Obesity getting worse: This has negative ramifications for the future of the USA
Obesity map (CDC)
The US Centers for Disease Control released its latest (2018) US obesity map as can be seen above.
Here is more related to it:
Each year CDC releases the Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US territories. The maps show self-reported adult obesity prevalence by race, ethnicity, and location. The data comes from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, an on-going state-based, telephone interview survey conducted by CDC and state health departments.
The 2018 maps show that obesity impacts some groups more than others. There are notable differences by race and ethnicity, as shown by combined data from 2016-2018:
- 2 states had an obesity prevalence of 35 percent or higher among non-Hispanic white adults.
- 9 states had an obesity prevalence of 35 percent or higher among Hispanic adults.
- 29 states and the District of Columbia had an obesity prevalence of 35 percent or higher among non-Hispanic black adults.
By Education and Age
- Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%), followed by high school graduates (33.1%), adults with some college (33.0%) and college graduates (24.7%).
- Young adults were half as likely to have obesity as middle-aged adults. Adults aged 18-24 years had the lowest self-reported obesity (18.1%) compared to adults aged 45-54 years who had the highest prevalence (36.9%).
Across States and Territories
- All states and territories had more than 20% of adults with obesity.
- 20% to less than 25% of adults had obesity in 2 states (Colorado and Hawaii) and the District of Columbia.
- 25% to less than 30% of adults had obesity in 17 states and Guam.
- 30% to less than 35% of adults had obesity in 22 states and Puerto Rico.
- 35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).
- The South (33.6%) and the Midwest (33.1%) had the highest prevalence of obesity, followed by the Northeast (28.0%), and the West (26.9%). (https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html accessed 09/14/19)
Here are some comments related to the latest CDC map and report:
John Auerbach, president and CEO of the Trust for America’s Health, which fights for action to tackle obesity, said individual campaigns weren’t enough.
“These latest data shout that our national obesity crisis is getting worse,” he said.
“Almost 50 years into the upward curve of obesity rates we haven’t yet found the right mix of programs to stop the epidemic.”
“Isolated programs and calls for lifestyle changes aren’t enough.
“Instead, our report highlights the fundamental changes that are needed in the social and economic conditions that make it challenging for people to eat healthy foods and get sufficient exercise.” https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9923378/obesity-map-united-states-overweight/
Many aspects of personal choice in the US are getting worse. Obesity is one of them.
Obesity is a multi-factorial problem, with many causes. Some are environmental, some are social, and some are personal.
Obesity has major health risks and costs:
Obesity is common, serious, and costly …
- Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer that are some of the leading causes of preventable, premature death. [Read guidelinesExternal]
- The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States was $147 billion in 2008 US dollars; the medical cost for people who have obesity was $1,429 higher than those of normal weight. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html accessed 09/14/19
Obesity also impacts productivity. Decreased productivity and increased medical costs contribute to increasing US debt, which will be a factor in the coming end of the US per Habakkuk 2:6-8.
Obesity rates are getting so bad in the US that obesity also affects its military readiness (see ‘Widespread Obesity Makes Trump’s Military Recruitment Goals a Challenge’).
The Bible opposes obesity.
Here is what Moses and Jeremiah were inspired to write about obesity thousands of years ago:
15 You grew fat, you grew thick,
You are obese!
Then he forsook God who made him,
And scornfully esteemed the Rock of his salvation.
16 They provoked Him to jealousy with foreign gods;
With abominations they provoked Him to anger. (Deuteronomy 32:15-16)11 “Because you were glad, because you rejoiced,
You destroyers of My heritage,
Because you have grown fat like a heifer threshing grain,
And you bellow like bulls,
12 Your mother shall be deeply ashamed;
She who bore you shall be ashamed.
Behold, the least of the nations shall be a wilderness,
A dry land and a desert. (Jeremiah 50:11-12)
The idea that one should not be obese is not a new one.
Furthermore, the Bible warns about gluttony as well as eating things that are not really food:
20 Do not mix with winebibbers, Or with gluttonous eaters of meat; 21 For the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty (Proverbs 23:20-21)
2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good (Isaiah 55:2).
Do not overeat. Avoiding artificial sweeteners, chemical additives, excess refined sugar, and some other items commonly associated with junk foods would seem to be consistent with the warning to eat what is good.
Many people do not often eat what is good. Many eat too many chemically-laced highly processed foods. Many eat a lot of white bread, which is really not real bread as it has had the wheat germ and other natural components removed. This makes an inferior product which then is sprayed with synthetic B vitamins and other “nutrients” to “fortify” it. If you notice “B vitamins” added to “fortify” refined grain products or in so-called “natural” vitamin supplements (like thiamin mononitrate, thiamin HCL, folic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin), realize that these are basically petroleum derivatives and are not the same form of vitamins that are actually found in real, natural, food.
But most in Westernized areas consume the synthetics, chemicals, and refined grains.
People should try to eat real, not artificial, foods. Soda consumption should be almost non-existent, essentially a very rare treat. People should not drink sodas every day.
And while they do not like to believe this, almost all obese people also need to eat less.
Losing weight can be very, very difficult. But real Christians should believe the following:
13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
With prayer and proper determination, breaking away from being obese can happen.
Obesity is weakening the US.
That being said, the US is prophesied to lose militarily in the relatively near future (cf. Daniel 11:39).
Health issues, including obesity, will end up being partial factors for the defeat.
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Where are Enoch and Elijah? Booklet by the late Dr. Herman Hoeh.
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