Orthodox Getting Closer to Unity with Catholics
Outside of Orthodox Church of St. George, May 7, 2008
Constantinople (Currently Called Istanbul, Turkey)
As long-time readers of this page are aware, I have long believed that the Orthodox would enter into some type of closer unity with the Vatican.
When my wife and I were at the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople last month, one of the staff members tried to assure us that while the Vatican wanted unity, that the Orthodox would resist the authority of the Pope.
Born as Dimitrios Arhondonis, he has been known as the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I since 1991
Well, in the news was an article which I believe shows how the next step towards this unification will most likely take place. Notice the following:
Orthodox leader suggests “dual unity” for Eastern Catholics
Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople welcomed the proposal in an interview with the magazine Cyril and Methodius, the RISU news service reports. The acknowledged leader of the Orthodox world suggested that the “dual unity” approach would produce something akin to the situation of the Christian world in the 1st millennium, before the split between Rome and Constantinople.
Cardinal Lubomyr Husar of Kiev, the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church– the largest of the Eastern Catholic churches– had offered the possibility that Byzantine Catholics might seek communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate, without giving up their communion with the Holy See. Patriarch Bartholomew expressed distinct interest in the idea, saying that “the mother Church in Constantinople holds the doors open for the return of all her former sons and daughters.”
Patriarch Bartholomew acknowledged that a restoration of unity would require study, and important differences would have to be overcome. However, he observed that major steps have already been taken to resolve disagreements– most importantly the revocation of the mutual decrees of excommunication issued by Rome and Constantinople against each other in 1054.
While Catholic and Orthodox theologians continue their efforts to reach agreement on doctrinal questions, Patriarch Bartholomew said, “the people at the grass roots have to come together again.” He pointed to the “dual unity” idea as a possible step toward practical unity. http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=59186
The Orthodox still do not seem to understand that Rome’s plan truly is to dominate them. Notice the following:
Abbott Joachim (died 1202): A remarkable Pope will be seated on the pontifical throne, under special protection of the angels. Holy and full of gentleness, he shall undo all wrong, he shall recover the states of the Church, and reunite the exiled temporal powers. As the only Pastor, he shall reunite the Eastern to the Western Church…This holy Pope shall be both pastor and reformer. Through him the East and West shall be in ever lasting concord. The city of Babylon shall then be the head and guide of the world. Rome, weakened in temporal power, shall forever preserve her spiritual dominion, and shall enjoy great peace…At the beginning, in order to bring these happy results, having need of a powerful assistance, this holy Pontiff will ask the cooperation of the generous monarch of France (Great Monarch)… A man of remarkable sanctity will be his successor in the Pontifical chair. Through him God will work so many prodigies that all men shall revere him.
However, the Bible specifically warns against being part of Babylon (Revelation 18:2-4).
The Orthodox, individually, need to reject unity with Rome. I say individually, because I believe that the major patriarchates (with the possible exception of the Russian Orthodox) will accept some type of unity with Rome. For more information, please see Orthodox Must Reject Unity with the Roman Catholics.
And perhaps I should also add that some Catholic writers believe that unity with the Orthodox will bring an antipope–essentially the final Antichrist into power.
Notice the following two quotes:
Priest Paul Kramer (20th century): The errors of Orthodoxy and of Protestantism will be embraced by that false church, it will be an ecumenical church because the Anti-Pope will be recognized by the world — not by the faithful, but by the world — by the secular world and the secular governments. The Anti-Pope will be recognized as the legitimate Pope of the “church,” and the legitimate head of the Vatican State. That “church” will be united with all the false religions. They will be united together under the universality of the Masonic umbrella. In that motley ecumenical union will be the established religion of the so-called civilized world. This is how we will get into the time of great persecution such as the world has never seen.
The Prophecy of Premol (5th century): And I see the King of Rome and his Cross and his tiara, shaking the dust off of his shoes, and hastening his flight to other shores. Thy Church, O Lord, is torn apart by her own children. One camp is faithful to the fleeing Pontiff, the other is subject to the new government of Rome which has broken the tiara. But Almighty God will, in His mercy, put an end to this confusion and a new age will begin. Then, said the Spirit, this is the beginning of the End of Time.
Comment: From this prophecy, it is clear that the true Church will be faithful to the Pope in exile; whereas the new Pope in Rome will be, in fact, an anti-pope…a large number of Catholics will be misled into accepting the leadership of the anti-pope (note this comment is from the Catholic writer Y. Dupont).
(For more details, please see Will An Ecumenical Pope Support Antichrist? What Do Catholic Prophecies Teach?).
The Catholics, then, also need to individually reject unity with the Orthodox. And I state individually, because Pope Benedict XVI has clearly indicated that he is working towards unity with the Orthodox (and the Lutherans, please see Pope Trying to Appease the Orthodox and the Lutherans). A unity that I strongly suspect will become more apparent during his pontificate, but will most likely be finalized in the next one.
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