Obama and international concerns about possible default
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The USA President and others keep warning about avoiding a possible default:
October 08, 2013
As the U.S. government budget crisis enters a second week, there are concerns that the rivalry between Democrats and Republicans in Congress may bring the United States to default, which would cause domestic and global economic woes. The world is observing developments in the U.S. capital with bewilderment, as well as concern…
One analyst warned that a prolonged shutdown could have harmful effects on the U.S. economy. But he said the U.S. defaulting on its debt would be worse.
Klaus Larres, a professor of international relations at the University of North Carolina, said the consequences would be disastrous for the world still recovering from a major financial crisis. “I think the Great Recession would be back with a vengeance, and we would be back in severe economic and financial difficulties. So I can only warn that the debt ceiling problem should not be mixed up with the shutdown of the government,” he stated.
Larres said a default on the U.S. debt would have immediate consequences that would reverberate around the world. For example, it could undermine the U.S. dollar’s position as the global reserve currency and even the U.S. role as the world’s strongest economy…
China is concerned about more than $1 trillion it has invested in the United States and is urging the United States to raise its debt ceiling.
Larres said much of the world has difficulty understanding this U.S. crisis, especially countries with authoritarian governments, such as China and some other East Asian states.
“What is the debt ceiling, why does the government need to raise the debt ceiling? These are all questions people are wondering about because apart from the United States and Denmark, a debt ceiling doesn’t need to be raised by any other country in the world, so obviously, no one really understands that,” he said.
Larres said the effects of the U.S. government shutdown are still mild, and that with a timely solution, the situation could be quickly rectified. But he added a prolonged impasse and a deeper crisis could have a negative effect that could undermine the position of the United States as the world’s top political and economic leader. http://www.voanews.com/content/analyst-world-watches-us-crisis-with-bewilderment/1765188.html
October 8, 2013
WASHINGTON — Less than two hours after President Barack Obama turned up political pressure on Republicans to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said the president was looking for “unconditional surrender.”
“The president said today if there’s unconditional surrender by Republicans, he’ll sit down and talk to us,” Boehner said Tuesday. “That’s not the way our government works.”
The Ohio Republican addressed reporters just outside his office to rebut Obama’s earlier press conference. His message to the president was clear: The ongoing government shutdown and pending debt ceiling deadline would not be resolved without negotiations.
“It’s time to have that conversation,” Boehner said. “Not next week, not next month — the conversation needs to begin today. The long and short of it is, there’s going to be a negotiation.”…
Boehner said he agreed with the president that the consequences of default would be severe.
“I didn’t come here to shut down the government,” Boehner said. “And I certainly didn’t come here to default on our debt.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/08/john-boehner-debt-ceiling_n_4066123.html?&icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D388494
October 8, 2103
President Obama said Tuesday his staff is “exploring all contingencies” to avoid a government default, but stressed that Congress can head off economic calamity by simply raising the debt ceiling.
“There is no magic wand that allows us to wish away the chaos that could result if — for the first time in our history — we don’t pay our bills on time,” Obama said during a news conference at the White House…
A drop in the nation’s credit rating, as happened when the government flirted with default under similar circumstances in 2011, would increase U.S. costs and could plunge the nation back into recession, Obama said.
“We plan for every contingency,” Obama repeated. “So obviously, you know, worst-case scenario, there are things that we will try to do — but I will repeat, I don’t think any option is good.”
Obama mocked other suggestions, saying at one point that he couldn’t just “roll out a big coin” — a reference to a suggestion floated from time-to-time that the government could mint a trillion-dollar coin. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/10/08/obama-news-conference-oct-8-shutdown-default/2946481/
German commentators describe the situation as a “specifically American problem” with far-reaching consequences.‘Self-Destruction’ of a Democracy
Munich’s national Süddeutsche Zeitung offers a slightly more depressing take, pointing blame at all sides. “What has already been apparent in America for a few years now is the self-destruction of one of the world’s oldest democracies. And the great tragedy here is that this work of destruction isn’t being wrought by enemies of democracy, greedy lobbyists or sinister major party donors. America’s democracy is bring broken by the very people who are supposed to be carry and preserve it: the voters, the parties and the politicians.”
The argument? The Republicans who have brought Washington to stillstand are repeatedly and democratically elected by voters and given a mandate to block. The parties themselves are fomenting an increasingly radicalized culture that deepens political, societal and geographic divisions in the country, argues the newspaper. And finally, there are few politicians in America who are willing or capable of thinking beyond their own electoral constituencies.
“At the moment, Washington is fighting over the budget and nobody knows if the county will still be solvent in three weeks,” the paper concludes. “What is clear, though, is that America is already politically bankrupt.”
The USA is not making itself look good.
Leaders in Japan and China, two of the USA’s larger creditor nations, put out their own warnings:
October 8, 2013
Washington’s march toward self-inflicted financial calamity is setting off alarm bells around the world as general befuddlement turns into genuine concern over a possible default by the world’s lone superpower.
China and Japan — which hold a combined $2.4 trillion in U.S. debt — have called for a quick resolution to the crisis and expressed worries over the economic consequences of a default.
In the first official response by China, Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said that a solution must be found quickly in order to “ensure the safety of Chinese investments” and provide stability for economies around the globe…
A senior Japanese official, speaking to the Financial Times, said that country’s Ministry of Finance is “very worried,” and cited the market turmoil and “chaos” brought on by the failed House vote to authorize bank bailout funds in 2008.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore, speaking at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, said that Americans “are unable to get their act together” and described the shutdown and debt ceiling imbroglio as “problems you have created for yourself in a game of chicken.”
Washington’s behavior sends a “negative signal which will last much longer that the shutdown,” he said. http://money.cnn.com/2013/10/08/news/economy/debt-ceiling-world/index.html
The Bible warns against the type of moral decline that is occurring in the U.S.A.:
12 Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel: “Because you despise this word, And trust in oppression and perversity, And rely on them, 13 Therefore this iniquity shall be to you Like a breach ready to fall, A bulge in a high wall, Whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant. (Isaiah 30:12-13)
But how can this happen to the USA? It will likely happen with a combination of events. Notice the following:
5 “Moreover the multitude of your foes Shall be like fine dust, And the multitude of the terrible ones Like chaff that passes away; Yes, it shall be in an instant, suddenly. 6 You will be punished by the Lord of hosts With thunder and earthquake and great noise, With storm and tempest And the flame of devouring fire. (Isaiah 29:5-6)
The debt situation of the USA is putting it at risk of being unable to recover should it be hit by weather problems, terrorist acts, war, riots, solar flares, severe earthquakes, civil unrest, devastation of their genetically-modified food supplies, food shortages, and/or various pestilences–an intensity of “sorrows” such as Jesus discussed in Matthew 24:4-8 leading up to the time of the Great Tribulation. Disasters, especially if there is an ElectroMagnetic Pulse (emp) attack or a severe solar flare storm, could be part of a so-called “perfect storm” of events that could set the USA for destruction.
Many sorrows that the U.S.A. will face, like severe weather problems, diseases and earthquakes, will happen irrespective of who is in the White House (Amos 4:7-10; Luke 21:11). Bible prophecy shows that no matter who is the next U.S.A. president (or his possible successors), the King of the North and King of the South will rise up and the U.S.A. will be ultimately destroyed unless national repentance happens. Barack Obama, and some others however, may hasten the day of destruction. (Thiel B. Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term. Nazarene Books. 2013, pp. 69-70)
The pushing of abortion, homosexual ‘marriage,’ and debt that is happening in the USA is consistent with trusting in perversity. Despite its military strength (which is getting affected by the debt situation as well as homosexuality, etc.), destruction is coming to the USA (Daniel 11:39).
The nations of the world will likely have economic and political reasons for their actions against the USA. The current debt and potential default situation is showing many that the USA will have to be replaced. And that will happen.
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Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at www.barackobamaprophecy.com. The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.
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