‘PESCO helps to ensure a more secure Europe for its citizens’
Europeans, without the United Kingdom, agreed to a new form of ‘permanent’ defense cooperation:
Luik: #PESCO helps to ensure a more secure Europe for its citizens
14 November 2017
(13 November), in Brussels, 23 European Union Member States signed the joint notification of intention for creating Permanent Structured Co-operation (PESCO).
“With the creation of PESCO, member states are taking defence cooperation to a whole new level. The member states have taken a solid step towards more integrated Europe and the outcomes of this cooperation will help to ensure a more secure Europe for its citizens as well as strengthen the pillar of European Union in NATO,” said Estonia Defence Minister Jüri Luik.
The goal of PESCO is to further increase defence co-operation between Member States, to encourage larger defence investments, to facilitate the availability of military capabilities for European Union operations, to strengthen defence co-operation between member states, and to decrease capability gaps.
Member states participating in PESCO undertake to simplify the transportation of military supplies and units in Europe, which is an important goal for Estonia.
Luik emphasized that defence cooperation between European Union Member States strengthens Europe’s capability within NATO, which remains the cornerstone of collective defence.
“The creation of PESCO demonstrates the viability of the EU. By engaging in defence cooperation, member states want and are able to achieve visible results,” stated Luik.
He added that PESCO will remain open to all member states. “It is important that its objectives are achievable regardless of the size of the countries,” added Luik. https://www.eureporter.co/frontpage/2017/11/14/luik-pesco-helps-to-ensure-a-more-secure-europe-for-its-citizens/
The member states who signed the joint notification are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. It is possible for other member states to join at a later stage.
The joint notification is the first formal step to set up the PESCO. It sets out:
- the principles of the PESCO, in particular underlining that the “PESCO is an ambitious, binding and inclusive European legal framework for investments in the security and defence of the EU’s territory and its citizens”
- the list of “ambitious and more binding common commitments” the member states have agreed to undertake, including “regularly increasing defence budgets in real terms in order to reach agreed objectives”,
- proposals on PESCO governance, with an overarching level maintaining the coherence and the ambition of the PESCO, complemented by specific governance procedures at projects level. http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/11/13/defence-cooperation-23-member-states-sign-joint-notification-on-pesco/
PESCO as part of a comprehensive defence package
PESCO is closely connected to the new Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) and the European Defence Fund (EDF), which is currently being developed under the European Defence Industrial Development Programme. They are complementary and mutually reinforcing tools contributing to the same political goal:
- CARD, to be run by the European Defence Agency, through systematically monitoring of national defence spending plans, will help identify opportunities for new collaborative initiatives.
- The EDF will provide financial incentives to foster defence cooperation from research to the development phase of capabilities including prototypes.
- PESCO will develop capability projects, identified notably through the CARD process in priority areas. https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-Homepage/34226/permanent-structured-cooperation-pesco-factsheet_en
Last week, only 20 nations had pledged support to PESCO, now 23 already have signed. Notice a couple of other things about this agreement from last week:
November 8, 2017
The Permanent Structured Cooperation, or PESCO, could be the biggest leap in EU defense policy in decades and may go some way to matching the bloc’s economic and trade prowess with a more powerful military. …
So far France, Germany, Italy, Spain and around 16 other EU countries have pledged to join the pact, which could formally be launched when EU leaders meet in December. … But it was clear that Britain, which intends to leave the bloc following the Brexit referendum of June 2016, would not participate, officials said. Britain has long sought to block EU defense cooperation, fearing it could lead to development of an EU army. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-defence/eu-to-sign-joint-defense-pact-in-show-of-post-brexit-unity-idUSKBN1D81CT
8 November 2017
Within the PESCO framework, an EU Army – still opposed by some EU member countries – is to be initiated “from below.” First plans include the establishment of a logistics hub and a core element of a military headquarters in Brussels. “We Europeans must finally take our defense into our own hands,” says the CDU parliamentarian and foreign policy expert Elmar Brok. These measures taken by the EU are designed to supplement a merger of European armed forces, which Berlin is also promoting within NATO, for example with the subordination of foreign military units to German command. The defense ministry declares that this is “a grassroots issue.” …
A centralized logistics hub must also be created, so that European military planners can make better “application of terrestrial, maritime and aerial transportation capabilities.” In general, all PESCO participating nations should report “their capacities and capabilities” to the European Defense Agency (EDA), so that they are available to be consolidated at any time “in the framework of the new defense cooperation.” The establishment of an EU military command headquarters is essential to these plans. An EU headquarters would be important for being able to jointly wage wars …
German Predominance
The German Ministry of Defense explicitly points out that PESCO “is similar to NATO’s Framework Nations Concept.” “It also involves projects that cannot be jointly implemented with all partner countries …
According to Germany’s Defense Ministry, the militarization of the EU is a “grassroots issue.” “European citizens” expect the EU to be more active in areas of “security and defense.”[10] With the militarization of the EU, Berlin and Brussels are merely fulfilling these expectations. https://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/news/detail/7443/
As long-term readers of this page are aware, I have written for years that Europe would end up with its own military.
Even after Germany’s defeat in WWII, Church of God ministers have written that Germany would dominate that coming military.
It will be a “The UNITED STATES OF EUROPE,” but that probably will never become its official name. … Once Europe is economically revived, and powerfully armed, a new Hitler will appear upon the scene … (Armstrong HW. Now It Can Be Told…The Plain Truth, December 1948, pp. 5-6).
“The king of the north” — all Bible scholars know that the ‘king of the north’ originally meant Syria in Old Testament times; but when Rome conquered Syria, the ‘king of the north’ became Rome; and when Rome fell, the German Nation and its allies wok over Rome and now have become the ‘king of the north’ (verses 36-39 — the German Nation, now working through the Nazi Underground, “shall…” notice it! “… shall enter into the countries …). Why? Because these nations shall finally be in league with Germany [the descendants of Assur or Assyria] according to Psalm 83! Germany’s coming Fuhrer … is “the king of the north.” (Hoeh H. U.S. and Britain Admit NAZI UNDERGROUND Behind Arab Crisis! Plain Truth, October 1958)
German leaders once again — just as in centuries past — openly are attempting to unite all Europe in a United States of Europe — and, through Europe, to reshape the world in order to fasten German leadership and culture on all nations and peoples. (Hoeh H. Germany in Prophecy! – Part 1. Plain Truth, December 1962)
For well over 20 years, Mr. Armstrong has made plain to our readers that the prophecies of the Bible foretell that Germany will rise again to become a mighty world power. And, if the English- speaking world does not repent, bring about our national destruction! In 1945, when Germany lay prostrate and statesmen boasted that Ger- many would not rise again for 50 years or more, Mr . Armstrong told listeners of The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast about Germany’s quick recovery and eventual development into a giant power. Since that time, many articles have appeared in Th e PLAIN TRUTH magazine warning our peoples of the rise of Germany and the ultimate formation of a United States of Europe. (Marx GO. Why Germans Long for a Leader. Plain Truth, September 1965, p. 30)
This is because of various biblical prophecies (e.g. Isaiah 10:5-12; see also Germany in Biblical and Catholic Prophecy).
As far as what is going on with PESCO, consider that the Bible teaches that Europe will have a great army:
25 “He shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the South with a great army. (Daniel 11:25)
The “He” is identified as the final prophesied European King of the North in Daniel 11:40 (watch also Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?).
Interestingly, there have been Catholic writings that have predicted that Europe would have a great army and a Germanic leader:
St. Francis of Paola (Born in Italy, 15th century). “By the grace of the Almighty, the Great Monarch will annihilate heretics and unbelievers. He will have a great army, and angels will fight at his side. He will be like the sun among the stars. His influence will spread over the whole earth. All in all, there will be on earth twelve Kings, one Emperor, one Pope and a few Princes. They will all lead holy lives.” (Dupont, p.38)
Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser (died 1658):…”When everything has been ruined by war; when Catholics are hard pressed by traitorous co-religionists and heretics; when the Church and her servants are denied their rights, the monarchies have been abolished and their rulers murdered…then the hand of Almighty God will work a marvelous change, something apparently impossible according to human understanding. There will rise a valiant monarch anointed by God. He will be a Catholic, a descendant of Louis IX, (yet) a descendant of an ancient imperial German family, born in exile. (Connor, pp.35-36).
Bernhardt Rembordt (18th century). “Cologne will be the site of a terrible battle…The German Empire will choose a simple man as the Emperor, who will rule for a short time. His successor will be the man for whom the world has longed. He will be called a “Roman Emperor,” and he will give peace to the world. A good and happy era will follow. God will be praised on earth, and war will be no more.” (Dupont, pp.34-35)
Father Laurence Ricci, S.J. (died 1775): “After the rule of Napoleon a time will come when the people will become poor and the world will be punished in three ways: wars, famines, and pestilences. At a time when the whole world seems doomed, God will intervene. With His aide a valiant duke will arise from the ancient German house which was humiliated by the French monarch. This great ruler will restore stolen Church property. Protestantism will cease and the Turkish empire will end. This duke will be the most powerful monarch on earth. At a gathering of men noted for piety and wisdom he will, with the aid of the Pope, introduce new rules, and ban the spirit of confusion. Everywhere there will be one fold and one shepherd.” (Conner p.37)
Saint Cataldus of Tarentino (c. 500): “The Great Monarch will be in war till he is forty years of age….he will assemble great armies and expel tyrants from his empire. He will conquer England and other island empires” (Connor, Edward. Prophecy for Today. Imprimatur + A.J. Willinger, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno; Reprint: Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford (IL), 1984, p.30; also Culleton , p.118-119).
Note: The nation was NOT called England in A.D. 500, but this is believed to be a reference to the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples that a European leader is expected to conquer.
So, the Bible says that Europe will have a great army, Catholic writings say a Germanic European leader will have great army, as well as great armies–armies from multiple countries seem consistent with what PESCO is all about.
The success of the European Beast, King of the North, power will cause the world to marvel:
3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:3-4)
Europe will arise. And it is now starting to tell the world publicly that it intends to do so. The world will be surprised this will happen, which is part of why I believe European technology will be a key factor in this (as will be deception and problems in the USA).
Currently Europe relies on the USA to defend it. This has been convenient for Europe and has allowed the Europeans to enjoy a standard of living that may not have been otherwise possible. However, Europe is developing its own military technology (see European Technology and the Beast of Revelation) and the time will come when it concludes it not only does not need the USA, but that it wants to take it over!
The UK and USA, historically, have opposed the idea of a separate European army, but instead have attempted to get the continental Europeans to be more involved in the North American Treaty Organization (NATO). Having a separate European army means that Europe will be better able to act independently of NATO, but by keeping NATO, it gives the Europeans a unique tactical advantage over the USA and UK.
We are seeing Europe changing and working to build its military.
Understand that the current Anglo-American dominated world order will NOT continue (watch End of the Anglo-American Order and/or The New World Order Is Leaving the US Behind).
World events continue to align with properly understood biblical prophecies.
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Germany in Biblical and Catholic Prophecy Does Assyria in the Bible equate to an end time power inhabiting the area of the old Roman Empire? What does prophecy say Germany will do and what does it say will happen to most of the German people? Here is a link to a video Is the USA Pushing Germany to Start WWIII?
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Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
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