John Kerry in South America where nations are upset about US espionage
John Kerry, Official Portrait
The US Secretary of State is in South America trying to smooth over relationships:
August 13, 2013
STATE DEPARTMENT — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is spending the start of his week in Colombia and Brazil, as part of the Obama administration’s efforts to boost ties with Latin America. But those relationships have been clouded recently by South American concerns about U.S. surveillance programs reported to have targeted communications across the region.
Secretary Kerry began his first visit to South America as the United States’ top diplomat in Colombia…
But reports that the U.S. government surveillance programs leaked by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden included monitoring of emails and telephone calls in Latin America have complicated those relationships
Last week, Brazil’s Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota and his counterparts from Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Venezuela went to the United Nations to voice their “indignation” about the spy program to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Venezuela’s foreign minister Elias Jaua spoke for the group.
He said the South American countries expressed their concern over what he called the “grave implications that the illegal procedures” carried out by the U.S. government have on the “political stability of the countries and on mutual trust necessary in the international community.”
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said he is seeking clarification from the U.S. about its intelligence gathering, while Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff said her country does not agree at all with such interference.
Carl Meacham, director of the Americas Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Brazilians’ concerns date back to the Cold War era, when the U.S supported authoritarian regimes in Latin America.
“The involvement of the United States in support of some of these governments that used questionable methods, that used torture, is sort of present in the minds of many Brazilians, and what they attach this whole issue of surveillance to is the United States acting as a big brother,” stated Meacham. “And they would say, ‘On the one hand, you have the president of the United States that wants to reach out and be nice and develop a closer relationship,’ but on the other hand, they would say that, ‘If you’re trying to develop a closer relationship with us, why are you spying on us?’”…
Meacham said the real issue is that the U.S. got caught, not that it is doing anything different in terms of surveillance than other countries, including Brazil. “Compared to a lot of the countries that are being highlighted – Chinese, the Russians, countries where Mr. Snowden has taken asylum, these are countries that have far worse records with democracy and human rights than the United States,” he said.
And he said the current resentment is likely to pass. “I don’t think it’s going to have a long-lasting damaging effect. I think that the United States continues to be the biggest market, and the United States continues to be a country that is promoting democracy and human rights, and I would put the United States against any of these countries with regards to their records on human rights and democracy,” Meacham stated. “But I do think in the short term, it will make for some tense meetings, particularly in Brazil.”
Kerry visits Brazil Tuesday, where he is likely to address the international surveillance concerns.
Pretty much nothing that Secretary Kerry will say or do will truly smooth over relationships in South America over this. It has long been the view of many in South America that the USA is arrogant, bossy, untrustworthy, and much more concerned about its own affairs than those of the people in that continent. The espionage disclosures are a more public demonstration to various ones there that the distrust of the USA remains valid. The some of the governments of South America also protested the espionage last month as well (South America protests USA spying)–and they have longer memories there than some analysts tend to think.
Perhaps it should be pointed out that the “indignant” Argentinians which have protested the Snowden matter have also long been upset about the USA’s support of the UK’s position on the Falkland Islands. Thus, this espionage matter gives the Argentinians something else to be upset with the USA about. Argentina is the second largest country in South America, and the upset Brazilians represent the largest country on that continent.
As I have written for years, eventually, all or nearly all of South America will align with the rising power in Europe. The Snowden revelations will be one more small factor pushing South America in that direction.
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