LCG Floods in Australia & South Africa. Pakistan Hunger
In its update read yesterday, LCG reported:
Water Everywhere! The record rains that flooded huge parts of Australia’s northeast state of Queensland are now moving across the southeast state of Victoria toward the sea. The flood waters have created an “inland sea” some 55 miles long and 24 miles wide that has closed coal mines and swamped large areas of valuable agricultural land—in what has become “the nation’s most expensive natural disaster in history” (, January 24, 2011). Across the Indian Ocean, flooding in eight of South Africa’s nine provinces has saturated farms and disrupted rail transport, which has affected coal, maize and chrome exports. The flooding in Australia and South Africa has brought death, destruction and rising prices for food and coal. Some parts of South Africa have received two to three times their normal amount of rain. Long ago, God warned, “if you do not obey the voice of the Lord… to observe carefully all His commandments … cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country” (Deuteronomy 28:15-19). Jesus also prophesied that natural disasters would increase just before His return (Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8). Global events are moving in that direction!
Other areas, like Pakistan, have really been hard hit because of floods:
Ghazi Salahuddin
Sunday, January 30, 2011…“Unicef survey shows almost a quarter of children under five are malnourished in Sindh province six months after floods”…It quotes deputy head of Unicef in Pakistan, Karen Allen, as saying: “I haven’t seen malnutrition this bad since the worst of the famine in Ethiopia, Darfur and Chad. It’s shockingly bad”. Dorothy Blane of Concern said: “This sort of thing doesn’t happen overnight. It indicates deep, slow-grinding poverty”.
There have also been flooding problems in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and elsewhere this year (LCG on Australia Flood, More than 500 Dead in Brazil, Plus Philippines and Sri Lanka).
Jesus, of course, warned about a time with such issues that many in the world are nows facing:
8 … And there will be…famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
We may be at this prophetic point as all the floods and other problems that have happened in the past year could be considered as “troubles”.
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