New Fiscal Pack Moves EU a Step Closer to Becoming End Time Babylon
The Wall Street Journal just reported the following:
BRUSSELS—European Union leaders Friday signed the region’s new fiscal pact, adopting strict new rules on deficits and debts, even as some members warned a tougher economic environment is challenging their fiscal commitments.
The accord…calls for sanctions on those member states that fail to meet targets, was signed by 25 member states. The U.K. and the Czech Republic opted out.
After a two-day summit Friday, EU leaders also recommitted to economic growth initiatives that several countries have been holding up, such as deepening the 27-member bloc’s single market and creating a common energy market by 2014.
Additional fiscal union (cf. Revelation 13:16-17) is prophesied for the end time Babylonian beast power. And having a common energy market by 2014 is consistent with that.
Europe has tended to have similarities to the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 (see EU’s Fragile Tower of Babel) and sometimes has used it as a reference as the poster at the beginning of this article shows. The term Babylon seems to derive from Babel and the Bible indicates that the end time Babylon will be European.
Interestingly, even Roman Catholic scholars often teach that the Apostle John’s references to Babylon in the Book of Revelation (circa 95 A.D.) are references to Rome and/or its empire. Notice what the commentary in the Rheims’ New Testament, the Catholic accepted translation of the Latin Vulgate into English, states:
The author of the Commentaries upon the Apocalypse set forth in St. Ambrose name, writeth thus: This…sometime signifieth Rome, specially which at that time when the Apostle wrote this, did persecute the Church of God. But otherwise it signifieth the whole city of the Devil, that is, the universal corps of the reprobate. Tertullian also taketh it for Rome, thus, Babylon (saith he) in St. John is a figure of the city of Rome, being so great, so proud of the Empire, and the destroyer of the saints. Which is plainly spoken of that city, when it was heathen, the head of the terrene dominion of the world, the persecutor of the Apostles and their successors, the seat of Nero, Domitian, and the like, Christ’s special enemies, the sink of idolatry, and false worship of the Pagan gods (Annotations on Chapter 17 of the Apocalypse. The Original And True Rheims New Testament Of Anno Domini 1582. Prepared and Edited by Dr. William G. von Peters. Ph.D. 2004, copyright assigned to VSC Corp. Page 583).
Thus Roman Catholic scholars often realize that it was commonly understood from the earliest times that Apostle John’s biblical references to Babylon are referring to a Roman empire. It should probably also be mentioned since “Mystery Babylon” of Revelation 17:9 sits on seven hills/mountains, yet the Babylon of Mesopotamia was on a plain, that obviously, this is a changed location from the Babylon of Old Testament times. The Babylon near the Euphrates was not to arise again according to scripture (Jeremiah 51:64). However, the coming final Babylon is a northern power also referred to as “the daughter of Babylon” in the end times in Jeremiah 50:41-42 and apparently Zechariah 2:6-7, hence it comes from a different geographical location. (Ancient Babylon was NOT a northern power, but end time Babylon is.)
Europe, itself, will still need to reorganize. The Bible, in Revelation 17, is clear that the Europeans will give their power to a coming leader:
12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. (Revelation 17:12-13)
According to Bible prophecy, a European power, despite its fragility (Daniel 2:42-44), is destined to temporarily be the most dominant force in the world, ultimately conquer the Anglo-descended nations (it is the USA and its Anglo-allies like the UK that have the strongest fortresses of Daniel 11:39), and later come to its end (Daniel 11:45). This power will be affiliated with”Babylon” (Revelation 18).
But before it is destroyed (Daniel 11:21-44), the final Beast power must come together and get to the place where it has major military and economic influence (Revelation 13). Almost daily, including today, there are news items that suggest that it is on its way to fulfill various biblical prophecies.
Some articles of possibly related interest may include:
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Using the Tower of Babel and “Beast” images suggests it is not concerned about its role as being part of the future Babylon of Bible prophecy.
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