Mike Pence also pushing Europe to spend more on its military–this will not end well for the USA
Mike Pence
United States’ Vice President Michael Pence is pushing Europe to increase military spending:
18 February 2017
MUNICH — Vice President Mike Pence delivered a tough-love message to Europe on Saturday, saying the United States stands behind NATO, yet U.S. allies’ failure to carry their share of the security burden will no longer be tolerated and threatens to damage the 68-year-old military alliance.
Pence, on his first trip to Europe as vice president to attend a major security conference in Munich, told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that U.S. military spending is set to rise and America’s enhanced military presence in eastern Europe will continue, but Europe must contribute more.
“Europe’s defense requires your commitment as much as ours,” Pence said. “Let me be clear on this point, the president of the United States expects our allies to keep their word. For most, that means the time has come to do more.” https://www.stripes.com/news/europe/pence-brings-trump-s-military-demands-to-wary-europe-1.454606
Be careful what you ask for.
Europe wants to rule the world.
While some in Europe are resisting the spending pressure from the USA, others have concluded that the Trump Administration is correct. Notice two items that a reader tipped me off about from the German publication Der Spiegel:
Taking Off the Kid G loves
The new U.S. president has repeatedly said that NATO is “obsolete” and hinted that he would make the Article 5 principle of collective defense dependent on whether member states have paid their fair share. In the Baltic states and in Poland, the threats have come as a shock. But how seriously should Trump’s comments be taken?
“We only ask that all of the NATO members make their full and proper financial contributions to the NATO alliance, which many of them have not been doing,” the president said last week in a speech to U.S. troops in Florida. And his defense secretary has taken off the kid gloves since then.
Politicians in Berlin are aware that their neighbors have long been skeptical, even fearful, of a militarily powerful Germany. That helps explain why German military spending in real terms ranks only third in Europe, behind the UK and France, despite being the Continent’s strongest economy. Were Germany to meet the NATO target of spending 2 percent of GDP on defense, that would mean jacking up the annual defense budget from its current level of 37 billion euros to significantly over 60 billion euros. That would make Germany by far the largest military power on the Continent, which is likely a situation that would make many other Europeans nervous. 02/17/17 http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/pressure-on-germany-to-increase-defense-spending-for-nato-a-1135192.html#ref=nl-international
Europe has long relied on America for its defense. But that era is rapidly coming to an end. It is time for a stronger European defense alliance that is less dependent on the U.S. and more capable of asserting its own interests with Russia and Turkey. …
NATO always aspired to be something more than a defense alliance. It viewed itself as the protective power of liberal democracy, the West and Western principles. It was a moral framework, the foundations for their existence. But are we certain that the West is still a community of shared values? If it’s not, then what is NATO defending? Countries like Hungary and Poland, where right-wing populists are eroding the separation of powers, minority protections and freedom of the press? A Turkey that President Erdogan is currently in the process of transforming into a dictatorship? And are we really ready to stand at America’s side if Trump goes to war against Iran, North Korea or some other country? …
Europe Needs Stronger Defense
The era in European history when the Continent could delegate its security to a partner across the Atlantic has passed, irrevocably. That will remain true even after Trump is no longer in the White House. Trump, after all, is a symptom of the crisis in the West, not its cause. America remains a possible partner for Europe, but it is no longer a reliable one. … it would also be reckless and naïve if Europe were not to prepare for the fact that it can no longer unconditionally rely on the United States.
In the medium-term, Europe must be capable of sufficiently defending itself and providing for its own security. What is most needed in order to make that happen is unity. If Germany and other Europeans now spend more on defense, they will also have to increase their military cooperation as well as massively expand the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy.
America’s withdrawal actually represents an opportunity for Europe. The idea of Europe being a junior partner could finally be consigned to the dustbin of history and lead Europe to begin defining its own interests. … Ultimately, a Europe that is serious about its own security will also have to consider nuclear deterrence. 02/17/17 http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/american-withdrawal-presents-opportunity-for-europe-a-1135172.html#ref=nl-international
I have been warning for some time that the Europeans will want to be more independent and work on Europe’s priorities once it spends more of its own funds on defense. The Europeans are starting to now publicly state this.
While the USA HAS been a very reliable military ally of Europe, do not expect the reverse. The time will come when Europe will build a “great army” (Daniel 11:25) and ultimately destroy the USA.
Although many believe that this is not possible, the Bible shows that the world will marvel once it is done (Revelation 13:3-4).
The Bible is clear that the power with the strongest military, which is currently the USA, will be defeated (Daniel 11:39; see also USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses).
As far as Germany goes, notice the following from the late WCG Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong:
I have been telling you all along that Russia is not going to plunge us into World War III now. Russia is not going to attack the United States. I have been telling you, even though we look on Germany as an ally, that Germany is the nation for us to WATCH. (Armstrong HW. Biggest World New Happening in Germany. Plain Truth. August 1959, p. 3)
Now the Germans are not the master race. They are a race of orderly people who are very great producers of certain mechanical things, have very great talents in certain directions. They are a people who have been down and out after World War I. And Hitler came around and raised them up with the idea that they are better than any other people on earth, and he practically had them hypnotized. I think a great many people in Germany today realize that, and I don’t think you find very much of Hitlerism in Germany today. However, it’s coming in a little different way today. Once again, they are right on the verge of raising this thing up once again. (Armstrong HW. Mark of the Beast. Sermon, December 11, 1982. http://www.hwalibrary.com/cgi-bin/get/hwa.cgi?action=getsermon&InfoID=1333986018)
Notice also the following from 1962 by the late Radio Church of God minister David Jon Hill and the late evangelist Dr. Herman Hoeh:
If you were God, and the nation of Israel had rebelled against you, and you wished to punish them for that rebellion -and you were going to use another nation as a rod in your hand to punish them-what nation would you pick? What nation would be best equipped to deal the crushing blow, that would grind us under its heel in cruel oppression until we turned our hearts to God and asked Him to forgive us for OUR sins, and asked Him to save us?
The nation God picked was Germany!
Just as the modern nations of the United States and Great Britain are refer red to in the Bible as Israel, so the modern nation of Germany is referred to as ancient Assyria! …
“O Assyrian, the rod of MINE anger, and the staff in their hand is MINE indignation, I WILL SEND HIM against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath (rebellious Israel) will I give him a charge (command), to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets” (Isa. 10:5,6).
Yes , God is going to rake the nation of Germany as the head of a United Europe into his hand as a club to punish the nations of Israel for their rebellion against Him! Howbeit he meanth not so, neither does his heart think so; but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few” (vs. 7). Germany, those living in Germany, even the German government, may not yet know that they are going to join in a treaty with the Russians to destroy the United States and bring it to its knees-it is not in his “heart” to think so, but on the other hand it IS in his “heart” to destroy-the very characteristic of the Assyrian, the modern German, is a harsh, cruel, iron, dedication to militarism and destruction! This is just the kind of nation God needs to use as a rod in His hand to punish His people!
Does this then mean that the Germans at the head of a United Europe do have a spiritual mission to perform? Does this mean that they are right in claiming to be the “Defenders of the West” and the champions of Christianity!? No!
God’s Destiny for Germany
Despite the fact that it is God who will use Germany to destroy America, Germany must be destroyed as well for HER rebellion against God—“I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks. For he saith, by the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent!” (Is. 10:12,13)
The leaders of a United Europe, when they succeed against the United States, will begin to think THEIR prudent planning, THEIR wise ideas and THEIR powerful might have made them successful! They will not realize that they have only been used as a base tool of destruction in the hand of the Almighty God! “Shall the axe boast itself against him that hews therewith? Or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood” (Isa. 10:15). God explains here that despite the fact that He has used Assyria to punish Israel, Assyria is also rebellious against His law and government, His way, and since it will magnify itself against the very God of creation, as Dan. 11: 36 and 37 explain, GOD WILL HAVE TO PUNISH IT FOR THIS.
So GOD says, “The Lord of hosts has sworn. saying, Surely as I have thought, so SHALL IT COME TO PASS: and as I have purposed, so SHALL IT STAND; That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains TREAD HIM UNDER FOOT: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their (the Israelites) shoulders” (Isa.14: 24,25). Just shortly before Jesus Christ Himself intervenes in this world’s affairs. He will take another nation as a punishing club in His hands and punish the proud Assyrians, the modern Germans at the head of the United States of Europe. “Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall nor regard silver; and as for gold they shall not delight in it … Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children. And Babylon (the modern resurrected and revived Roman Empire, dominated by a fascist Germany), the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah!” (Is. 13: 17-19.) …
Since God himself has pronounced a curse on modern Israel, and is going to hand us over to the Assyrians, it is evident that we CANNOT TRUST in the American way of life either!
Nothing is left outside these three great systems and powers on earth, under man, except Anarchy!
YOUR only hope as an individual is to turn to God-to the Living Creator who is working our events here below on this earth-who is very concerned about YOU, who promises you safety from these horrible rimes to come! Heed the warning given by Jeremiah! The only ‘Way to escape these Jure prophecies of God is by REPENTANCE- nationally or individually! (Hill DJ, God’s Destiny for Germany. Plain Truth, March 1962, pp. 28-29)
Consider also that Germany has set itself up as the bulwark of European civilization for well over a thousand years. Germany for centuries has claimed to stand as the eastern wall of defense against the barbarism of Asia. It was on German soil that the hordes of Asia, sweeping across eastern Europe, were more than once stopped.
The German Reich long endured as the oldest political institution in Europe — older than the government of France or England by centuries. The German people called their Reich the Holy Roman Empire. It bore rule over Europe for a thousand years. This “Holy Roman Empire of the German People” was officially designated by the Church in the Middle Ages as “The Kingdom of God” on earth. Its citizens, the Germans, felt themselves true Romans and bearers of the Christian Reich or Kingdom. THEY were therefore the CHOSEN PEOPLE of the Christian era, entrusted with a world-mission to be the protectors of Christianity.
The German leaders and philosophers have never forgotten this notion of the Middle Ages that the German, in place of the Jew, has a special mission from God. German politicians know that their dream of a world Empire can be created only if they maintain this claim of a world-mission.
This strange concept, which lies behind political thinking in Germany today, is plainly stated in a German work which I have before me as I write this article. The book is entitled “Die Tragödie des Heiligen Reiches,” or, translated, “The Tragedy of the Holy Roman Empire.” It is by Friedrich Heer. It is a remarkable volume. It lays bare the reason for the SECRET MOVES OF THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT TOWARD A UNITED STATES OF EUROPE….
German leaders once again — just as in centuries past — openly are attempting to unite all Europe in a United States of Europe — and, through Europe, to reshape the world in order to fasten German leadership and culture on all nations and peoples. (Hoeh H. Germany in Prophecy! Plain Truth, December 1962)
We should watch Germany and in the 21st century, Germany has given prophecy believers many reasons to watch. The Trump Administration is nudging Germany to fulfill various prophecies.
Furthermore, consider that because of the Snowden leaks, the USA’s intention to rely on Europe’s Galileo system for some of its defense communications, as well as the intent of the USA to support NATO, the USA is putting Europe in a unique position to ultimately destroy it.
Even yesterday, it was reported European intelligence is intercepting communications between Trump advisers and Russian officials. Europe is spying on the USA. The USA will not like a taste of its own medicine, but Europe feels it has little choice, despite its temporal friendship with the USA.
Let me remind everyone that the Book of Lamentations tells of “friends” becoming enemies (Lamentations 1:1-2). This is what will happen–after it is strong enough and when it perceives certain tactical and strategic weaknesses in the USA, Europe will successfully attack and takeover of the USA and its Anglo-Saxon descended allies (Daniel 8:24-25; 11:39).
Unwittingly, the Trump Administration is pushing Europe to be prepared to do that.
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