M&M: Expect financial volatility in 2016
Wall Street
Mike Burnick of Money and Markets believes that 2016 will have more financial volatility:
Three Factors That Could Keep Markets Volatile
December 24, 2015
Expect more volatility in the New Year!
2015 will go down as a year with fairly low average volatility readings. Ah, but it had its moments. Such as in August, when the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) spiked from below 11 to above 50 in just three weeks! That was the 2015 “flash crash” brought on by a witches-brew of worries about …
- China
- Europe
- Corporate profits
- Widening credit spreads
- Fed interest-rate hikes . . .
Expect more currency volatility in 2016!
Second, and on a related note, the Federal Reserve kicked off its first interest-rate tightening cycle in nearly a decade, and just in time for the holidays. December’s tiny 0.25% increase in the Fed funds target rate was the first, but certainly won’t be the last. …
Expect more interest-rate volatility in 2016!
Third, all of the above factors are likely to trigger more stock market volatility in the New Year too. After all, stocks have made very little progress since late 2014. And the market has been locked in a trading range for most of this year, but with no shortage of sharp volatility between the highs and lows. http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/three-factors-keep-markets-volatile-74947#.VnwJzlkxTUU
Mike Burnick is correct that there will likely be financial volatility in 2016.
But there are several factors that he did not mention, that I will now.
First is the fact that the debt of the USA keeps going up. The various budget deals in 2015 have assured that. Since the government of the USA has to pay interest on this rising debt, and interest rates are going up (see Federal Reserve votes to raise interest rates; M&M discounts idea of hyperinflation, plus claims Europe to be torn to pieces by 2020), this will further increase debt and one day this will lead to the end of the USA according to biblical prophecy (e.g. Habakkuk 2:6-8).
Second is the fact that 2016 will be a presidential election year in the USA. This can also contribute to volatility, especially as the two leading candidates will undoubtedly take shots against each other as they will attempt to paint a picture that the USA will be worse off if the other wins. The currently two leading candidates in the polls are already starting to do this.
Third is the expected likelihood of more terrorism. The Bible prophesies terrorism, and while it does not identify a specific year for terrorism to hit, various prophecies tie terrorism and lack of God’s protection to turning away from God’s laws (see Why Terrorism? Is Terrorism Prophesied?). As this is increasingly happening in the USA, expect more terrorism. Terrorism can affect financial markets.
Fourth is the fact that Europe, China, and other parts of the world are attempting to figure out how to come on top in a world that will no longer be dominated by the USA. China wants to rise up, but will have issues (see also Asia in Prophecy). Europe is working on developing technology and financial matters to be ready to do this (see European Technology and the Beast of Revelation), and according to biblical prophecy, for a time it will succeed (cf. Revelation 13,17, &18).
The change from a world dominated by Great Britain to the USA was less dramatic than the change that will occur from a USA-dominated world to the final time of the Gentiles (see When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2016, 2017, or 2018?). While this will NOT completely happen in 2016, steps towards this will occur in 2016. As far as the timing of the Great Tribulation, a short video is available to watch titled Can the Great Tribulation Start in 2016?.
The only real solution to the financial and other problems in the USA is either national repentance, which will not happen, or the Kingdom of God which (after the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord) will.
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