Powerful typhoon hits the Philippines
Aftermath of Typhoon Ketsana in Manila, 2009
Super Typhoon Haiyan has hit the Philippines:
November 7, 2013
Super Typhoon Haiyan, the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane, slammed into the Philippines today after forcing thousands of people to evacuate.
Haiyan had top winds of almost 196 miles (315 kilometers) per hour when it was about 489 miles southeast of Manila, the U.S. Navy’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center said at 2 p.m. East Coast time. Winds gusted to as high as 235 mph, the Navy said. About 125,600 people in 22 provinces have been evacuated, the nation’s disaster monitoring agency said in a 6 a.m. bulletin.
“If it maintains its strength, there has never been a storm this strong making landfall anywhere in the world,” said Jeff Masters, founder of Weather Underground in Ann Arbor, Michigan. “This is off the charts.” http://www.businessweek.com/news/2013-11-07/philippines-braces-for-haiyan-seen-as-2013-s-strongest-typhoon
This is considered as a massive storm that is expected to cause devastation. I began to pray for those in the Philippines earlier this evening.
Spiritually speaking, killer storms and odd weather problems should serve as a wake-up call. Weather-related troubles with their related social and food issues, of course, have been biblically expected:
7…And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:7-8).
5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)
8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
As the above shows, Jesus foretold on a time of natural disasters and “troubles” as “the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:7-8)–and the sorrows seem to have begun. Yet the Book of Revelation (16:8-11) tells of a time of even greater disturbances during “the Day of the Lord.”
The affected areas are in my prayers.
Now, ultimately of course, there is good news as ultimately, God’s kingdom will come and those issues will be gone (Revelation 7:16).
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