Pope Emeritus Benedict moves back to the Vatican. Now there are two pontiffs living in Vatican City.
Former Pope Benedict XVI
Several hours ago, the pontiff emeritus formerly known as Pope Benedict XVI moved back to Vatican City to live:
Return of the pontiff: two popes at the Vatican
May 3, 2013
VATICAN CITY: Two months after his historic resignation, Benedict XVI has returned to the Vatican, where he will live in a former monastery in an unprecedented arrangement that will see a pope and a former pope both housed in the tiny state.
It was a relatively low-key return for the 86-year-old pope emeritus, off-limits to all but the Vatican’s own media service. The service announced shortly after his arrival on Thursday that expected video coverage would not be provided, sparking doubts over the state of Benedict’s health.
He had looked extremely frail at his last public appearance in March, and has said that he will live “hidden from the world”.
The unique decision to accommodate both a pope and his predecessor within the tiny city state provoked surprise in some quarters, with critics worried that Benedict’s presence might make it more difficult for Francis to make St Peter’s chair his own. http://www.smh.com.au/world/return-of-the-pontiff-two-popes-at-the-vatican-20130503-2iwni.html#ixzz2SBAf28l9
Former Pope Benedict has moved back to the Vatican in an unprecedented arrangement that will see a ruling pontiff and his predecessor live side-by-side as neighbors in the tiny state.
Pope Francis welcomed Benedict Thursday outside his new retirement home, which is a converted monastery near St. Peter’s Basilica. The two then went inside to pray together.
The low-key return for the 86-year-old pope emeritus was off-limits to all media except the Vatican’s own media service, which announced that it would not provide expected video coverage of the event.
The former pontiff had looked extremely frail at his last public appearance in March when Francis visited him at the papal retreat south of Rome. Benedict had been living there since he stepped down February 28 and became the first pontiff to do so in hundreds of years.
Vatican officials say Benedict is only suffering from the normal ailments of old age.
Despite having two men clothed in white now living at the Vatican, the papal apartments remain empty. Pope Francis has chosen to remain in the more modest accommodation of the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta hotel, which hosted the cardinals during the papal conclave that elected him. http://www.voanews.com/content/pope-emeritus-benedict-returns-to-vatican-for-retirement/1653427.html
After announcing his resignation on Feb. 11, Benedict said he would live his life out in the monastery, a recluse, yet unrestricted in his movements. Shielded by an evergreen hedge, the cloistered areas of the convent cannot be seen from those strolling along the avenues of the Vatican gardens.
Vatican officials have repeatedly tried to assuage concerns that Benedict could influence the new pope by his proximity. And they have dismissed the objections of those who have remarked on the dual role of Archbishop Gänswein, who lives with the pope emeritus as his secretary even as he juggles his day job as the prefect of the pontifical household, attending public outings with Francis.
Vatican journalists have reported that Francis will probably complete an encyclical that Benedict was working on when he retired, much like Benedict’s first encyclical was based on the writings of John Paul II.
But the rest is uncharted waters.
The retired pontiff and the reigning pope “have a relationship of friendship and respect,” said Father Benedettini. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/03/world/europe/pope-emeritus-benedict-to-take-up-residence-at-vatican.html?pagewanted=2&_r=0
So there are now two “popes” living in Vatican City.
If former Pope Benedict lives long enough and Pope Francis is the last pope of Catholic and biblical prophecy, it is possible that Benedict could possibly (and this is not highly likely) could fulfill certain Catholic prophecies.
Here is some of what I wrote about some of this in my book The Last Pope:
Pope Benedict XVI resigned his pontificate effective February 28, 2013. If certain private prophecies prove to be somewhat accurate, his resignation could possibly lead to the fulfillment of them.
Certain Catholic prophecies state that prior to the end of the reign of a pope, another pope will flee and ultimately die. Whether or not due to a resignation, proper or improper pontifical election, and/or some other factors, this suggests that two pontiffs would exist at the end (especially if the Malachy list is complete).
If these prophecies are accurate, this may indicate that this could happen with the Pope Emeritus, who is elderly and German. Therefore, the following are Catholic prophecies that might somewhat apply to the one who was Pope Benedict XVI (whose name was Joseph Ratzinger prior to becoming pope):
Nun Emmerich (19th century): I also saw the Holy Father– God-fearing and prayerful. Nothing left to be desired in his appearance, but he was weakened by old age and by much suffering.
Abbot “Merlin” Joachim (died 1202): …the glorious Pontiff, whose name will begin with R…
Helen Wallraff (19th century): Some day a pope will flee from Rome in the company of only four cardinals . . . and they will come to Koeln [Cologne].
Nostradamus (16th century): The great star will burn for seven days. The clouds will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff will howl all night When the great Pontiff shall change his country.
The Prophecy of Premol (5th century): And I see the King of Rome and his Cross and his tiara, shaking the dust off of his shoes, and hastening his flight to other shores. Thy Church, O Lord, is torn apart by her own children. One camp is faithful to the fleeing Pontiff, the other is subject to the new government of Rome which has broken the tiara. But Almighty God will, in His mercy, put an end to this confusion and a new age will begin. Then, said the Spirit, this is the beginning of the End of Time.
Comment: From this prophecy, it is clear that the true Church will be faithful to the Pope in exile; whereas the new Pope in Rome will be, in fact, an anti-pope…a large number of Catholics will be misled into accepting the leadership of the anti-pope.{Note the comment is from the Catholic writer Dupont personally}.
Of course, the name Ratzinger began with an “R.” Being called the “glorious Pontiff” could possibly tied with the Malachy prophecy since the 111th pontiff on the list was somehow glorious (“the glory of the olive”).
The Prophecy of Premol claims it is related to the end of time, therefore, if accurate, it would be consistent with the end of the Malachy list. Now, if Pope Benedict lives long enough and later flees and goes to Cologne (Germany), he might fulfill those prophecies. The fact that he intends to keep the name Benedict XVI and also be referred to as pope or pontiff emeritus is consistent with the view that, despite his resignation he, in at least one sense, will be one of two popes. And this idea of two popes has caused unease among some as the following suggests:
He will continue to wear a white cassock, be known as Benedict…the existence of two men who are addressed as “your holiness” changes the ecclesiastical atmospherics. For a lot of traditionalist Catholics, two “popes” (even if one is emeritus) is one pope too many (McGough M. For conservative Catholics, one pope too many. Los Angeles Times, February 26, 2013. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-pope-benedict-resignation-20130226,0,6964036.story).
Traditionally in Catholicism, the wearing of the white cassock has been reserved for the pope. So, this seems consistent with the view that there could be two “popes,” with one perhaps being an antipope. (Thiel B. The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Amazon Book. Nazarene Books, 2013, pp. 53-55).
Because we are living in the last days, it is possible that Pope Francis will the last pope and may, directly or indirectly, cause former Pope Benedict XVI to flee to Germany.
Notice also the following report:
“At least one cardinal has discussed the possibility that the Anti-Christ may be alive at this moment.” He is the retired Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, who was asked by Pope Benedict to deliver the Lenten spiritual exercises for the Vatican Curia in 2007 – and who spoke about the Anti-Christ in his presentation. http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/commentandblogs/2013/04/22/theres-certainly-an-end-times-feel-to-today/
This is something that I intend to watch (cf. Mark 13:37).
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