More scientists linking toxic chemicals to autism in the USA
Autism has been on the rise in the USA and certain other lands. Immunizations, foods, increased genetic predisposition, and toxins have been speculated as being possible cause for this rise. Notice the following news report:
Experts are calling for a targeted strategy to restrict the use of toxic industrial chemicals, which they say are causing a “silent pandemic” of brain disorders in children worldwide. Scientists are urging action as more so-called neurotoxins have been identified but remain largely unregulated.
A rise in the number of pediatric brain disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, cerebral palsy and autism, may be the result of increased use of unregulated toxic chemicals around the world.
In the past seven years, researchers have identified six new chemicals that have been shown to be capable of damaging the brains of developing human fetuses and young children. The discovery brings to twelve the number of confirmed neurotoxins. Experts estimate one in six children worldwide suffers from a neurodevelopmental disorder.
Pediatrician Philip Landrigan, chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, said exposure to neurotoxic chemicals was a serious problem that has reached pandemic proportions.
“Injury to the human brain in early life leads to problems like loss of IQ, shortening of attention span, behavioral problems. And these effects by and large tend to be permanent,” he said.
Pouring over scientific literature and hundreds of studies, Landrigan, along with the University of Southern Denmark’s Phillipe Grandjean, found the number of chemicals suspected of causing neurodevelopmental problems in children has also risen, from 202 to 214. They said there were some 80,000 industrial chemicals in widespread use which have never been tested for safety.
The toxins include fire retardants used in mattresses, draperies, carpets, clothing and toys, and solvents in cleaning agents.
The researchers are calling on countries to pass strong laws requiring companies to test chemicals before they may be marketed, as is required of all new drugs.
Urban areas are toxic as are many rural areas. Diet and other factors can worsen this and likely increase the risk for autism.
The widespread and growing use of genetically modified (GMO) “foods,” pesticides, herbicides, synthetic vitamins, combined with air and other environmental pollution, including exposure to huge amounts of plastics, etc. puts a toxic load on the human body that seems to increase the risk for autism.
I have long felt that toxins were a major cause of autism. Humans, in general, have been too willing to pollute the environment, including the air, water, ground, and food supply. There are consequences to those and other behaviors (Galatians 6:7-8′ Romans 1:18-32).
One of the reasons that Jesus is returning is to “destroy those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18).
20 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)
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