LCG: Brussels undermines democracy in Britain
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In yesterday’s, TW News & Prophecy E-Zine, the Living Church of God (LCG) reported:
Brussels undermines democracy in Britain.
Britain just held a national referendum on revising the voting system for the House of Commons. But was this a pointless exercise?In this landmark referendum, voters overwhelming voted to keep the existing system. Proponents of the plan to change the voting system advocated for “a better form of democracy.” But according to noted columnist, Christopher Booker, “In no way did it address the real crisis of our politics, which is that any real semblance of democracy in how we are governed has all but drained away.” Booker continued with his sad commentary on the state of the nation in Britain, “For 40 years we have witnessed a mighty slow-motion coup d’état, whereby most of the laws which shape our lives are no longer made by elected politicians at all. The power has been handed over to a strange and barely comprehensible form of lawmaking, centred in Brussels but with tentacles stretching into every corner of our own bureaucracy” (Telegraph, May 7, 2011).
For several centuries Britain has ridden the “high places of the earth,” because God has kept promises He made to Abraham long ago (Genesis 22:17-18; Isaiah 58:14, KJV). However, due to her national sins, God is allowing Britain’s once-great power to be usurped by and distributed among nations and peoples who were once her enemies–just as Bible prophecies have long foretold (Deuteronomy 28:25, 32-33, 36, 45-48).
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The EU is also placing itself into “national” politics in other ways. Notice what LCG reported in a weekly update a while back:
Will Brussels Make Its Way into National Parliament Sessions? A recent EU proposal suggested allowing EU Members of Parliament to “sit in on” at least one parliamentary session annually in their own nations—basically as advisors. The thought is that they can help national leaders better understand what is transpiring with the EU. Although this might sound helpful on the surface, many are concerned that allowing “unelected officials” to participate in national law-making sessions is dangerous and just another step by the EU to control internal affairs of EU member nations. One British politician, reacting to the potential of the British government backing such an option, put it this way: “Those whose job it is to guard our rights in Westminster seem to be sleepwalking into oblivion” (Mail Online, December 26, 2009). God revealed long ago that, at the time of the end, the “kingdoms” that will comprise the Beast power would willingly “give their power” over to the Beast (Revelation 17:12-13)—perhaps in some type of tradeoff for a high level of authority within the Beast’s governmental structure. Prophecy appears to be speeding up and events are occurring that are bringing about the formation of a powerful entity within Europe. It is remarkable how easily and quickly a centralized European government has acquired the trust and authority over so many nations—without applying much pressure at all!
Slowly, EU politicians and institutions are rendering more and more “national” decisions of no real relevance. This is an incredible process that is occurring and it will all come together for biblical prophecy to be fulfilled. The “beast-power” is being formed in the 21st century–the final King of the North will soon rise up and be revealed.
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