Karl zu Guttenberg back in CSU politics
Guttenberg Family Castle (PeterBraun74)
Karl-Theodore zu Guttenberg is back in politics. The following was essentially machine-translated by Google and is followed by the original in German:
February 14, 2015
Fuss about Ex-CSU Crown Prince Guttenberg
The CSU is wondering: What is behind meeting to which load Guttenberg, EPP Group Chief Weber and Savings man driving at?
By Christine cupping, MZ
Munich Ex-CSU Crown Prince Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, who has been comparatively rare in Germany, is back with a bang from the “US asylum.” The former Minister of Defense is one of a trio of CSU politicians, the selected fellow party receives in a week’s illustrious exam at the Schlosshotel Neufahrn. The invitations, Manfred Weber sent, the influential head of the conservative EPP Group in the European Parliament. The third man is the former Bavarian Finance Minister Georg driving Yeah, now president of the German Savings Banks and Giro Association. The two-day meeting, which is declared as a time to “discuss and think,” provides for explosives. Party friends suspect the trio Socialize cliques – with a view to items that are to be awarded after the election in 2017 and the 2018 state election. Attention is being focused on who is charged in the Lower Bavarian Neufahrn – and who is not.
Wirbel um Ex-CSU-Kronprinz Guttenberg
Die CSU rätselt: Was steckt hinter Treffen, zu dem Guttenberg, EVP-Fraktionschef Weber und Sparkassenmann Fahrenschon laden?
Von Christine Schröpf, MZ
München Ex-CSU-Kronprinz Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, der sich in Deutschland vergleichsweise rar gemacht hat, meldet sich mit einem Paukenschlag aus dem „US-Asyl“ zurück. Der frühere Bundesverteidigungsminister zählt zum Trio aus CSU-Politikern, das in einer Woche ausgewählte Parteifreunde zur illustren Klausur im Schlosshotel Neufahrn empfängt. Die Einladungen hat Manfred Weber verschickt, der einflussreiche Chef der konservativen EVP-Fraktion im Europaparlament. Dritter im Bunde ist der frühere bayerische Finanzminister Georg Fahrenschon, inzwischen Präsident des Deutschen Sparkassen- und Giroverbandes. Das zweitägige Treffen, das als Zeit zum „Diskutieren und Nachdenken“ deklariert ist, sorgt für Zündstoff. Parteifreunde argwöhnen, das Trio knüpfe Seilschaften – mit Blick auf Posten, die nach der Bundestagswahl 2017 und der Landtagswahl 2018 zu vergeben sind. Aufmerksam wird registriert, wer ins niederbayerische Neufahrn geladen ist – und wer nicht. http://www.mittelbayerische.de/nachrichten/oberpfalz-bayern/artikel/wirbel-um-ex-csu-kronprinz-guttenberg/1191351/wirbel-um-ex-csu-kronprinz-guttenberg.html
The CSU is an abbreviation for the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (German: Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern). It is a major political party in Germany and is based in in Bavaria. (Note: Information on the Bible, doctrinal, and prophetic matters in the German language is available at the Continuing Church of God: Deutsche page.)
Why the fuss about Karl-Theodore zu Guttenberg?
He was an upcoming star for the CSU. So much so, Karl-Theodore zu Guttenberg was once considered to be a likely replacement for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, until he resigned in disgrace after being accused of plagiarizing substantial parts of his doctrinal dissertation.
I have been warning since that time that he would be expected to re-emerge in European politics. His positions and the public disgrace he has suffered seem consistent with certain prophesies related to the final King of the North of Daniel 11 and others about the Beast of the Sea in Revelation 13.
Notice three translations of Daniel 11:21:
21 And there shall stand up in his place one despised, and the kingly honour shall not be given him: and he shall come privately, and shall obtain the kingdom by fraud. (Daniel 11:21, Douay-Rheims)
21 “‘His place will be taken by a reject, a man spurned and passed over for advancement. He’ll surprise everyone, seemingly coming out of nowhere, and will seize the kingdom. (Daniel 11:21 from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)
21 And in his place shall stand up a contemptible person, to whom they had not given the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in time of security, and shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries. (Daniel 11:21, ASV)
As mentioned, the Baron was considered to have had a major chance to become Chancellor of Germany before the plagiarism scandal. That is why the German press just referred to him as the “ex-CSU Crown Prince.” So in a real sense, Karl-Theodore zu Guttenberg was “a man spurned and passed over for advancement” as THE MESSAGE version of Daniel 11:21 indicates.
I would add that if he ever establishes a claimed ‘Catholic’ religious order, he will have confirmed various biblical and Catholic prophecies about a leader of Europe.
Since I first wrote about him in late 2009, there have been at least seven speculative predictions that I posted online that Baron Guttenberg has somewhat fulfilled.
On June 3, 2010, also at my Los Angeles Church History and End Time Prophecy Examiner column, I posted an article titled Baron Karl Guttenberg and defense cuts. Might he be the Catholic Great Monarch? which explained why various Catholic prophecies about the “Great Monarch,” including one about being exiled, might point to Herr Guttenberg. The same article also stated:
If Karl Guttenberg is part of a major Middle East peace deal, if he later establishes armies (or a great army), and if he establishes something like a new religious order within his version of the “Catholic” faith, he hopefully will get more people’s attention. And if Karl Guttenberg ultimately does gain the top job in a restructured Europe (especially if there are various signs and wonders at and after that time, cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 ), all would be wise to realize that he pretty much is the one who will be the final King of the North (despite the type of denials that would be expected).
Related to the above, on December 12, 2010, at the Los Angeles Church History and End Time Prophecy Examiner column, I posted an article titled Guttenberg to fulfill warning from Los Angeles End Time Prophecy Examiner? that included the following:
Well, late Thursday Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg announced that he {is} taking steps that seemed to fulfill one of those warnings:
German defense minister seeks more European military cooperationDeutsche Welle – Dec 9, 2010
So, he took at least an initial step in trying to come up with a multi-national great European army (which would also be multi-lingual).
On June 14, 2010, when he caught some flack about some of his statements related to Afghanistan, I posted (see Guttenberg Hints of Resigning):
If he does resign, this would not be a surprise. For various reasons, he may be out of the limelight for a while, if he does, in fact, become the final King of the North.
And of course, while the Baron did not resign in 2010, he did end up 2011 resigning for other reasons. The fact that he indicated he might resign in 2010 was another factor that got me to consider that he might be the final King of the North. As far as being out of the limelight, on December 23, 2012, Der Speigel ran an article pointing out the fact that he was staying away from publicity, etc. (see Karl-Theodor Guttenberg working in secret?), hence providing further confirmation to my speculation.
Also, in June 2010, in my article Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?, I posted the following:
As far as being exiled goes, the Baron is not always popular, and he may become unpopular for a time.
And not only did the plagiarism charge reduce his popularity, shortly thereafter he did go into a self-imposed exile. Even the German press has referred to his later move to the USA as “Exil” (TV-Kolumne: „Maybrit Illner“: Das Guttenberg-Rätsel – weiter lesen auf FOCUS Online: http://www.focus.de/kultur/kino_tv/focus-fernsehclub/tv-kolumne-maybrit-illner-das-guttenberg-raetsel_aid_687881.html) which is “Exile” in English.
On August 6, 2010, at my Los Angeles Church History and End Time Prophecy Examiner column, I posted (Karl Guttenberg most popular German politician. Might he rise further?):
Even if he temporarily loses popularity again, ultimately he may rise much further.
And the plagiarism scandal has, temporarily in a sense in my view, caused him to lose popularity.
On October 21, 2010, at my Los Angeles Church History and End Time Prophecy Examiner column, I posted (Guttenbergs rising: Might Europe turn to Karl Guttenberg?):
Despite the Guttenbergs rising popularity, Karl Guttenberg is virtually unknown to those I have spoken to about him in Southern California (the American media tends to spend less time on foreign affairs than they do to American celebrities).
I have been one of relatively few to regularly post prophetic articles about him, and seem to be the first newswriter to specify that Karl zu Guttenberg may become the final King of the North of Bible prophecy and Great Monarch of Catholic and Byzantine (Eastern/Greek Orthodox) prophecy.
On February 25, 2011, I posted (Guttenberg Down, But Not Out):
And it is possible that he could end up out of the limelight, or even out of a political office, for a while.
And although Angela Merkel had wanted him to remain as Defense Minister at that time, he resigned from political office shortly after (March 1, 2011, see Guttenberg Resigns!) a few days after I posted that he might.
On March 4, 2011, I posted the following (bolding added):
And the Baron is certainly one to watch…I have had my eye on Karl Guttenberg since late 2009 when I initially reported about him. And he may be one to watch to rise up as the final “King of the North”…If Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg eventually establishes a new religious order within Catholicism (cf. Daniel 11:38), promotes European unity, promotes ecumenism, promotes peace in the Middle East, and/or otherwise rises up in European politics, he could be very interesting to watch. He now may have the time to do some of these things…As I reported before, certain Roman and Orthodox Catholic prophecies seem to suggest that a certain leader will arise in Europe after being exiled for something…
The fact that he is now “otherwise” trying to rise “up in European politics” and specifically involved with CSU matters is consistent with that speculation on my part, and makes him one to watch. Also in March 2011, in my article Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?, I posted:
If he becomes more involved in issues with the Vatican, a religious order, and/or the EU, watch out!
And this last item has began to happen as Karl zu Guttenberg on 12/12/11 was appointed to a position in the EU (Guttenberg Criticized, But…). This is not the final role I suspect that he may have. (I also posted that back on 1/4/12, see COGwriter Speculations on Karl zu Guttenberg Shown Correct.)
On May 10, 2011, I posted the following in an article titled Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg Out But…:
Here are Catholic and Eastern Orthodox prophecies that could apply to the Baron:
Josefa von Bourg (d. 1807): God will choose a descendant of Constantine, Pepin, and St. Louis, who has been tried by a long period of exile to rule over Europe. He will have the sign of the cross on his breast…Under him the Catholic religion will spread as never before (Culleton, The Prophets and Our Times, pp. 181-182; Connor, p.37).
Anonymou Paraphrasis (10th century): The one true King, who is inhabiting a humid place to avoid the heat; whom men have expulsed from his own dwelling and gave a place to live in the islands; who is engaged in navigation and fishing every week; (this King): will be revealed when the time of the power of the Ishmaelites comes to an end. (Tzima Otto, p. 30)
For those who are unaware, Karl zu Guttenberg descends from the Habsburg line and all the Habsburg line seems to have descended from Charlemagne (King Pepin was the father of Charlemagne). So the idea of one who is to become a ruler who has Baron Guttenberg’s ancestry is supposed to be exiled.
So, before he announced his exile, I suspected that he may fulfill exile prophecies.
A month later, on June 10, 2011, it was reported that the Baron would perhaps leave Germany for a couple of years (Karl Guttenberg Plans Two-Year Sabbatical Abroad). On July 28, 2011, it was reported that he was moving to Connecticut (Baron Karl zu Guttenberg Moving to USA).
Why was that location of importance?
Well, on August 25, 2011, in the post Baron Guttenberg’s House May Fulfill a Prophecy (and is in a Celebrity Neighborhood) I re-posted one of the old Eastern Orthodox prophecies about the Great Monarch (who seems to be the same person as the final King of the North in Bible prophecy) and then commented about how his new location may fit the prophecy:
Anonymou Paraphrasis (10th century): The one true King, who is inhabiting a humid place to avoid the heat; whom men have expulsed from his own dwelling and gave a place to live in the islands; who is engaged in navigation and fishing every week; (this King): will be revealed when the time of the power of the Ishmaelites comes to an end. (Tzima Otto, p. 30)
The coastal portion of Connecticut, where he now owns a house near other celebrities, has been described as a humid subtropical climate. Whether the Baron goes to islands, navigates, or fishes much, will be seen.
The fact that he moved to a location that somewhat fits that prophecy was of interest to me.
Interestingly, Karl zu Guttenberg’s first major speech after moving to the USA was actually in Canada, and he called for a stronger leadership in Europe. This is something that I covered at this National Church History and End Time Prophecy column on November 21, 2011 (see Baron Guttenberg back on public stage and is advocating stronger EU leadership for details). In that article I mentioned “23 items to consider as to why Karl zu Guttenberg could possibly fill the role that he now seems to be advocating,” thus I felt that part of the purpose of his speech was to tell the world that he might be interested in providing Europe the strong leadership he was advocating.
I wrote back in March of 2011 that Herr Guttenberg should be watched for possible re-emergence in the political arena. And this is one more step by him confirming those speculations. Notice something that I posted on December 9, 2011 (see Guttenberg Makes Return to EU Politics in Brussels):
If Karl zu Guttenberg is the one to become the final King of the North of Daniel 11, he will further re-emerge as a force in European politics–this is something that I am now, and have been for some time, watching for. And yes, I also suspect that he will have some disappointments on the way, but that does not change what I feel may happen with him.
The final Beast will ultimately become the political leader of Europe. And according to the Bible, he will have military abilities (Revelation 13:1-4) and apparently be popular and charismatic (cf. Daniel 7:20,11:21-24,31; Revelation 13:3-5).
The Baron did officially reemerge in EU politics (the article below is google translated):
12/12/2011New Job for Guttenberg
Advisor to the EU Commission
Brussels (dpa) – An ex-Minister Guttenberg returns to the political scene – but only for the time being the EU Commission in Brussels…Guttenberg said on Monday in Brussels: “This is not a political comeback. I went to the U.S. and I do not plan to return in the next few weeks or months”…
He added: “I’m going to use my wide range of contacts that I gained during my tenure policy in foreign affairs, security and economic affairs, to meet the protagonists.” http://www.welt.de/newsticker/dpa_nt/infoline_nt/brennpunkte_nt/article13762897/Berater-der-EU-Kommission.html
So, on December 12, 2011, Baron Guttenberg confirmed that he believes that he has military expertise, economic expertise, has political connections, and is popular with enough to help Europe now. And Europe apparently believes he has the computer and surveillance knowledge to be helpful. In July 2014, he became a consultant to Ripple Labs related to money transfers, “to circumvent the regulatory pitfalls” (see Europe eliminating remaining ‘bank secrecy’ as it gets closer to Revelation 13:16-18).
In summary, here are seven speculative predictions that Baron Guttenberg fulfilled after I wrote about them:
- He has advocated more European military cooperation.
- He became unpopular for a time (and still is among many).
- He ended up, for a time, outside of political office.
- He went out of the limelight for a while.
- He went into exile (self-imposed).
- His exile was to a humid location.
- He has partially re-emerged in European politics.
Now just because he at least partially fulfilled those does not prove that he must be the final King of the North. But they certainly give me reason, combined with biblical and other prophetic sources to consider that he could fulfill that role or at least aid the one who will have it.
If Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is involved with a future Middle East peace deal and he establishes some type of new religious “Catholic” order, then it could very well be that he could be the final King of the North. But even if he is not, we are certainly living in times where a powerful leader in Europe will rise up.
Some items of related interest may include:
Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North? Is the former German Defense Minister (who is also the former German Minister for Economics and Technology) one to watch? What do Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies suggest?
Germany’s Assyrian Roots Throughout History Are the Germanic peoples descended from Asshur of the Bible? Have there been real Christians in Germanic history? What about the “Holy Roman Empire”? There is also a You-Tube video sermon on this titled Germany’s Biblical Origins.
Germany in Biblical and Catholic Prophecy Does Assyria in the Bible equate to an end time power inhabiting the area of the old Roman Empire? What does prophecy say Germany will do and what does it say will happen to most of the German people? Here is a link to a video Is the USA Pushing Germany to Start WWIII?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2015, 2016, or 2017? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2013 o 2014? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon video: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God There are many false prophets. How can Christians determine who is a true prophet? There is also a sermon-length video titled How to determine if someone is a true prophet of God. Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Cómo determinar si alguien es un verdadero profeta de Dios?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be Barack Obama and the State of the Apocalypse.
Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
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