Obama says 2014 was a ‘breakthrough year’
Barack Obama Official Whitehouse Photograph
Barack Obama claimed to have had major successes in 2014:
December 20, 2014
WASHINGTON • President Barack Obama said Friday that 2014 had been “a breakthrough year for America,” putting aside the fits and starts of the past 12 months to focus on achievements and the prospect of compromise with his political foes who are taking control of Congress. …
The news conference came at the end of what Obama titled his “Year of Action,” one in which Congress failed to take up most of his agenda and he turned to looking for ways to act on his own. http://www.stltoday.com/news/national/obama-declares-a-breakthrough-year-for-america/article_5239b1d0-9ac2-578e-adc5-72e3fe415518.html
December 20, 2014
The U.S. has a chance to “reverse the decades-long erosion of middle-class jobs and incomes” now that the economy is undergoing a “resurgence,” President Obama argued Saturday in his weekend address. …
Obama said. “But as a country, we have every right to be proud of what we’ve got to show for it. More jobs. More insured. A growing economy. Shrinking deficits. Bustling industry. Booming energy.” http://thehill.com/policy/finance/227768-obama-touts-us-resurgence
I heard a report on the radio yesterday that essentially contradicted Barack Obama’s claim about the erosion of the ‘middle class’ as well as unemployment numbers. I would also add that the deficits have gone up more under the Obama Administration than any in USA history as the admitted federal deficit exceeds USD$18 trillion. The USA is now the most indebted nation in the history of humanity. The Bible teaches this will end in destruction and takeover (Habakkuk 2:6-8).
On some of Barack Obama’s other points, let’s just say that he took several steps opposing certain growth in the energy and industrial sectors of the economy, thus it was mainly factors outside of his administration that are factors here for the success he is alluding to.
But I would like to mention four of the ‘breakthroughs’ that occurred in 2014 related to the Obama Administration.
The first to mention is that because of Barack Obama’s early decisions to not enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, combined with his insistence that the US military allow openly homosexuals to be part of it, he set the stage for the horrific (and in my opinion unconstitutional) reversal of anti-homosexual marriage laws by many courts throughout the land.
Notice what the Bible actually teaches:
22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
24 ‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. 25 For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants. 26 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you 27 (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled), 28 lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you. 29 For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people. (Leviticus 18:22-29)
13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. (Leviticus 20:13)
In the USA and elsewhere, the way the supporters of the homosexual agenda talk, homosexual marriage is all supposedly about fairness, love, and equality. The reality is that this is about morality, society, disease, and protection of children. Sexual immorality has been shown to be harmful, and according to the Bible it is sinful.
Biblically, a marriage exist as a relationship between a man and woman as God intended (Matthew 19:3-6). But, many in the USA, including its President, do not really care what the Bible teaches. And this is dangerous and will lead to destruction (cf. Romans 1:18-32).
A second ‘breakthrough’ had to do with marijuana. On February 14, 2014 it was reported that the Obama Administration issued new rules to allow marijuana dealers to be able to get banks to do business with them (see Obama Administration relaxes financial restrictions for marijuana sellers). This, then encouraged the rise of the marijuana industry in the USA.
Marijuana is not healthy to smoke and getting high is not good for a nation. Even California Governor Jerry Brown declared:
“How many people can get stoned and still have a great state or a great nation?” Brown asked, expressing some skepticism about legalization. “The world’s pretty dangerous, very competitive. I think we need to stay alert, if not 24 hours a day, more than some of the potheads might be able to put together. “
Despite the wisdom of Jerry Brown’s statements, the Obama Administration took another direction.
A third ‘breakthrough’ was an escalation of the espionage crisis between the USA and Germany. Notice a couple of items:
July 13, 2014
It was in Berlin in 2008 that then Senator Obama unveiled his global promise – an America that could once again be trusted. Germans no longer believe it. In the wake of the “friendly spying” ring allegations, less than 40 per cent of Germans consider the US a trustworthy partner, according to one survey. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f0776136-08ee-11e4-9d3c-00144feab7de.html
July 14, 2014
In trampling on German civil liberties, the Obama administration is besmirching America’s image and allowing Germans to feel morally superior to their former conqueror.
If Obama is unable to rein in spying on Germany, he may discover that he is helping to convert it from an ally into an adversary. For Obama to say auf Wiedersehen to a longtime ally would deliver a blow to American national security that no amount of secret information could possibly justify. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-heilbrunn-u-s–germany-relations-20140711-story.html
The Obama Administration’s handling of all of this has helped turn Germany from an ally to one who will become a conquering enemy (Isaiah 10:5-11).
In an apparent attempt to placate, the Obama Administration placed a German general over the entire US Army in Europe (see German general now commands the US Army in Europe). In August 2014, the Obama Administration placed a German general, Brig. Gen. Markus Laubenthal (formerly commander of the 12th Armored Brigade in Amberg and chief of staff for the international security assistance force regional command north in Afghanistan), the chief of staff for U.S. Army Europe. This means that the Europeans will have much more control over the military over the USA than most have imagined.
A fourth ‘breakthrough’ had to do with the handling of the Ebola crisis. While many in the West consider it to be mainly an African problem, the reality is that how the Obama Administration handled it has set a precedent. Basically, although the Bible tends to advise quarantine (Leviticus 13, 14), Obama Administration officials often rejected that. Although Ebola, as I correctly stated, did not become a major pestilence for the USA, pestilences will come (Matthew 24:4-8) and the improper ‘breakthrough’ for Ebola may be a factor in the spread of one or more in the future.
The Bible warns about leaders who go the wrong direction:
12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.” (Isaiah 3:12)
16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err, And those who are led by them are destroyed (Isaiah 9:16).
2014 was not a morally appropriate ‘breakthrough year’ for the USA.
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