Newsweek: Brace for Election Violence. Karl Guttenberg also looks for post election troubles in the USA
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (photo by )
The US presidential election remains in the news. Newsweek, like some others, is warning about possible election or post-election violence:
Brace for Election Violence. …
July 10, 2024
It’s time for people to start thinking about and planning a response to the next round of possible election contestation and violence. …
Even if Trump didn’t orchestrate the aggression against U.S. government property and democratic processes, even if he is not leading the Stop the Steal movement, it is easy to look around and see that those initiatives were and continue to be supported by a complex ecosystem of pundits, elected officials, and media outlets who have propelled disinformation and stoked distrust in our electoral system. It’s a powerful force.
Yet, according to experts on nonviolent collective action, there’s a force more powerful than violence. Now, roughly four months from the November election, it’s up to citizens to dig deeper and find ways to come together across our divides so that we can raise our voices in harmony against political violence. We must be prepared to stand together in nonviolent collective action to stop election fraud in 2024. We must continue the tough work of (re)building our trust in each other despite our differences. …
If there are new attempts to deploy violence to manipulate election outcomes later this year, those of us who believe in the power of nonviolence, dialogue, and unity in diversity need to be … organized …
Organized or not, there are reasons that we may see violence in the USA related to its November election and its outcome. While the left tends to point to the January 6, 2020 protests, we have also seen violence on the left from groups like Antifa. And if Donald Trump is elected and keeps his pledge to deport illegal aliens, there will be a lot of violence and civil unrest in the USA.
In December 2015, former German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg called Donald Trump “that blonde lunatic named Donald” (Guttenberg KT. Wish List or Reality? Digital Trends in 2016 | Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg | hub conference. Posted December 11, 2015).
On 26 June 2024, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg made a podcast, in the German language about the US election. Here is a link:
Below are some comments made in that podcast basically machine translated into the English language. Here is part of the introduction:
Negative campaigning is a long American story but it has now been taken to such an extreme that it simply takes your breath away, that is the methods used to work and fight and by the way you have already said that even on the democratic side nothing is left out of the dirty tricks, a big difference. by the way compared to previous election campaigns is that this time Trump is only gathering people around him who follow him unconditionally, who are constantly telling him he is right, boss, or who see it even more nationalist, conservative, extreme than he himself sees it against. …
And for a country like this that we are talking about, which has so much power so much imagination, so much, so much passion on so many levels, I also find it really shocking, yes, the that these two candidates have been chosen has been set for or has been set for months, it was announced by both parties so early on that we don’t really know it anymore from the United States that the Republicans have allowed a little more competition than the Democrats is part of the truth. There were other candidates. Nicki Haley held out for a relatively long time, but in reality it was clear what the party wanted and that is Donald Trump’s party and he could not be stopped. The Democrats did not even allow competition. There were no primaries that could have been called that, so Joe Biden was on the ballot but that was it. It was clear who would be elected and that is somewhat bleak because the two are very old. Because this is already an election campaign in which it is about telling the other side you are even worse than us, you are even less electable. It is a thoroughly negative election campaign. Yes each side says the other is so catastrophic that it should not be elected under any circumstances. And everything takes place on this level.
Herr Guttenberg then mentioned Donald Trump was convicted as a criminal despite it not making much legal sense and that Hunter Biden was convicted because he lied and that the Biden family had tax troubles (that section of the podcast did not machine translate well, but that was basically what was said on that). Then the podcast stated related to Donald Trump and Joe Biden:
The two families are corrupt.
After discussing immigration issues, the podcast went to the following:
In the past, one had the feeling that one was fighting for certain groups, camp cultures within America. But now that division is increasingly turning into these hard-line camps … I also add a little bit of an assessment that this country will probably slide completely after the elections. Whoever is elected there will probably slide into a veritable constitutional crisis, driven by the respective and the respective losers. Some say that could even lead to the fact that if both of them were re-elected. And we remember what I said on January 6th in the Capitol that that was only a first sign. And that it could even lead to a civil war, I’m not quite ready to say yet Civil war. But you also see the concern that there could be violence, yes, and similar to how you just formulated it, KT Civil war. That’s too apocalyptic for me … it could become violent, there are signs of that …
I am very cautious with doomsday scenarios. The USA will somehow survive. They will not disappear from the face of the earth with a second term for Donald Trump. But if it really happens, it will have a devastating effect. I am also really sad about the fact that so many people in American society have forgotten what the first term was like. That every day at 5 a.m., 6 a.m. there were these tweets that rocked the stock markets, that shook the whole country and always always always talked about what did he say now what did he now. …
Yes, there could be a contested election, legally or otherwise. Violence and civil unrest is possible. Many Americans are concerned about that as well as potential for some type of civil war (e.g. Could civil unrest, riots, and other violence hit the USA after the November election? Are some hoping for that or even a civil war? and WND: Stunning poll reveals more than 100 million Americans expect civil war within 5 years).
The podcast then basically blasted the media in the USA for being too biased as for and against various ones, and then stated that the German press was better.
Then there were comments related to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:
They say there could be a scenario where it won’t be the two of them but where it will be someone who nobody here has on their radar namely Robert Kennedy. He is a third candidate who is currently floating around around 2-3%, but it could still be interesting and it is also quite it is really quite significant how both candidates are still dancing around this third candidate Kennedy. You should rightly say and they also know why they are not really going head-on yet, because the winner of the election has to get 270 electoral votes in the so-called Electoral College in this strange American system. Now let’s take the many votes from Pennsylvania for example a classic swing state if for whatever reason they were to suddenly go to Kennedy or that he would manage in another way that the other candidates do not get the 270 votes. He might only get maybe 30 or whatever but the two do not get the 270. Then the decision is made according to the Constitution in the House of Representatives so that is then, it is not the Electoral College, it is the House of Representatives where each state delegation then also has a vote. Yes so and then and that is what a few augurs over there are saying now who say that is a constellation that could lead to something that has been extremely rare in the USA in history in this form, but the Constitution still provides for it. That suddenly there could be coalition formation with Kennedy and in a coalition formation the claim could even be made dear friends. Yes Kennedy, but only if Kennedy is president. But the Republicans last would occupy the majority whatever, so these thought experiments exist. the probability is of course relatively low …
Joe Biden was protected by the Democrats so that any primary campaign was prevented …
The USA is deeply divided. It has politicized more and more.
Jesus warned:
25 … Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. (Matthew 12:25)
24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. (Mark 3:24-25)
17 … Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls. (Luke 11:17)
Notice that God inspired this to be written three times in the Gospels.
God normally seems to repeat something in scripture for emphasis.
The division is a BIG DEAL.
Despite the comment in the podcast that the USA would continue, the Bible shows that the end of the USA is coming (cf. Daniel 11:39; see also USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses).
Troubles are prophesied (Mark 13:8).
Here is part of number 15 from my article 24 items to prophetically watch in 2024:
15. Unrest, Terror, and the Dividing of the USA
There have been many protests in the USA.
Some protested racial, economic, and policing matters. Some have called for a “civil war.”
The Bible prophesies, “There shall be terror within” (Deuteronomy 32:25).
Will that happen to the USA?
Jesus taught:
25 Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. (Matthew 12:25)
We are seeing more divide in the USA and parts of it certainly appear to be intentional. Much of it is ideological. The USA is becoming less and less united and more polarized.
Notice the following from 2022:
WND: Ex-Army generals fear insurrection or ‘civil war’ in 2024
Expect more divide in a nation where half of its people cannot tell the different between males and females and the other half still sticks to some facts about that. And of course, there is the abortion divide and other issues.
More terror is prophesied to hit the USA. The same is true for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
The time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), also known as the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21), is coming and the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies (including Canada) will be affected.
National repentance is the only way to prevent it, and that does not look likely. Though for the nation, the Kingdom of God is the solution, but first there will be a horrific 3 1/2 years.
Personal repentance, however, is still possible. Your personal future can still be much brighter than that of your country. Jesus, in addition to being the source of salvation, also offered physical protection to the most faithful (see Philadelphian Christian Great Tribulation Protection and/or watch Great Tribulation Protection).
Related to Baron Guttenberg and the Middle East, in 2022 the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
The Middle East, Prophecy, and Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg
Iran and Israel have been involved with various attacks and threats against each other. Does the Bible seem to prophesy that Iran and Syria will attack Israel? Will God always protect Israel? Will Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ protect it? Is “great damage” prophesied to come to Jerusalem? What about damage to Syria’s capital Damascus? What was Isaiah inspired to write? Could a peace deal come after a regional conflict in the Middle East? Could Baron Karl-Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jacob Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg (KT) be the “prince” of Daniel 9:26-27, who becomes the King of the North of Daniel 11? Was KT spurned, rejected, and passed over for advancement consistent with one rendering of Daniel 11:21? Does KT have the ancestral and religious background to be the “Great Monarch” of Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies? Does KT have the digital background to be able to be involved in the 666 controlling of buying and selling (Revelation 13:16-18)? Should you be watching the Middle East and Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more.
Here is a link to our video: The Middle East, Prophecy, and Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg.
Back in 2016, the Continuing Church of God is put out the following sermon about him on its ContinuingCOG channel:
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Europe’s Future
Former German Economic & Technology Minister as well as former Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg spoke at the Hub Conference in Berlin and gave a presentation titled “Wish List or Reality? Digital Trends in 2016.” Dr. Thiel shows portions of the presentation and comments on his presentation related to Bible prophecy and Baron Guttenberg’s background. What is the future for Europe?
Here is a link to the sermon: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Europe’s Future.
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North? Is the former German Defense Minister (who is also the former German Minister for Economics and Technology) one to watch? What do Greco-Roman Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies suggest? A video of related interest would be: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Europe’s Future. A shorter one is also available: The Middle East, Prophecy, and Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg.
USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. Two related sermon are available: Identifying the USA and its Destruction in Prophecy and Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to three related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For, The Future King of the North, and Rise of the Prophesied King of the North.
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon; When Will the End of the Age Come?; Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
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