New Zealand Hit By Powerful Earthquake
A powerful earthquake hit the South Island of New Zealand today (actually September 4th in New Zealand):
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful 7.4-magnitude earthquake has rocked much of New Zealand’s South Island. No immediate tsunami alert has been issued and no injuries have been reported.
The quake, which hit 19 miles (30 kilometers) west of the southern city of Christchurch, shook a wide area with initial radio reports saying items were tossed from store shelves and roof tiles cracked by the strong temblor.
Christchurch police reported some road damage in parts of the city of 400,000 people, with a series of sharp aftershocks rocking the area.
The impact of this earthquake is unclear. Other reports have claimed it was a 7.0, 7.1, or 7.2 quake.
The South Island of New Zealand is less densely populated than its North Island, and so this may only be a relatively mild trouble for New Zealand. Here is another report:
The New Zealand earthquake caused road damage and wall collapses in parts of the city of 400,000, and authorities said looters had broken into some damaged shops, according to the Associated Press…
“There is quite significant damage, really, with reports that some people were trapped in damaged houses.”
Jesus, of course, warned about a time with such issues:
8 … And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be…troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
We may be at this prophetic point as all the earthquakes and other problems that have happened in the past year could be considered as “troubles”.
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