A Post Brexit will have Germany lead Europe
Lech Walesa (MEDEF)
The Brexit vote is looming and there are concerns about what will happen. Here is a warning from the International Monetary Fund (IMF):
18 June 2016
A UK exit from the European Union could mean the UK misses out on up to 5.6% of GDP growth by 2019, the IMF has warned.
Brexit is the “largest near-term risk” to the UK economy, the IMF said in its annual UK economic outlook.
It added that the net economic effects would probably be “negative and substantial”.
But economists for the Brexit campaign said the consensus that a UK exit would be bad for the economy was “based on flawed EU-centric models”.
Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused UK Prime Minister David Cameron of holding the referendum to “blackmail” and “scare” Europe, and France’s economy minister says Britain would become as significant as Guernsey if it voted to leave. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-36561720
What will happen if there is a Brexit vote?
Well, for many decades, Church of God leaders have said that in the end times Germany will lead a united Europe.
Notice the following from 1962 by the late Radio Church of God evangelist Dr. Herman Hoeh:
Consider also that Germany has set itself up as the bulwark of European civilization for well over a thousand years. Germany for centuries has claimed to stand as the eastern wall of defense against the barbarism of Asia. It was on German soil that the hordes of Asia, sweeping across eastern Europe, were more than once stopped.
The German Reich long endured as the oldest political institution in Europe — older than the government of France or England by centuries. The German people called their Reich the Holy Roman Empire. It bore rule over Europe for a thousand years. This “Holy Roman Empire of the German People” was officially designated by the Church in the Middle Ages as “The Kingdom of God” on earth. Its citizens, the Germans, felt themselves true Romans and bearers of the Christian Reich or Kingdom. THEY were therefore the CHOSEN PEOPLE of the Christian era, entrusted with a world-mission to be the protectors of Christianity.
The German leaders and philosophers have never forgotten this notion of the Middle Ages that the German, in place of the Jew, has a special mission from God. German politicians know that their dream of a world Empire can be created only if they maintain this claim of a world-mission.
This strange concept, which lies behind political thinking in Germany today, is plainly stated in a German work which I have before me as I write this article. The book is entitled “Die Tragödie des Heiligen Reiches,” or, translated, “The Tragedy of the Holy Roman Empire.” It is by Friedrich Heer. It is a remarkable volume. It lays bare the reason for the SECRET MOVES OF THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT TOWARD A UNITED STATES OF EUROPE….German leaders once again — just as in centuries past — openly are attempting to unite all Europe in a United States of Europe — and, through Europe, to reshape the world in order to fasten German leadership and culture on all nations and peoples. (Hoeh H. Germany in Prophecy! Plain Truth, December 1962)
Interestingly, even though many in Poland have concerns about a powerful Germany, even one of Poland’s most famous leaders (and former president) has called for a German leadership of Europe if there is a Brexit:
Poland’s freedom icon Lech Walesa believes powerhouse Germany should lead either a deeply reformed, or an entirely rebuilt European Union, in the wake of a possible Brexit.
Walesa’s comments come as a series of opinion polls show a growing lead for the campaign rallying British voters to leave the 28-nation EU in a landmark referendum on 23 June.
“Germany in particular must calculate what would be better for development (of the EU): do we create a completely new organisation… or do we fix the old EU?” Walesa told AFP during an interview in Gdansk, the cradle of Poland’s 1980s anti-communist Solidarity movement.
“It’s up to the Germans to decide because they are the leaders and they must also decide with whom they want to build” the new EU, he added. …
The Nobel Peace Prize winner — renowned for negotiating a bloodless end to communism in Poland in 1989 — also insisted that Germany, along with EU partners France and Italy, “should have a contingency scenario prepared to put in place 15 minutes after the EU falls apart.”
“After the current European Union falls apart, a new union must be created, but it must be thought out much better in order to avoid the kind of problems we have now.
“Whoever wants to join it, can join, while those who don’t, can just say ‘no thanks’,” Walesa said. https://www.euractiv.com/section/future-eu/news/walesa-germany-should-lead-new-eu-after-possible-brexit/
Ultimately, the Bible tells of two future reorganizations in Europe in Revelation 17:12-13 (see also Must the Ten Kings of Revelation 17:12 Rule over Ten Currently Existing Nations?).
As regular readers of this page tend to be aware, a Brexit means a BRitish EXIT from the European Union. Something that those in the UK are to vote on June 23, 2016.
The time will come when the UK will be taken over by a Europe led by Germany. The Brexit vote will be a factor!
That vote is less than one week away!
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