Pope Appoints New Head for Inquisition Office: A Candidate to be the Final Antichrist?
Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller (Dr. Meierhofer)
The Pope appointed another Catholic leader from Germany to an important position:
Pope appoints doctrinal watchdog with links to ‘Marxist’ CatholicsGuardian, UK – July 2, 2012Pope Benedict on Monday appointed as the Roman Catholic church’s doctrinal watchdog a fellow German with links to liberation theology, the interpretation of Christianity that conservatives have deplored as Marxism with a cross in place of a hammer and sickle.
Gerhard Ludwig Müller, 64, the bishop of Regensburg in Bavaria, is to take over the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the direct successor of the department created in the 16th century to manage the Inquisition.
Pope’s German friend to guard Vatican orthodoxyJuly 3, 2012…
A personal friend of the German-born pope, who charged him with publishing his writings, Müller is however also known for his long-standing support for Gustavo Guttierez, founder of the socialist Liberation theology movement. http://www.thelocal.de/society/20120703-43513.html
Pope Names German Bishop as Leader of Doctrinal OfficeNew York Times – July 2, 2012“Levada was more of an executor, whereas Müller, because of his own theological training and experience, is more in sync with Ratzinger,” said Sandro Magister, a Vatican expert, referring to the pope, the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who held the doctrinal post for 25 years.
Mr. Magister said that Archbishop Müller would become part of a “small nucleus” of cardinals in whom the pope could have complete confidence, including Cardinal Marc Ouellet, a Canadian who leads the Congregation for Bishops; and Cardinal Kurt Koch, who is Swiss and directs the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
“In the Roman curia, they can play an important role in making decisions,” Mr. Magister said. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/03/world/europe/german-to-run-vaticans-doctrinal-office.html
This is the same office that Pope Benedict XVI himself held before becoming pope. And as The Guardian points out, this was the same office that ran the Inquisition (see also Persecutions by Church and State).
As the New York Times points out, along with a Canadian Cardinal named Marc Ouellet and a Swiss Cardinal named Kurt Koch, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller will apparently be part of the inner circle at the Vatican. I expect that Gerhard Ludwig Müller will be made a Cardinal.
Regular readers of this page are aware that I have speculated that Cardinal Kurt Koch is one who could potentially become an antipope, the final Antichrist of biblical prophecy (see Kurt Koch Made a Cardinal: Might He Become the Antichrist?). Catholic prophecy seems to support that view as well, as according to the Malachy prophecy list, only one pope is left on that list and according other Catholic writings, an antipope is expected. Additionally, Catholic prophecy indicates that specifically, a German antipope is expected. Because of his ecumenical bent, I have considered Kurt Koch a candidate for that role. But he is not the only one.
If the current pope actually resigns, and he has suggested that he might, it may well be that he may further influence who will be the next pope. And, it may be that he may try to promote Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Cardinal Kurt Koch, or Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller to be the next pope. And the next pope may well be the final antipope/antichrist.
Interestingly, Gerhard Ludwig Müller made a statement that Wikipedia reported (and translated from the original, which was in German) that suggests somewhat of an ecumenical bent for him as well:
In a speech he gave in October 2011, Müller said that “the Catholic Magisterium is far from denying an ecclesial character or an ecclesial existence to ‘the separated Churches and ecclesial Communities of the West”.
It has been expected, from Catholic sources, for many centuries that a German antipope will rise up:
Merlin (7th century): There will come a German Anti-Pope. Italy and Germany will be sorely troubled. (Culleton, R. Gerald. The Prophets and Our Times. Nihil Obstat: L. Arvin. Imprimatur: Philip G. Scher, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, November 15, 1941. Reprint 1974, TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 132)
Catholic priest and writer R. Gerald Culleton (20th century): A schism of short duration is destined to break out…An antipope, of German origin, is to be set up, and finally Rome itself will be destroyed”. (Culleton, p. 42)
It is possible that Gerhard Ludwig Müller could be that German anti-pope. Why? Because of his age, his timing, his position towards Protestants, his new office, his ethnicity, and the fact that the previous pope held that same office before his election to becoming the Bishop of Rome. But even if he is not, if he lives long enough, Gerhard Ludwig Müller will either support or fight the coming Antipope and Final Antichrist.
Of course, Kurt Koch, remains another possibility to be the final Pope/Antipope/Antichrist. And there may be others.
The famous third century Catholic theologian and Bishop Victorinus tied modern Germany (prophetic Assur below) with the Roman kingdom and the Antichrist/Beast power:
7:2…”Then shall there be peace for our land, when there shall arise in it seven shepherds and eight attacks of men; and they shall encircle Assur,” that is, Antichrist…
11:7. And the beast which ascends from the abyss. After many plagues completed in the world, in the end he says that a beast ascended from the abyss. But that he shall ascend from the abyss is proved by many testimonies; for he says in the thirty-first chapter of Ezekiel: Behold, Assur was a cypress in Mount Lebanon. Assur, deeply rooted, was a lofty and branching cypress— that is, a numerous people— in Mount Lebanon, in the kingdom of kingdoms, that is, of the Romans. (Victorinus. Commentary on the Apocalypse. Translated by Robert Ernest Wallis. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 7. Edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1886.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. <http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0712.htm>)
The Bible warns of a time that an even more ecumenical religion will rise up (cf. Revelation 13:4,8; 17:4-9; Daniel 11:36-38) and it will be based in Rome (Revelation 17). Catholic writings warn that a compromised ecumenical version of that faith will rise up and that most will fall for it.
The current pope, his president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and the new Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith seem to have all taken steps to, perhaps somewhat inadvertently, setting the stage for this to happen.
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