 17, 2024

 ABC News reported that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., advised President Biden to end his reelection for the greater good of the country and the Democratic Party.

Only eight days ago, Schumer had a different opinion on Biden: “I’m with Joe.”  …

Just hours after President Biden mentioned in an interview that he would consider dropping out of the presidential race if diagnosed with a “medical condition,” the elderly president tested positive for Covid-19 this afternoon.

That said, many have wondered about obvious and other lapses associated with Donald Trump’s security detail.

Notice a report from Michael Snyder:

Did DEI Almost Get Donald Trump Killed?

All throughout human history, leaders of nations have been guarded by elite warriors.  That only makes sense, because there is so much to lose if a king or a president is killed.  So considering the fact that we are currently the most powerful country on the entire planet, you would think that the people that are protecting our national leaders would be extraordinarily impressive.  But actually the opposite is true.  On Saturday, we had a bunch of obvious DEI hires trying to protect Donald Trump, and he almost died.

Somehow, a 20-year-old amateur with a rifle was able to scale a building on to a roof that had a direct line of sight to the platform where Trump would speak, and he was able to stay up there for nearly 30 minutes without anyone from the Secret Service doing anything about it.

Members of the crowd could see a man with a gun up there, but the Secret Service didn’t take action and they allowed Trump to speak anyway.

Either this was incompetence on a level that is difficult to comprehend, or something else was going on.

Once Trump was hit, Secret Service agents rushed to the stage.

But as Christopher Rufo has pointed out, the female agent that was attempting to shield his torso was way too short, “leaving his head and neck exposed after he stood up”…

He said: “Scene one: after President Trump ducks, a group of agents leaps to him and protects him with their bodies. A female agent who rushes to the stage acts bravely, without a doubt, but the point of the ‘huddle’ is to protect the president. The agent was much shorter than President Trump, leaving his head and neck exposed after he stood up.”

If a second shooter had been ready to shoot at that point, Trump would have been in grave danger.

But at least that first female agent was trying to do the right thing.

Another female agent on the stage appeared to be cowering behind Trump.

It took the Secret Service an eternity to get Trump off the stage and to his vehicle.

After finally arriving at the vehicle, three female agents appeared to be very frightened and very confused

Then, he added, “Scene two: as Trump enters the escape vehicle, a female Secret Service agent fumbles her gun and cannot find her holster; another female agent appears confused and, in the moment of crisis, decides to use both of her hands to put on her sunglasses; a third looks frightened and uncertain.”

On Twitter, Michael Yon did not hold back as he criticized these agents…

Absolute humiliation for this gaggle of female Secret Service Agents.

Look at the disorder:

– Can’t holster weapons
– Gear falling to the ground
– Erratic, fearful movements
– No show of force, composure

DEI Secret Service make Presidents LESS Safe

Look, I am sure that these women are very nice people.

But they are not suited for this sort of work. 07/16/24

Let me add that I noticed the height issue with the agents who are supposed to be guarding Donald Trump. In order to protect him from bullets all around, the agents should be at least as tall as he is. But they were not.

And yes, there were other lapses.

People should be hired who are qualified, not those who check off various boxes for what I would consider to be false ‘virtue signaling.’

And when it comes to ‘body guards,’ in Donald Trump’s case the preference instead for DEI almost proved to be a fatal.

Do not put your confidence in Joe Biden nor Donald Trump.

Put your faith in Jesus. Biblical prophecies will be fulfilled and we are seeing the stage is being set for many to be fulfilled fairly soon.

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