M&M: Doomsday in October?
Four Horsemen: 1887 artistic depiction
The US Congress has approved a lifting of the debt ceiling:
September 8, 2017
(CNN) – The House approved Friday a package of bills that ties emergency funding for hurricane relief with measures that would raise the debt ceiling and keep the government open for three months.
The bill, which passed 316-90 and was part of a deal struck between President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders, now goes to the White House for the President’s signature. The 90 lawmakers who opposed the bill were all Republicans, who had just come out of a meeting with top administration officials urging them to support the package. The Senate passed the legislation Thursday. http://www.ktxs.com/weather/house-set-to-vote-on-hurricane-aid-debt/617934063
So, while disaster relief has a place, we once again see more debt.
This cannot go on forever (cf. Habakkuk 2:6-8).
Sean Brodrick of Money and Markets (M&M) posted the following:
I’ve never seen Martin this worried!
You need to hear this stunning prediction for yourself.Just the other day, Martin Weiss, who was traveling the world to survey various dangers and opportunities, emailed us that he was abruptly interrupting his travels to rush home. The reason: Something very dramatic is going to happen in October. …
Transcript of Skype call between
Martin Weiss and Sean Brodrick …Sean: Well, here’s why I had to call you, Martin. The thing is, I saw your email that you sent a couple of hours ago, right? And you had a word in there — “doomsday.” It just jumped up at me. Like a ghost. It just grabbed me. And the thing is, I see it too — in the cycles, and it seems to me they’re all converging into late October. And I see it in the debt numbers. They’re off the charts. But I had to call and find out: Exactly what are you worried about?
Martin: It’s very similar, from a different perspective. Nearly everything I see is coming together in the same time and place. It’s a recurring nightmare for me that does keep me up at night. …
Sean: Well, I have to tell you, Martin, there are just CRAZY things that are happening all over the world. And not just in Japan, either. I mean — look at what Russia’s doing! And also, look at the terror attacks all over Europe! And not just that. Look at all the crazy things our governments have done for the past decade with debt and money! This is how I look at things — but it’s all part of a giant cycle. It all fits together. You could say that a perfect storm is brewing. And I’m thinking that we must do everything that we possibly can just to alert our subscribers before it’s too late, Martin.
Martin: I’m very worried about that because …
Sean: … because, you mean, we don’t have much time to prepare?
Martin: We have time — not much time. But, yes, it’s because of that and because it’s so big. But most people in the United States are also so complacent. I’ll tell you something: I just traveled to 11 countries in a round-the-world trip. I’ve been in Italy, in Germany, Turkey, the Arabian Peninsula. From there we went to India, then Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Japan. We’ve been in Russia.
Everywhere I go, I talk to people from all walks of life, especially high-net worth investors. And you know something, Sean? They’re not really complacent like most American investors. They’re trying to find a place to MOVE their money. Quick! They feel the winds of the brewing storm we talked about — in their gut.
Sean: Well, maybe they’re feet are closer to the fire. These cycles — the long-term cycles, short-term cycles — they say the same thing. It’s actually quite amazing, you know, how they mesh with what your friend in Japan is saying and what you’re seeing in all those countries. And I tell you — it’s not a pretty picture. I’d say it’s a very ugly picture, one might even say, a terrifying future, and it all begins in about six weeks.
What I also see — and I’m speaking as an American investor, Martin. Right? So I see this as a massive crisis just brewing around the globe. And American investors — they can either prepare and get wealthy, or they can risk being wiped out. And Martin, you know I’m not a fear monger or a pessimist. I consider myself a positive person. I’m just a realist, and I’m afraid.
But here’s the thing, Martin. How do we get the word out to investors? How do we reach out and make that connection with our subscribers?
Martin. Yes! And this is why I canceled my next trip. This is why I’m going to tell everyone in our company who’s not already on top of this to drop everything else they’re doing right now. 09/07/17 https://www.moneyandmarkets.com/ive-never-seen-martin-this-worried-you-need-to-hear-this-stunning-prediction-for-yourself-88502
Is M&M correct that there could be financial and other problems in October?
Historically, I have noted that we have seen financial crises in and near the Fall Holy Days, some of which, almost always, are in October.
This year, the Day of Atonement starts after sunset on September 29th, while the Feast of Tabernacles starts October 4th after sunset and runs through the Last Great Day which ends at sunset October 12th in 2017.
We have seen many failed attempts by US government officials to deal with the debt situation, but despite various attempts, the debt continues to rise. The so-called ‘debt-ceiling’ has not acted as an actual ceiling, only a time to debate spending. Once the debate is essentially closed, the debt-ceiling gets raised. This raising is basically also supported by the mainstream media and accepted by most American voters.
This time, it was simply extended again.
This brings to mind the following from the Bible:
12…Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.” (Isaiah 3:12)
16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err, And those who are led by them are destroyed (Isaiah 9:16).
Many do not believe that debt can lead to destruction, but the Bible teaches otherwise (Deuteronomy 28:42-45,47-52).
As far as the seriousness, notice what God inspired the prophet Habakkuk to write:
2 Then the Lord answered me and said:
“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry…5 Indeed, because he transgresses by wine, He is a proud man… 6 “Will not all these take up a proverb against him, And a taunting riddle against him, and say, ‘Woe to him who increases What is not his–how long? And to him who loads himself with many pledges’? 7 Will not your creditors rise up suddenly? Will they not awaken who oppress you? And you will become their booty. 8 Because you have plundered many nations, All the remnant of the people shall plunder you. Because of men’s blood And the violence of the land and the city, And of all who dwell in it. (Habakkuk 2:-23,5,6-8).
It will be a truly doomsday disaster.
And this will affect the United States and its Anglo-Saxon descended allies as they have loaded pledges of debt in these end times (cf. Habakkuk 2) that they really do not expect to pay back.
Will Habakkuk 2 be fulfilled in October 2017?
But, the time of its fulfillment is approaching. Yet, it will NOT be before the end of the first Donald Trump presidential term.
However, doomsday is approaching.
And we may expect to see some negative events in October 2017.
We may see war and hear rumors of war (Matthew 24:8).
Yet, World War III will NOT begin next month.
What should Christians do?
Christians should watch and pray:
36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man. (Luke 21:36)
Faithful Christians will still observe the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day this October.
Doomsday threats for next month should not change that.
All should seek to live as Philadelphian Christians and actually not just seek it, but live it.
Do not wait until it is too late (cf. Matthew 25:1-13).
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