John Meakin: London Riots: ‘Erosion of Morality’?
In his commentary today, John Meakin from the Living Church of God, has the following:
Commentary: London Riots: “Erosion of Morality”?
Four days of mindless violence and anarchy swept across England in early August, taking five lives and engulfing 121 locations. Why? These were not, as some insinuated, “race riots”—even though the initial spark came from the police shooting of a well-known London gang member. Nor were they due to social deprivation, police brutality, political discontent, or government cuts to balance the budget. Neither were they directly related to joblessness or economic despair or poverty. After all, many places did not riot! So, what is the explanation?
British Prime Minister David Cameron had no doubts about the cause: “There are pockets of our society that are not only broken, but frankly sick… the problem… is a complete lack of responsibility, a lack of proper parenting, a lack of proper upbringing, a lack of proper ethics, a lack of proper morals… ” (Daily Telegraph, August 10, 2011).
Commenting on what he saw as “the erosion of morality” that lay behind the riots, Anglican bishop Nigel McCulloch of Manchester wrote, “Perhaps it is not surprising that a moral vacuum in some parts of our society seems to have prompted a me-first, ultra-consumerist culture, in which the quest for possession of things overrides a caring concern for others. Over the past few decades, we have nurtured confusion among people of all ages and backgrounds about what is right and what is wrong. This week we had an unpleasant glimpse of the default position to which society inevitably returns when its moral imperatives have been sidelined” (Sunday Telegraph, August 14, 2011, p. 17).
The words of the Apostle Paul, describing the immorality rampant in “the last days” of this present age, appear tailor-made to describe Britain today: “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:1-4).
Prime Minister Cameron has expressed great seriousness about moral reform. What actions, then, might he consider? He could form an alliance with those who can bring clear teaching about what is right and what is wrong. Give them airtime. Give them space in our media. Raise their profile to publicise their message. Insist on it! Build up the family. Put parents back in charge of their children. Empower them to properly discipline them in love. End once and for all the gang culture that dominates many cities. In short, by word and deed, start a new “moral crusade” to bring God and His way of living back to the centre of British society.
The message is plain: Britain must change its ways or it will not survive. To steal and lie and deal falsely is wrong. To defraud your neighbour and rob him is wrong. To hate your brother in your heart is wrong. Not to revere your father and mother is wrong. We should all love our neighbours as ourselves. We should highly respect and honour our elders in society and respect law and order (see Leviticus 19:3, 11, 13, 17, 18, 32). So says the one true God who builds up and tears down nations, who blesses and curses nations on the basis of respect for His universal laws. Read more
At this juncture in history, it does not appear that Britain will change its ways sufficiently (if at all in a truly positive manner), hence it will not survive.
Of course, the problems are not restricted to the UK:
Flash mobs, riots prompt debate about social media crackdown
Los Angeles Times – Aug 16, 2011A summer marked by social-media-fueled riots in England and flash-mob violence in several American cities, including Philadelphia and Cleveland, has officials debating how much they should — and legally can — crack down.
Philly Flash Mobs Not Solved With Curfews
Wednesday, 17 Aug 2011 03:59 PM
By Chris Freind
The televised images of violence and looting triggered a recurring thought in many people — this isn’t supposed to happen in our civilized cities.
No, we’re not just talking about London, but Philadelphia, the “City of Brotherly Love,” where violent flash mobs have become frequent.
Mob Violence and the ‘Looting Bankers’ Defense
Wall Street Journal – Dorothy Rabinowitz – 17 August 2011
The eruptions of flash mobs in a few American cities will seem no great matter … The attackers are invariably young blacks, the people they assault invariably whites. This was true in Philadelphia as it was in Wisconsin, in Chicago and everywhere else that has seen these mobs.
Flash Mobs: 5 Things to Know
International Business Times – Daniel Tovrov – 17 August 2011Flash mobs are an international phenomenon. Along with Philadelphia and Maryland, there have also been flash mob attacks in Ohio, Illinois, Milwaukee, Iowa and Washington…Flash mobs appear suddenly and without warning. As insinuated by their name, flash mobs have little rhyme or reason. They are generally organized through technology — either on social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, or through text message, BlackBerry Messenger or email. Comprised mostly by young people, flash mobs can be peaceful or violent. Sadly, recent flash mobs have trended toward the anarchic.
Lawlessness, boredom, a sense of entitlement, hate, and lack of love are all major factors in criminal riots. The erosion of morality that John Meakin referred to is not limited to the UK. I expect both class riots and race riots in the USA, and perhaps elsewhere.
I reported about some of the social media mobs in at least two articles last week (see Facebook Riots and UK’s Cameron May Call Out the Troops and Restrict Social Media). In one of them I wrote:
“Social media” may be being used as a tool of the horseman of war (Revelation 6:3-4). And at minimum, it seems to be used to stir up part of “troubles” which also have been prophesied as part of the “beginning of sorrows” (Mark 13:8). If we are entering a “double-dip recession” (which I have suspected we may for some time), more protests, civil unrest, and riots may also materialize.
I still expect more civil unrest and riots in the USA and UK. And Facebook, Twitter, and/or other forms of “social media” may be tools used to help cause them.
The time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) is getting closer, and other troubles (Mark 13:8) will happen for a few years before it gets really bad. And then it will be even worse for the people in the Great Tribulation (Mark 13:19, Matthew 24:21). National repentance seems close to impossible, but personal repentance is still possible.
God will eventually intervene in what will happen to the UK and the Anglo-descended nations (Jeremiah 30:8; Matthew 24:22), but not until it gets worse than most people have imagined (Matthew 24:21-22). The riots in the UK were barely a taste of what is to come.
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